HD Team League Season 2

Started by myndzi, April 25, 2011, 10:27:07 PM

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As above: I thought they were the default rules in 7.5. Somehow the old kicks are what are used in the included rule files instead, which wasn't supposed to be the case. Sorry for the confusion.

A clarification, too: Type G is not a combo mode. This change was made with the start of regular season. It is just tetrises (triples, doubles) and 30% change per-line garbage.


How does that send 0 lines? Nullpo Allspin rules should be like KoS.. if it locks and clear all the cells, it is not EZ. And last time I checked, Mini spins send lines too, but only Mini doubles and Mini Triples.


Ravendarksky has graciously volunteered hosting for a forum for HDTL organization. It is located here:


Please register an account and subscribe to the "HDTL Season 2" thread under Scheduling to be e-mailed when new matches are announced.

I will be posting individual threads for each scheduled match dedicated to that match, so captains/owners may subscribe to their match threads and be notified when new posts are made. There should be no reason not to perform all scheduling via the threads now, which will hopefully make things clearer for everyone.

All HDTL teams also have their own private subforums for discussion, coordination, etc. Please send Ravendarksky a PM to be added to your team's forums.


mydnzi can you please add Froobaloops & Amnesia_tc to the STARS roster
thanks ~
and Profane will no longer be scheduling matches for HDTL

We do not forgive. We do not forget.



Due to the lack of interest and dedication that other teams have shown for this league, I'm sorry to say that I'm no longer going to have STARS enrolled for your league.

Maybe next season if more people are interested, dedicated and responsible to put forth time to schedule with one another at a reasonable rate STARS will come back. But currently I'm really fed up with scheduling with captains/owners who take forever to get back to me... because they "have social lives."

Good luck with your tournament!

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef

Due to the lack of interest and dedication that other teams have shown for this league, I'm sorry to say that I'm no longer going to have STARS enrolled for your league.

Maybe next season if more people are interested, dedicated and responsible to put forth time to schedule with one another at a reasonable rate STARS will come back. But currently I'm really fed up with scheduling with captains/owners who take forever to get back to me... because they "have social lives."

Good luck with your tournament!

You seriously do this after we schedule our match? You told me you would get back to you later tonight TWICE and didn't get back to me a day later. We could have scheduled our match 3 days earlier if you managed to tell me what timezone you wanted our match schedule in


i'm not referring to you, Enfuego, don't get defensive.
unless you think you did do something wrong

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef
i'm not referring to you, Enfuego, don't get defensive.
unless you think you did do something wrong

No I am just mad that you did this AFTER I spent time scheduling the match. STARS should still show up sunday. Unless they are afraid of mystery...


HAHAHAHA good one.

may i remind you that YOUR team messed up scheduling last week and thats why we had to reschedule

plus you barely did any scheduling  
i suggested a time and you said ok.

was that hard?

but honestly, i'm tired of dealing with other teams who do not get back to me in a good amount of time.  and plus we've had to reschedule.. twice now? with LOD and Mystery.

No bueno. End of convo.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


As I recall, we were there and ready to play. One of your team members decided to leave when I said I made a mistake and we might not have enough people. Regardless, our team had more members on even though I told them the wrong day then your team who knew they had a scheduled match.

Anyways, I needed to get the last word and I am done arguing now. Nothing personal, it is just that scheduling does take work and every captain is to blame.


for the record,

Team Element is still dedicated to the league.
And even tho we have not scheduled with STARS this season...
Overall, I think our team has been on time with scheduling each week and actually have everything done before the "deadline" that myndzi sets.

However to add on to what steph said in the shoutbox, I would agree that keeping scheduling on hard drop is much more convenient for everyone because no body wants to spend the time on a SEPARATE form just to schedule and we already had troubles on HD... changing it mid season kinda made it rough for most of the teams because that is how captains would contact each other, and their team mates.

I realized it's not really any one's fault per se, just a lot of bad things happened with HD being down.
But personally, I believe if the captains themselves (and their team) cared about the league then it wouldnt be too big of a problem.

Maybe for next season, if it happens .... you should maybe do a "check" to see who would actually want to play and be committed to play.

anyway, not that this comment helped a lot but thought i'd just randomly put in my two cents !



I've been sick and didn't get your message until Thursday. I've (within 24 hours) spoken to my team and gotten back to you with a time. That's the best I can do. I can't get your messages in the middle of my night.. sorry!

We've managed to schedule all our matches. (Except with earth who didn't reply)


First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for their participation regardless of the level of it. I know better than any of the captains perhaps that trying to organize this many people to get together in one place is difficult.

There've been two separate problems competing for dominance here. The biggest one is dedication. About half of the teams that signed up appear to have made a good effort to schedule, it just seems like the half that does it are different every week and they never seem to meet up. On top of that, the players on the teams haven't taken things seriously enough and that in turn makes it hard on their captains, their opponents, and pretty much everyone else.

Because of that, the policies I decided on failed horribly. I had too much hope for what this could be and failed to implement a system that would allow for what it might become. I put forth strict rules which I couldn't enforce because of the rampant disregard for them, and in the interests of participation and good matches, I opted for a self-managed scheduling system like last season with the hope that after one pass, people would have a better idea of what was involved and how to behave.

I do see that there are teams and players who are dedicated enough to make this work, but there aren't enough of them.

The other problem is that I simply didn't have the time I thought I would have because of various factors going on in my life right now. This is not likely to improve within a few months. I feel that I could have done a better job of prompting the various captains (though I shouldn't really have needed to), and if I had done so it would have helped out. In addition, I haven't been as prompt and thorough with almost every aspect of this season as I was last season, and for that I am sorry for the various confusions, rematches, judgement calls, and whatever else.

For these reasons, I have serious doubts about attempting another season anytime soon, if ever. If I do, it will be on a rigid schedule where I decide the times and you show up or fail. I'm afraid that if I do that, there won't be enough participation to have a really good season, however. I do have some other ideas I would like to try to promote teams in other ways, but I may not get a chance to execute them anytime soon.

Bee: I have made every effort to inform the participants of the SUBSCRIBE TO THREAD feature available for being notified in your e-mail when someone posts in a relevant thread. Such as the match announcement thread. Or your scheduling thread. If direct e-mails aren't enough, I don't know what will be. Perhaps I should have switched back to Hard Drop when it came up, but the truth is that scheduling threads were what I wanted from the start for numerous reasons, and the scheduling problems we've had didn't seem to be any worse than before. Balanced with the fuss of moving back, and there only being a couple rounds left, I didn't think it would be a good idea. In any event, it is certain that self-scheduled matches won't work, and so they are out for the foreseeable future, making this pretty much a moot point to discuss.


upto you,
it is your league.

However I just stated it because I certainly see most if not ALL the captains online at least once a day on HD, whereas if I log onto the other thread it's pretty much always empty.

so really, whatever you feel works.


HDTL 2 managed to end in grand style with an epic 2 hour match between Element and Legion of Doom. Legion of Doom took it to 6 sets, but in the end Element triumphed with a score of 4-2.

If you missed the match, you can watch it on the Harddrop Ustream channel.

Thank you everyone for participating!