HD Team League Season 2

Started by myndzi, April 25, 2011, 10:27:07 PM

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So with the second season coming to a conclusion, I will leave my opinions. The following are things that I would like improved:

1. Balance system for skill of a team. I'm sure that a lot of the weaker teams are discouraged because many of the teams have too high of a skill level. Even between the strong teams, there is a large margin of strength difference between them.
2. The tourney and information needs to be clear enough for an elementary school student. Some sort of an automated system works great it would seem.
3. The mechanics of the NullpoMino games should reflect the type intended to be imitated nearly perfectly. We'll have to wait for latter versions of the game though but these will become perfected eventually.
4. Some of the game types need some work with the fundamentals. For example, Type B is flawed in the sense that because of the clean garbage, one can just play it as if it were Type A. Also, Type G (ARS) should be reconsidered because only maybe 6 people in the whole league this season are familiar with it.

Overall, I feel like the imbalance of powers among the teams discouraged a large portion of the participants. And because of this, playing games was more of a hassle than something fun. My team and I stuck through with it the whole way, but I would say that I'm unsure if I would sign up for another league like this anytime soon. Everything needs simplification and a better flow if it wants to appeal to a larger group of people.

The KoS tourney might work well if it was advertised a bit and if the games could create charts on their own and save the replays. This would save you a lot of time and having to dedicate yourself to such long and unusual hours on your time off. Regardless, thanks for the work and effort with these last two leagues, Myndzi. There's nothing really going on in the Tetris world and although this wasn't perfect, it's cool that we're still trying to play.

GG's, Element. Thanks for the games, everyone.

~ Chopin
and The Legion of Doom


I had a whole long post here but I realized that what I think doesn't really matter. The forums don't let me post multi-select polls, so I posted a couple Questions on Facebook. You can find me at http://facebook.com/evitable - hopefully once a few people check some answers it will spread around through the Tetris folks.


I feel there needs to be more incentive for players.....
If I know goofer Mippo, Paul and Rosti can make it then there is no incentive for the rest of my team to show up!

I can't think how everyone can be included... but If i think of anything I'll let you know :>


Quote from: Ravendarksky
I feel there needs to be more incentive for players.....
If I know goofer Mippo, Paul and Rosti can make it then there is no incentive for the rest of my team to show up!

I can't think how everyone can be included... but If i think of anything I'll let you know :>

That seems to be your own team problem...

I know that for my team, if I ask them to show up and they're free they will.

Quote from: Chopin

Overall, I feel like the imbalance of powers among the teams discouraged a large portion of the participants. And because of this, playing games was more of a hassle than something fun. My team and I stuck through with it the whole way, but I would say that I'm unsure if I would sign up for another league like this anytime soon. Everything needs simplification and a better flow if it wants to appeal to a larger group of people.

I do agree that there needs to be a balance in teams - but how are you going to go about with this? How do we measure a player's level of "skill" when HDTL is a compilation of different modes?

and how could your team be discouraged? I thought your team had a really good chance against Element - you had plenty of good players on it. Maybe the one thing your team lacked was the closeness that other teams had because it seems like LoD is made up of random players.

One thing I would like to point out that was a huge problem was scheduling with other teams. Scheduling was really stressful because many teams didn't reply back till hours before the match. And excuses like "I was sick" really did not fly by with me.

If there is to be a season 3.. I'm hoping for more team play like 2v2 or 3v3. When I think of a Team League I think of team matches not 1v1 matches.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I think most of us don't take the league seriously enough. We use the reason of "having lives outside of tetris" too much for it to work out.

Contrary to common belief I have a life outside tetris too... and I'm able to make it to like 99% of the games. It's the commitment you make to your own team and the league itself. Safe to say personally I'm kinda done with this...

The philosophy should be, if you're going to join something, put your full commitment to it... otherwise don't join. Captains should be responsible in scheduling with their members and the other team captain... and myndzi's job should literally be to show up at the assigned times and not have to continuously hassle us.

Oh, and also, another thing that probably made this league not do as well, is the LACK OF RESPONSIBILITY from teams. Not to point fingers, but i mean, if you don't wanna play the match, or you aren't going to show up... or you're too busy, then SAY SO. because you're making the other team of (3 or more players) wait for your response and that isn't fair to your own players as well as the opposing team.

People, we play for our team. Whether we play or not, if we can make it,, we should make it... we should WANT to make the game not because we WILL be playing... the incentive to show up is to support your team and to be the needed extra incase something does come up for others....

All the blame of whatever "failures" we find in the team league is pretty much on ourselves individually. If we collectively gave a crap about it, it would work out. Half of us did, half of us didn't. Some people just drop out, some people aren't committed... so there you have it... with that kind of ingredients it's bound for disaster.


^^ Basically this is how I currently feel. HDTL 3 is like to be on indeterminate hiatus. I will want about 40 dedicated players to run another one and that's a lot. (6 teams of 6 is skimping on players, but if they're the right ones it will work...)

One change that is almost certain is that I will have to eliminate scheduling altogether and use some system that allows me to somewhat reasonably declare match times up front. I have a good idea for how I can do that. I don't think it's enough to have a successful third season though.

Stephanie, I know I've gone over and over the problems with 2v2 and HDTL. Team competition to me means that you are dependent upon your teammates to succeed and they depend upon you. Playing at the same time as them is supplemental. That said, I'm working on that Team Cancel tournament now. If people can put up with rule lock, I can make it happen - and you can have 2v2 team matches to your heart's content. Of course, since it's 2v2 we have to split up teams to participate separately or have very few doubles participating, so... tell me which is more teamlike?

Anyway, I want to see how it goes, so it's likely to happen. Just waiting on a little help from Larry to get my .zip bundle back, heh.

P.S. Please encourage your team members and people who participated to fill out the Facebook poll - it will help me determine which areas to focus on or fix and that will give me a good idea of when HDTL 3 might be viable



This needs to happen again  

EDIT: As well as team cancel. Myndzi the beta was fun as hell even with the bugs, where's it at in dev?
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I appreciate the support, we'll see how the team 3x3 goes in terms of commitment and I'll think about it