4-Wide Guide

Started by ZeroT, May 20, 2010, 06:13:48 PM

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The biggest keys with combos in general IMO are to get them down to the point where you naturally downstack via combos...now that so many open with combos it's not as huge of a deal anyway.  So the most I think anyone can take from this is to get used to the patterns/slides you wouldn't have done in the past to continue a combo while downstacking.  It helps keep pressure on your opponent and what may have before been a 6-7 combo now with knowledge of spins/weird slides turns into a mid-game 11-12 combo and results in a win.  I know that's what I've personally taken/learned from comboing in general.  Obviously it depends on the version your playing and the garbage but quite often you can do your initial combo and then start building around incoming garbage after that if you don't get the initial KO.  A secondary 10-11 combo will almost always get the job done so I do think there's a lot of validation to comboing techniques.  I feel like most of the versions rely quite a lot on speed obviously if you look at who in general are considered to be the best they're usually sub 30 sec players. So I think when a person like s0nic comes along it really helps validate 4-wide because he's not amazingly fast but if you allow him to build up and he pulls off some brilliant 16-20 combo on you your most definitely dead.


Zero!!! I blame you for the rise of 4-widers!!!


middle stacked 4 wide is @$#@%%. seriously.
something they might wanna do is if the blocks on the side rise above 20 height or 22 height, they get cut off. so then what could be a 14-15 combo would only be abt 10-11 combo, which is manageable
☠  crzy242


Quote from: crzy242
middle stacked 4 wide is @$#@%%. seriously.
something they might wanna do is if the blocks on the side rise above 20 height or 22 height, they get cut off. so then what could be a 14-15 combo would only be abt 10-11 combo, which is manageable

I'm pretty sure nullpo already cuts off blocks. But I don't think combo is overrated once you reach really high speeds. Its only overrated when noobs play noobs and one of the noobs knows how to combo
"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" - Rachmaninoff


Quote from: bach_of_tetris
I'm pretty sure nullpo already cuts off blocks. But I don't think combo is overrated once you reach really high speeds. Its only overrated when noobs play noobs and one of the noobs knows how to combo
yeah and the noob who knows how to combo has to combo to beat the other noob
☠  crzy242


Yeah, those noobs like me hate going against combo players. For all the T-spins and b2b Tetris I send are nullified by Combo number 7 on Tetris Friends =.=

But I do have to agree with SirTetris on the whole learning how to utilise weird spins in the middle of the game. I've found that I perform a lot better when I'm downstacking via combo than building up and tetrising. In some ways, it sucks because I'd prefer to win through other means but that's life I guess. =/


Quote from: KeroKai
Yeah, those noobs like me hate going against combo players. For all the T-spins and b2b Tetris I send are nullified by Combo number 7 on Tetris Friends =.=

But I do have to agree with SirTetris on the whole learning how to utilise weird spins in the middle of the game. I've found that I perform a lot better when I'm downstacking via combo than building up and tetrising. In some ways, it sucks because I'd prefer to win through other means but that's life I guess. =/

rofl, i agree the combos on tf are a bit overpowered. i mean, why would you even stack to clear a double when you can clear 2 singles and send the same amount of lines. the same goes for a triple, 2 combo sends 2 lines in different columns. the game doesn't allow for much variety if you want to play optimally.

why don't they just set combos back one step??


Combos seem rather brainless, same thing over and over and over again... Gets repetitive,, and IMO it doesnt take as much skill as doing spins and stacking fast. They are overpowered on Tf and it makes the more skilled players have lower ranks (despite rank meaning basically nothing)... the power needs to be lowered...



im not scared of 4 wide comboers, unless their super fast
i have never played against a 4 wide comboer who could consistently kill me with it, a quick 3 wide combo can combo most of the garbage, and its more consitent.
Morpheus: What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are, know you are. Come on!


the only person imo that can bash combos is SS

everyone else should stop bitching about the power of combos because they probably cant do them.

its kinda like "tspins are overpowered because they send so many lines and i dont know how to do them"

i wonder why so many use tspins nowadays....

to those who can counter 4 wides, well done


i personally think 4 gap is a little overrated, so i do 4 wide, i like it cuz its faster and if your careful u wont early top out all that often
"Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda


I've no problem with T-spins because people that tetris well can eventually over come it. I'm sure there are many here that can perform 4-wides or 3-wides, and still feel that it's over-powered against your normal game. It doesn't help the fact that people's methods in countering seem to be consisting of either Sub 50 speeds or using their own combos.

It's like the first page suggests, it's a method of stealing a couple of wins against the elite. That pretty much sums it up.


Quote from: blazen_azn
the only person imo that can bash combos is SS

everyone else should stop bitching about the power of combos because they probably cant do them.

its kinda like "tspins are overpowered because they send so many lines and i dont know how to do them"

i wonder why so many use tspins nowadays....

to those who can counter 4 wides, well done

I think the reason people bash them is because they are easy.. even terrible players can bust out a 6-7 combo 3 wide very easily


I'm new to Tetris, Hell I just found out about Tspins about a week ago.

So im practicing this 4 wide combo thing, and I kinda just wanted to know if a pro player could consistently never have breaks in their combo. I know its going to take a while for me to get used to doing combos perfectly but im at the point where I dont know if i am just misplacing blocks or if some set ups are just utterly impossible.

If a typical 'pro' loads up nullpomino and sets it on race to like 99, would he get it the majority of the time?


Quote from: pawnzo
If a typical 'pro' loads up nullpomino and sets it on race to like 99, would he get it the majority of the time?
No but his average would be above 15

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.