Hard Drop Open Tournament IV!

Started by Blink, June 23, 2010, 04:18:12 PM

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What exactly does "unless overpowered" mean? Kind of a vague statement for the official rules...

Also I would really like to see a rule option that would deny input from any keys that are held down while the key that caused a lock is still down; I think this would help with the aforementioned soft drop thing and also the same problem with shifts. I had kinda planned to install Eclipse this weekend but instead I am working. Someone else do it!


OOPS. I entered in my password wrong. This is the correct one.

Hypofreakk !jwoG3LIE.Y




Quote from: myndzi
Also I would really like to see a rule option that would deny input from any keys that are held down while the key that caused a lock is still down; I think this would help with the aforementioned soft drop thing and also the same problem with shifts. I had kinda planned to install Eclipse this weekend but instead I am working. Someone else do it!
"Can't use soft drop again until release button" is an option in the rule editor.
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>



limen !zn6obdUsOA (US) {VAF8x4Yo}


anonymous !dhIaByFeE6 (US) {7eo5v6Ok}
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How do I get that code thingy?
☠ massi4h


cubixcreature (US) {tPi9Oz2M}

Mine just appears next to my name in NullPo, in Netplay.


Quote from: cubixcreature
cubixcreature (US) {tPi9Oz2M}

Mine just appears next to my name in NullPo, in Netplay.
u gotta connect to server as cubixcreature#(insert password here) , without the brackets
that number next to your name is your IP not your hash

☠  crzy242


*xxsoboredxx !IDhmIZA.fg (US) {4DMT9eqg}



Quote from: Kitaru
"Can't use soft drop again until release button" is an option in the rule editor.

Doesn't help me for shift, though. I'm gonna give it a little time to get a better tripcode before I enter  


My mistake. I entered name#...not name#password. So my Hash is wrong.

Put me in as BentoBoxer !ozOTJW9BFA