Facebook Tetris Battle Arena Beta Code

Started by Blink, September 02, 2011, 05:42:36 PM

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Quote from: Jupiter_Joe
Tuning has had an expansion, I first noticed this yesterday. They've added 2 more steps to soft drop, line clear delay and left/right speed. Left/right speed is the cheapest- 10k for the new level in coins only, or, in tetris cash it's 30 for the new level (the same as the others). For soft drop and line clear delay it's 15k in coins or 30 tetris cash. The Ultimate level is 40 cash or 20K in coins.

Cash does not work like rubies over on TF, each level is unlocked separately.

Say whaat! - and I payed max priced cash yesterday for a stupid line clear speed thingie, me want "left/right speed" now!


you have to pay to win.
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I just unlocked the last 2 DAS/LCD/SDS levels right now.

What I've noticed:

All the upgrades from 5 to 7 are pretty small considering the amount of Tetris Cash needed for them (30 Tetris Cash for a level 6 upgrade, 40 Tetris Cash for a level 7)

The DAS 7 feels like 5 on TF now.
The line clear delay at 7 is close to zero, feels like half of TFs.
Soft Drop speed feels identical to TF's on Expert PLUS mode.
The game itself feels smoother and I'm experiencing less dropped inputs compared to TF.

Anyways, glad they decided to atleast make it a little bit faster.  I'll be hopping on the Arena mode in the future when it's out of beta.  Hopefully we can tap into some of the 6+ million monthly users on there.  I know SirJevius has built up a pretty large following from the Chinese members.

Quote from: Wojtek
you have to pay to win.

True.  Doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon though.  We've already seen DAS unlocks in Hangame, TOJ, TF, and now TB.  

To anyone who needs some Tetris cash and qualifies for it: the netflix deal is still as easy as it was last year.  Sign up for the trial with a credit card, then cancel directly on the website's account options.  http://www.ehow.com/how_5019103_cancel-net...bscription.html


My biggest concern is the "Energy" issues. I have built up dozens of tetrimino sets for 24 hour energy, and lots of the cans of energy drink, but most folks I'd like to play against won't have stock piles. I did something similar on TF thinking they might go to more ad interruption on multiplayer, but that hasn't been the case. In either event, I do wonder about supporting TB as it will likely bring about the end of TF.

Unlike Blink, my experience has involved more dropped inputs on TB than TF, and the ad loading from FB messes me up on top of the lag spikes from poor synchronization.


I'm with you, the Energy thing is unnecessary and poorly planned out.  It makes the game feel like a "trial version".

Ah, maybe the ads on TB affect performance more than the ads on TF?  I have an adblock so I don't see either one.  You should check if you still have more dropped inputs on TB than TF after installing one.


If you are using adblock on TF don't forget to check Fanboy's List on the filters tab under options. Otherwise it can freeze you while it's trying to make you watch a video ad.
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


New ranks have been added (on friday the 25th?) to 2P, 6P and 4P (Sprint). No idea how high up it goes yet.


Quote from: Jupiter_Joe
New ranks have been added (on friday the 25th?) to 2P, 6P and 4P (Sprint). No idea how high up it goes yet.

It goes up to rank 100


Quote from: jonasi
It goes up to rank 100

There is an increased XP benefit. Every ten ranks there's an extra 2 XP per game.

60 - 69...14 xp per game
70 - 79...16 xp per game
80 - 89...18 xp per game?
90 - 99...20 xp per game?
100........22 xp per game?



Quote from: Swynford
99+5star(God of tetris) 25ex per game

welciome to harddrop.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


from:  http://www.facebook.com/tetrisbattle?sk=ap...-4b8045146f82:0

"Attention Tetris Battle Arena Players!

A new ranking system has been released in Tetris Battle Arena (beta)! With this new launched ranking system, all previous ranks will be reset. If you haven't already done so, get in the game now!"

dated 12/08/2011

Can't yet tell if it's 50 or 100 levels. It appears XP increases by 1 every 5 levels once you get to 5 XP per game. When starting at rank 1, the game will currently give the first 15 levels in immediate advancement for a competent game. Leveling is brisk for the first 25 levels or so, with 1st place granting 3 stars for most games.


I think it is 50, have a friend at that rank and a few at 48 but noone over 50.

It is kinda dull for the first games so I only did play a few now. No other changes made what I can see.


If anyone wants to add me on facebook for tetris battle, I'm at http://www.facebook.com/socket2mey. Actually, that is where I am even if nobody wants to add me.