The end of the tetris puzzle

Started by SpawN, August 04, 2009, 12:11:43 PM

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Quote from: jujube
and explain why someone would want to keep reading your post after that point?
Someone would want to keep reading KevinDDR's post after that point because they value and respect the opinions of others, regardless of whether or not they agree with them.

I feel I must support KevinDDR in his statement. For a player to lose because they are receiving a mixture of Z and S tetraminoes whilst their opponent are receiving a good sequence, it says nothing about their ability to play the game, don't you think?


yep, please respect eachother no matter the opinions or how a person expresses it.  nobody's opinion weighs more than anothers.  that being said, i think possibly your perception of blockbox will change once you start playing some VS in it spawn, i hope so anyway.


Quote from: Fantaisie
Someone would want to keep reading KevinDDR's post after that point because they value and respect the opinions of others, regardless of whether or not they agree with them.
all i'm saying is you can disagree with someone without calling their idea retarded. i would call that a big lack of respect for Spawn and his opinions. why would somebody continue to contribute to a community when they're talked to like that? well i hope he does anyway, even though i don't agree with his idea in this thread. he seems to have a lot of knowledge and experience, and that's good for the forum.

and freedom of speech is a 2 way street. don't be brash and demeaning if you can't take a little criticism for it.




A memoryless randomizer is only fair in multiplayer when both players get the same sequence.

When the ydon't, you are just asking for trouble.


Quote from: oliv
The difference is that im not saying that Tetron is easier than any other game. You on the other side are undermining the difficulty of blockbox.
I've already tried tetron and i have played tetrinet and cultris, so I know what no hold and 1 piece preview means.

I'm sorry but the characteristics of the two tetris games you've descriibed to illustrate your theory that tetris is becoming more and more easy look alot like tetron and blockbox...

You say the best game is the game that gives the most pleasure to the player... and you say that blockbox is easy. Do you expect us to be happy with the fact  that you consider us stupid enough to be enjoying a game that is "easy" and does not require any thinking ?

I`m not saying you are stupid. I`m saying that the perception towards tetris has changed. Now, the game is a lot more dynamic than was before, but some of its difficulty has been decreased. You like the way tetris is today. I don't. However, i`m not saying there should be no tetris games with many pieces preview or holds. The more variety there is, the better. I'm only saying that the tetris evolution should go in both directions. I think it would be great if an option is added on Blockbox where the creater of the room can disable the piece preview function so the players can play without a piece preview. I think this is really interesting, but I guess most of you will say this will break the game and etc.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Now, the game is a lot more dynamic than was before, but some of its difficulty has been decreased.[/quote]I think the difficulty in Multiplayer always depends on your enemy's skill, since everyone has the same settings (except DAS and rotation system). Surely it's easier to stack with piece preview and bag-randomizer but that doesn't mean it's easier to beat your opponent.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I think it would be great if an option is added on Blockbox where the creater of the room can disable the piece preview function so the players can play without a piece preview.[/quote]The option is already there. You can create a custom game without piece preview.


Quote from: tetrominophile
I think the difficulty in Multiplayer always depends on your enemy's skill, since everyone has the same settings (except DAS and rotation system). Surely it's easier to stack with piece preview and bag-randomizer but that doesn't mean it's easier to beat your opponent.

The option is already there. You can create a custom game without piece preview.

Hmm, I didn't know that. Well thats great then. Is there an option to disable hold too?
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein


Quote from: SpawN
Hmm, I didn't know that. Well thats great then. Is there an option to disable hold too?

Yes there is an option to disable hold too.


Quote from: jujube
and explain why someone would want to keep reading your post after that point?

It's okay, I don't even want to read my own posts usually. My thoughts are just thrown out there much like the vomit out of a hobo's mouth after a hard night's drinking. However, I'm not sure that post you wrote right there has much more merit to be read. I'm not sure anything has merit to be read! Why should we read posts? Let's not post. Post away! Don't post! Indecision.

I don't see how anyone can disagree with two different seeded truly random piece sequences in multiplayer being unfair. Players have to deal with different situations. It's just not fair.