Posting Guidelines

Started by caffeine, October 08, 2013, 11:37:38 AM

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Welcome to Hard Drop! Glad you to see you could make it. We want everyone to have a good experience. That's why we expect our members to recognize the following guidelines.

Be excellent to each other.
    Most of us would like a community where we are treated with respect. By being here, you are part of our little Tetris community (and we wouldn't have it any other way!). Each one of us has the opportunity to make this a great place to talk Tetris.[/li]
If you make your post easier to read, users will more likely read it!
Bolding, underlining, coloring, etc. make your posts easier on the eyes.[/li][/list]
    Many of us have short attention spans! Please use run-on sentences and long paragraphs sparingly.[/li]
Make lines, not war.
    Ask yourself, "would I say this to someone face to face"? If it's rude or disrespectful in real life, then posting it on Hard Drop might put people off and give them the wrong idea about you.[/li]
    For more specifics, check out
the forum Terms of Service.[/li][/list]
    We understand that sometimes emotions may get heated. If that's the case, we recommend continuing your discussion through PMs.[/li]
Off-content posts
    Please respect the discussion at hand. If your post might throw it off course, consider either making a new topic, PMing, or using the shoutbox.[/li]
    (verb) : to post something in order to make the thread more visible again. Please avoid it unless you have something new and significant to add to the discussion.[/li][/list]Don't feed the flamebait!
      Chances are that someone with an outrageous/infuriating opinion would love nothing more than to receive your attention. The best way to diffuse the flame is by not replying and watching the thread fade slowly into the sunset.[/li]
    Frequently Asked Questions:
      Q: I don't know what all this weird Tetris jargon means.
      A: Check out
    the glossary of Tetris terms.

    Q: I want to improve and/or learn more about Tetris.
    A: The wiki is a great place to start. Paul676's "Useful topics and threads" thread is also a very helpful reference.

    Q: How do I make links, bold text, etc.?
    A: Consult the BB Code Guide.

    Q: I have a quick question not worth making a topic about.
    A: Swing by The "Help me!" thread.[/li][/list]And finally, some words of wisdom:
    Quote from: ProfaneMaybe at times we are too critical of people's learning curves.   The one thing I see a lot is discrediting someone's achievements because of how long it's taken them to achieve.   Example: subbing 60 seconds for most of us seems like not a big deal but it's a pretty big milestone for a beginning player and likely was at some point a big deal to you.   You're not born knowing how to T-Spin, so we should share in someone's personal joy or refrain from commenting.