
Started by michelle_o5, July 10, 2009, 11:08:46 PM

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Gilligan's Island's islanders.

Good tries. =]


lol caffeine that was awesome.
☠ massi4h


Quote from: caffeine
Gilligan's Island's islanders.

Good tries. =]
You, sir, have won the riddle thread.

I await the other 4 riddles.



lol caffeine those riddles were epic win. i kept tihnking it was tetrominos :/

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


lol this was the perfect place for caffeine's riddle. "7"? "Hawaii"? how could it not have something to do with tetris.

Quote from: XaeL
i probalby have the wrong idea, but i remember something about using thirds rather than binary splitting
for example/
if you have 3 coins
1 vs 2
1 vs 3
then you'll know which one is lighter/heavier
yeah exactly, so you have to narrow it down from 24 to 3 possibilities after 2 weighings (possible for any one of the twelve coins to be too heavy or too light).

so basically you start with 4 on each side of the scale. if the sides have even weight, remove 2 coins from one side and 1 from the other, and replace them with coins that haven't been weighed yet.

if the two sides are uneven after the initial weighing, remove 3 coins from each side. 2 of the coins removed from the left go to the right, and 1 of the coins removed from the right goes to the left. add previously unweighed coins to each side until you have 4 on each side again.

after the 2nd weighing, you'll have it narrowed down to 3 or possibly 2 coins. say you have two coins that could be overweight and one that could be underweight, put each of the possibly overweight coins on opposite sides of the scale, and the possibly underweight coin off the scale. you'll know the answer when one side of the scale is heavier than the other, or if they're even (meaning the unweighed coin was too light).

i took some notes when i figured out the solution, but i don't have them with me. i hope i recalled them accurately  


10 apples are placed in front of me.

I take 2 of them. Each remaining apple is cut in half, and one remaining piece of apple is removed. Then I cut each piece in half again, and remove a piece. If this entire process is repeated 4 more times, how many apples will I have?


Quote from: SecretSalamander
10 apples are placed in front of me.

I take 2 of them. Each remaining apple is cut in half, and one remaining piece of apple is removed. Then I cut each piece in half again, and remove a piece. If this entire process is repeated 4 more times, how many apples will I have?
2, that was way too easy, got it on first read!
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's




10, since it's repeated 4 more times.


You win!

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://c0382052.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/em6ov2_l.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://c0382052.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/em6ov2_l.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Figure this one out!

(Yeah I'mlookin at Roy Buchanan videos right now so)
