Tetris Friends Online - First Impressions?

Started by GOOBZILLA, August 27, 2009, 02:48:47 AM

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Oh and someone has to do something about the chatbox spamming problem a lot of people like to spam, I don't understand why but it gets annoying
It's all about the love


so .. slow
delay after line clear
soft drop doenst even seem worth it


Quote from: Blink
That's what I thought too, but the slow line clear delay and lack of garbage blocking makes it alot harder to combo down than TOJ.

I think there actually is garbage blocking, you just have a lot shorter window in which to pull it off.  It has to be during the animation.  Once that spinning block thing gets to you, you've got the garbage and there's nothing you can do about it, but while it's on the way over you can block it with an attack of your own. At least this seems to be what I've noticed.


Quote from: Caithness
I think there actually is garbage blocking, you just have a lot shorter window in which to pull it off.  It has to be during the animation.  Once that spinning block thing gets to you, you've got the garbage and there's nothing you can do about it, but while it's on the way over you can block it with an attack of your own. At least this seems to be what I've noticed.

I'm pretty sure that's not the case.   It's more like the opposite - you can only counter garbage once the animation has reached you and the lines are queued up - if you try to counter lines before the animation reaches you you'll be sending lines out and then taking the garbage once the animation comes.  That's why if you want to counter someone else's combo with a combo of your own you have to match the opponents incoming combo garbage step by step, for example:  He sends a combo 3 to you, you wait till the garbage lines are queued up and do your own combo 3  to cancel it out, and then wait for his combo 4 to arrive before doing your combo 4 to cancel it out and etc.  If this is wrong please let me know.


Quote from: Blink
I'm pretty sure that's not the case.   It's more like the opposite - you can only counter garbage once the animation has reached you and the lines are queued up - if you try to counter lines before the animation reaches you you'll be sending lines out and then taking the garbage once the animation comes.  That's why it's possible to counter combos only by matching the opponents incoming combo garbage step by step, for example:  He sends a combo 3 to you, you wait till the garbage lines are queued up and do your own combo 3 to cancel it out, and then wait for his combo 4 to arrive before doing your combo 4 to cancel it out and etc.  If this is wrong please let me know.
Yes, but from what I have experienced you can't counter a combo with a combo you only have one opportunity to counter it and its with the active piece once that piece clears something you get the remaining garbage from the combo
If this is wrong please let me know, I'm almost sure it's right though
It's all about the love


yep we're pretty much saying the same thing clincher.  That's what I meant by you have to match their combo step by step (piece by piece i should have said).  If you want to counter a combo with your own combo, you counter their combo 3 with your combo 3 piece, their combo 4 with your combo 4 piece, their combo 5 with your combo 5 piece.  This is probably very unlikely and hard to do if someone is comboing really fast, you wont have time to react and time your counters and likely will have to take garbage - but it can be done against a slow player.  Here lets go test it right now.


Oh I see what you mean then yes we are both right!
It's all about the love




BTW, does anyone else find those animations moving across your field supremely annoying?


What I like about the game is the initial stack the players get and are forced to deal it. At least I played on such a mode. I don't like the targeting. This can become in a way a team play. Basically it is reducing the gap between the good and bad players, but whats the point of there are no favourites?

Overall, for me the game is just another tetris clone that is getting far away from my idea of the tetris experience.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein


Quote from: Blink
That's what I thought too, but the slow line clear delay and lack of garbage blocking makes it alot harder to combo down than TOJ.

i take what i said back

the line clear delay really sucks. as if the random garbage vs perfectly lined garbage doesn't disadvantage you enough already.

i'm hoping the ranked room gives a better experience for advanced players


It's a hassle, but I think a fair way of playing 1v1 matches is to leave the room after every match and remake to bypass the balancing garbage feature lol.  Having said this, who wants to practice 1v1 games?


Or just play someone who is around your skill level    

Anyone else struggling with hold? Seems for me at least that I have to press the button for longer than I expect. I can't just tap it because it won't actually swap the piece. Has caused me dozens of misdrops because I thought I held a piece when I didn't.


Does anyone know what your level and percentage correspond to?  It seems to be something separate from ratings.


Quote from: iphys
Does anyone know what your level and percentage correspond to?  It seems to be something separate from ratings.

the % is how close you are to levelling up, which I think is done by gaining experience from playing games - not sure.

Also a response I got from the TF Forums:

The T-Spin Singles that uses wallkick. Are you referring to EZ T-Spin? If so, we feel that action is too simple to execute therefore, doesn't merit any line sent.