Tetris Friends Missions & Badges Info

Started by Corrosive, September 22, 2009, 01:32:56 PM

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This is the very first badge, the Insomniac Cow badge. Hot damn! Right?

"The inaugural Mission is here! Designed to test your endurance in Tetris Marathon, the goal of this Mission is to complete 2000 lines within 7 days. If you're successful, you'll be awarded with the coveted Insomniac Cow Badge to recognize any sleepless nights you endured to earn it."

New Missions will be revealed each Monday, so be sure to check out the site weekly. Enjoy!

I had to clear 2000 Lines in Marathon within 7 days to earn this badge. It took me less than 12 hours to get done since I had sh** to do and couldn't sit down and do it all at once. There is no real challenge to this at all, it is just time-consuming and I rate the difficulty of it a 1 on a scale from 1 to 5. Some games I would tetris about 10 times then clear singles and doubles for about 3 minutes then suicide because I am not one to sit and play marathon for 10 minutes straight. You don't have to go through a whole marathon for the lines you cleared to count. It is all accumulated with every unfinished game you play.

The average pessimistic negative nancy or debbie downer elite player would see this mission as a slap in the face. To insinuate that we would suffer several "sleepless nights" trying to accumulate 2000 lines is an insult to our intelligence. A slap in the face. I will probably have to endure some sleepless nights this week, but more likely due to alcoholism, thoughts of my ex, or my conscience getting to me over how many noobs I killed on TF Live today. Of course only the baby noobs that TTC is so fondly appealing to right now will get a big kick out of this mission, and brag to their buddies at school about how they got the "Pajama Cow" badge (no disrespect to any self-conscious baby noobs out there.)

Will the next mission be more difficult? Find out next Monday.[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
"Put some stank on those blocks."


So far I played one game and I'm a quarter of the way there.  I don't think anyone is really thinking these badges are serious business, and I doubt any of them will be a challenge whatsoever.  Oh well, it's something to do at least.


Finished! Too easy
Hopefully the next missions will be more challenging, like combos and T-Spins and stuff

Added challenge: Do you like The Price Is Right? Complete 2000 lines WITHOUT GOING OVER the required number.


i swear that cow badge was different last time i read this.

i wonder what would happen if you had a cow avatar when you earned the cow badge. you might unlock some secret cow mode.


Quote from: jujubei wonder what would happen if you had a cow avatar when you earned the cow badge. you might unlock some secret cow mode.
There is no cow level.

I used to play two Tetris-style games on the Mac over a decade ago: Bikaka and Bricklayer. I seem to remember one of them having a mooing cow sound effect, possibly for "section up".

What would be worse is if you get a "TPD" badge for reporting an unauthorized fan game.


seriously? haha, i'd never heard of any cow level in any game.


thats a wc3 ladder cheat

whats the point of earning these badges?


whats the point of earning Xbox 360 achievements, PS3 trophies, or Super Smash Bros. Brawl trophies?

Bragging rights.



jealousy won't earn you the cow badge. only earning the cow badge will earn you the cow badge.



anyone wanna do mine for me? i am sick of marathon and miss playing live.


Quote from: spoolofyule
anyone wanna do mine for me? i am sick of marathon and miss playing live.

just play live, you have 5 days to gain the badge, whats the rush.


5 days for the badge? Increase the difficulty and do it in 90 minutes! (that should make it more fun and make you find a good strategy for speed verses single efficiency)

I hope they get badges like "be on all the daily top 100 boards at the end of the day", "Pull off a 15 combo", and a secret badge for doing a secret grade


Quote from: EnFuego
5 days for the badge? Increase the difficulty and do it in 90 minutes! (that should make it more fun and make you find a good strategy for speed verses single efficiency)
I hope they get badges like "be on all the daily top 100 boards at the end of the day", "Pull off a 15 combo", and a secret badge for doing a secret grade

Me wants secret grade on TF, along with Master and Shirase!