Tetris Friends Online - First Impressions?

Started by GOOBZILLA, August 27, 2009, 02:48:47 AM

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yeah TOJ has "hurry up" garbage in 6p but not in 1v1. i think someone who gets knocked out first or second in 6p is more likely to stay in the room if they know the game will only last a couple minutes. without the solid garbage at the end, games could take a really long time. of course in TOJ this is partly due to the fact that you can play defensively with combos and stay in the game, while doing the same thing in TF live isn't as effective.


They stopped allowing users to sign up for the closed beta today, so hopefully everyone who wanted one got theirs already.


Ah, sucks for those looking to make the switch from blockles to TF.. I wonder why they would close it today when they closed blockles on the same day.  If I were them I would have left it open for at least a little while longer :s  But then again its only beta so w/e hopefully the real version will be out soon.



My two cents:
1. It lags like my a** on a hot day
2. the items are horrible
3. the system of line +plus item sending is worse

Other than that, it has real potential...


Auto-censor scares me to death


You're right about that. Yesterday I typed in "Two plus Two is four" and it came out "t** plus tw* is f***" then WARNING: ABUSIVE LANGUAGE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED or something like that... now i don't chat at all.
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music: http://www.myspace.com/bettergangway


Quote from: hurtchow
Yesterday I typed in "Two plus Two is four" and it came out "t** plus tw* is f***"

Big Brother was watching you can't say that