*Tetris Friends Tournament Discussion*

Started by Blink, September 17, 2010, 04:17:37 PM

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Henk Rogers replied again today, as well as the head of Tetris Friends about a Tetris Friends tournament for prizes.

I know some people are concerned about the platform being used, but this is a chance to bring attention to competitive Tetris, and we should take it. I told them that we are interested in helping them host the event, and also let them know that with a few tweaks to the gameplay it could be even more successful. If this event gets greenlit I hope everyone here will support it and participate, as well as help out to make this a successful one. A possible format we have is to use the ladder system, and then have the top 16 at the end of the season battle it out in double elimination for the prizes. With success, they will be more inclined to hear our future suggestions and possibly create more tournaments on more suited platforms. I'll keep you guys updated.


Are you sure they aren't bsing us again?


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--] few tweaks to the gameplay it could be even more successful[/quote]

I hope they get it right. I would participate in a tourney even with the current TF  but I hope that they plan to add a complete custom das/ar unlock, softdrop unlocks/sonic drop, and line clear delay reduction eventually.

Top games should be recorded and posted on the site so noobs can see the 'amazing people' and aspire to be just as great. Then we will have tons of pros.


Even something like weekly challenge except you get something like a tournament ticket and if you win all 3 matches you can challenge it again the week after. You can limit the amount of tickets each person gets and do a last person standing sort of thing (or do single elimination once you get down to 16 people)

It would have been cool if they just did ranked mode like they planned a year ago where people got actual ratings that didn't cap off.

BTW: thank you, Blink! Without you as a catalyst this might not have happened


I think I agree with EnFuego. Something like a Ladder seems too much work for the common person. (Actually I don't Ladder too think it's too much work  ). I don't think normal people would want to commit hours and hours to getting points. Maybe an arbitrary randomizer could work too. Also, I don't think they're going to "tweak" too much. Maybe a bit, but we should at least ask for them to issue the lag. Maybe new combo table? That itself sounds like a bit of work, but if they're willing to yeah.


maybe they should unblock japan so japanese players can play in the tournament as well


another update:

They are considering autographed Alexey Pajitnov memorabilia as prizes.  

Also - they are reconsidering the expert plus changes we mentioned before, no promises but he did say that if it was very easy to implement and didn't disturb the majority of players they would do them.  I suggested the combo garbage chart change, unblocking of Japanese, and a few other things from the EHD thread.  It won't be an EHD mode, just changes to the E+ system, which is even better because we won't have to deal with another mode.


Quote from: briannn
maybe they should unblock japan so japanese players can play in the tournament as well
EXTREMELY good point  


can they raise soft drop speed and reduce line clear delay for dis mode ;O


Quote from: Blink
another update:

They are considering autographed Alexey Pajitnov memorabilia as prizes.  

Also - they are reconsidering the expert plus changes we mentioned before, no promises but he did say that if it was very easy to implement and didn't disturb the majority of players they would do them.  I suggested the combo garbage chart change, unblocking of Japanese, and a few other things from the EHD thread.  It won't be an EHD mode, just changes to the E+ system, which is even better because we won't have to deal with another mode.

That sounds good. Just slight changes are necessary, in my opinion. WOOT! I'm down for some signed shit from AP!!!!!

And I must repeat, if there is any way to reduce the lag, that is a must as well.


So I found out that the reason Japanese users aren't allowed on Tetris Friends is because Tetris Online Japan, Inc.  They are the exclusive license for Tetris products in Japan and forced TOA to block Japanese users.  No luck there, although they will try to ask for permission to allow Japanese players to play during the tournament period.

Also, no promises but combo garbage change and ez t-spins adding 1 instead of 0 *might* come.  I don't know how big/small the chances are but these were both suggested in the EHD mode thread.


hm id prefer a more structured and organized tournament that occured like once a month or once a year as opposed to weekly tournies that had some structure like a ticket system where you only play 2-3 matches per person

*edits tf status*


I say monthly tournaments. Then epic tourney once a year for all countries.


Hooray! I'm in, even though it's TF.

Suggestion that they'll probably go for: Let everyone play with all of the unlocked settings, but only in tournament matches. This puts everyone on even ground regardless of if they've bought upgrades (which I doubt TTC would object to in a tournament), and it could inspire the people who haven't bought upgrades to do so. Win-win, and all that.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Sounds like funtimes. Definitely be keen to play. I would love for my EZ t-spins to actually send lines, I always do them even when comboing cause of old habits.
☠ massi4h