*Tetris Friends Tournament Discussion*

Started by Blink, September 17, 2010, 04:17:37 PM

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I don't play Marathon/Challenge modes, but I'll participate in this tournament if having more users helps make a better impression so there can be a wider variety of events in the future.


sounds like a really good idea, but just wondering, would this tournie be across classes, or would there be multiple brackets in each individual class, with an overall bracket as the main tournament, and the individual class brackets as a secondary tournament, cuz i know that some of my friends would be interested in playing, but theyre not yet up the the platinum class (grandmaster) status yet, so i dont think they would want to play if an overall bracket was in place... D:
what do you guys think about that? =P




I agree with moogdude6
I'm quite new to Tetris and "only" Rank 16 on TF Arena.
I'm new here on HD as well btw.
Nice to meet you everyone! (n_n)/

So anyways... dividing the tournament into classes wouldn't take the motivation of the lower rank people to actually try to win the tourney and get a prize.
On the other hand if we did this we also have to come up with a way to prevent high lvl players to derank to a lower class or even creating a new account to rip off lower rank players...there are ppl like that unfortunately...


Quote from: Nightshade
I agree with moogdude6
I'm quite new to Tetris and "only" Rank 16 on TF Arena.
I'm new here on HD as well btw.
Nice to meet you everyone! (n_n)/
So anyways... dividing the tournament into classes wouldn't take the motivation of the lower rank people to actually try to win the tourney and get a prize.
On the other hand if we did this we also have to come up with a way to prevent high lvl players to derank to a lower class or even creating a new account to rip off lower rank players...there are ppl like that unfortunately...
We aren't gonna split this into classes. This is just gonna end up being be the best of the best.


Well, nothing's for certain yet. It's possible that we might be able to do that because we want to get players involved and obviously excluding them from tournaments is going against that goal. I think the best bet for something like this to be available is if Tetris Friends had a "Tournament Button." That way the classes can sort themselves out.

I don't know what's the possibility of this but we should keep ideas open to let lower ranks have fun too. And yes, there will have to be some way of preventing falsification. Possibly taking an average time of how long their account has been active and what rank they are.


Part of me agrees, but another part of me thinks it might give lower ranks incentive to improve if they might get a shot of doing well in an official tourney - like the sub 25 challenge gives me incentive to beat 30!
               Tetris Belts!


We aren't splitting classes - higher skilled players can purposely lower their rankings in order to play a lower level tournament and win the prize.



I suppose it makes sense that less capable players will expect the most capable players to win. However it does push out alot of people who will probably think 'What's the point playing when I know I'll just get trashed by some insanely high ranking player in the next two rounds?' - perhaps we don't want these people though...

Otherwise ideally the class system would have been based of something like highest APMs. But TF doesn't have that sort of thing... xD


I played some Arena last night, and... it's not as horrible as I remember. My only real complaints were about the lag, and the abundance of noobs in Platinum. And combos being overpowered, but I don't mind that as much.

Though I do hate the Arena Challenge. It's awesome in theory (awarding rubies based purely on merit, so the best players get things for free), but since you can try as many times as you want, everyone wins eventually. (Who wants a crown? You get a crown! You get a crown! Everybody gets a crown!)
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