The end of the tetris puzzle

Started by SpawN, August 04, 2009, 12:11:43 PM

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Again, I definitely don't agree that Tetris requires less strategy now or that speed is more valued than strategy. No matter whether you have those things that make the game "easier" or take them away, you have a game where strategy is valued and that the person whose execution is the best will win. You can't have just speed or just strategy/efficiency; you have to have both to win. If one just plays quickly and slam down tetrises, they're missing an important element of the strategy. It might work against some, but the players that truly excel at downstacking will make quick work of the player that favors raw speed.
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Quote from: SpawN
I`m gonna put it another way. TetriNet players used a lot more reasoning during a game, than are Blockbox and Cultris players using today. I don't even want to mention the TetrisDS I-shaped garbage. That aint even Tetris...

I have seen a lot of BB games, including one's of the top players. I have to say that no BB game has impressed due to the reasons stated above.

The best tetris player I have played against is Spindizzy.This person has impressed me the most. When I played with him 3-4 years ago, I was faster than him. Not that much, but it was still significant part. What had stuck in my mind is the feeling of desperation. I was playing decently, adding tetrises and downstacking, but he was only playing with double lines. I was faster than him, and I was adding him more lines, but he was still managing to downstack(btw the game is Tetron) incredibly easy. Sometimes the garbage on a row can be up to 4 holes. Its very hard to downstack so easy, but he was doing it and all I remember is how desperate I felt during those games. Too bad I don't have the replays. TetriNet was also a game rewarding creativity.

So, I`m trying to say that such type of play cannot be seen anymore in the most popular games.
The newer tetris games are definately easier than the older ones.This is what I don't like.

There are bad players from everywhere: tetrinet, cultris, blockles, blockbox, tetron, tetris DS. Tetrinet does produce very good players (blink and Trance for example), but so would any game given enough time and a large enough player base.

Players on blockbox come from all tetris backgrounds. Lots of people here crave speed. We have maserati pulling off 200s+ consistently. If anyone saw him play that fast, they would think his placements are off and that he is reckless or not 'creative', but who's to say if he played at a slower speed ~120tpm, that he can't perform as well if not better than Spindizzy? Speed and smarts: you can't have the maximum of both because increasing one slows the other.

Creative styles of play CAN be seen on blockbox. Whether you see it or not is up to the player and the style they choose. No single style is forced upon anyone, so it isn't reasonable to expect everyone to play to any sort of standards.

If you really believe in a certain way of playing, you should come and demonstrate it to everyone. Everyone on blockbox knows that speed is the most important, but we still appreciate smart and efficient play.


i agree with Kitaru that memory 4 is the best randomizer. 20G wouldn't really be playable with memoryless (Sega tetris has memoryless but does not reach 20G) unless the kicks and lock delay were very forgiving.

and if there's even an argument that memory 4 is too easy for multiplayer, that says to me it's just fine. you need to get a fairly even distribution of pieces if you're going to stack up for tetrises, or you'll just lose to people who play for doubles and triples. this would be especially true if you took hold away. not only couldn't you count on getting I pieces, you could count even less on getting them within a reasonable timeframe when your stack is high enough to tetris. then you're in some trouble, when all you tried to do was give yourself a chance to send a bunch of garbage and pressure the other players.

if memoryless is going to work in multiplayer, you'll need to have a wider field so you're not overstacking so much.


Well, speed is in your mind, not in your fingers. Tetris, however is beginning to depend much more on the fingers. This for me is pure fact.

Good night everyone.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein


like a sport? i don't really get it, but goodnight




Quote from: SpawN
Well, speed is in your mind, not in your fingers. Tetris, however is beginning to depend much more on the fingers. This for me is pure fact.

Good night everyone.
If you were talking about some official game like Tetris Online Japan or Tetris Friends with slow piece movement speed, I'd acknowledge this; rapid tapping is very important in these games. However, Blockbox is not one of these slow games and the physical execution required in it is negligible.
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[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Everyone on blockbox knows that speed is the most important, but we still appreciate smart and efficient play.[/quote]

I don't think speed is the most important thing.
Many people have proven to me that it's not
It's all about the love


i agree with your conclusion but not your reasoning.  i think the additions to tetris have made it a much more enjoyable game.  when i try to play a version like the old game boy or n-blox it drives me absolutely crazy.  the things that I have the big problem with are the various scoring methods, esp. in tetris friends (the only online version i can really play).  For example, in TF marathon, a "perfect" game of 100% chained tetrises will only net you just under 700k points.  IMO, that is far harder to do at the higher levels than chaining combo 1's, yet that is the only way to break into those higher scores.  etc, etc, etc.  there are many things i like about the different versions of tetris and tetris ripoffs (like Burning Monkey Puzzle Lab) yet i have never found one game that incorporates them all.
I eat babies.  Yum.


Quote from: Algrokosthe things that I have the big problem with are the various scoring methods, esp. in tetris friends (the only online version i can really play).  For example, in TF marathon, a "perfect" game of 100% chained tetrises will only net you just under 700k points.  IMO, that is far harder to do at the higher levels than chaining combo 1's, yet that is the only way to break into those higher scores.  etc, etc, etc.
Marathon's scoring was poorly thought out. If you want something with sensible scoring, play Survival or Acorn Drop. Survival is a 200 line Marathon followed by an endless invisible section, and Acorn Drop is a 150 line Marathon. Tetris Online can't really do anything about the scoring in Marathon "proper" on account of the guideline, but there are modes on Tetris Friends that do things right.
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they got rid of acorn drop though  well, it was just a promotion for Ice Age so that was gonna happen sooner or later.


Quote from: jujube
they got rid of acorn drop though  well, it was just a promotion for Ice Age so that was gonna happen sooner or later.
Ah, true. Goodbye sensible scoring. :/

There is Survival, but I'm afraid that the invisible is too easy to merit being endless. I don't think it'll be a major problem for a long time, but things take a long time to play if you're going for a top score as it is. It is much more interesting than playing low gravity endless with no score cap, though. With the score cap you can play for efficiency. Without it, you're playing to show off how much free time you have, haha.
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Quote from: clincherUnless you're still talking about multiplayer tetris this is false, in games like Lockjaw you can decide how many previews you have including 0.
All Tetris is multiplayer in a sense, even score competitions.

Quote from: olivA puzzle game would be a tactical version of tetris where u have to place blocks turn by turn.
Something like Tetris meets Connect Four?

SpawN: If you want a puzzle, try Bastet.


Quote from: tepples
All Tetris is multiplayer in a sense, even score competitions.
Something like Tetris meets Connect Four?

SpawN: If you want a puzzle, try Bastet.

Soukoban is a great puzzle game.

it is interesting though, some of you think that they are so much into tetris that they can claim the game is not a puzzle-as it was originally created as such.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein


how about secret form puzzle

hope kitaru doesn't mind me posting this