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Messages - Webby

General / Your ISP Speed Tests!
July 23, 2009, 12:20:06 PM
yesterday they came to do the new glassfiber cable thru my town. They offer 50/05 or 100/100 for a few bucks a month
General / Your ISP Speed Tests!
July 23, 2009, 09:29:40 AM
Well you're not the only one with the java problem. Same here. Ignore won't work and mentions i have the latest version running.
General / Pets!
July 22, 2009, 08:29:02 AM
Quote from: m__
is Moshi high energy?

He once took down a 60cm television while i was gone. It was on the floor when i got home with the tube touching the floor. Fortunatly there was only a hole in the casing.
General / What is your current occupation?
July 16, 2009, 10:25:25 PM
Quote from: gezmodean
Very cool.  I have some friends in Biotechnology in the Boston area who work on MRI and CT Scan software out here.  Where are you based?

In the Netherlands
General / What is your current occupation?
July 16, 2009, 01:07:03 PM
I write software for hospitals. Digital image aquisition and video recording for different modalities. Digital reporting. And a lot of interface work between our system and others using HL7, DICOM, ebXML webservices.

I also write software to keep track of scopes for endoscopy. Using RFID chips and desfinfection machines with rs232 output. When they hook up a scope the live image won't show up for video recording when it isn't clean.
General / Pets!
July 13, 2009, 08:22:50 AM
My cat Moshi:

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]
General / Slimy sewer monster corrosive!
July 03, 2009, 02:41:26 PM
It almost looks like a bad colonoscopy.
Introductions / Corrosive
July 03, 2009, 02:40:22 PM
Quote from: Corrosive
i chose my name and it came from the song Static X - Push It

Static X is one of my favs ...

BTW. who's going to interview you
Introductions / Webby
July 01, 2009, 04:19:51 PM
Hehe, i was there even before it became a forum and wiki. Tetris DS on release day + google
General / Bug ?
July 01, 2009, 10:34:46 AM
The logo links to

So i'm guessing you used to sign in. Once you clicked it, signed in it won't happen again

If the people that don't have the problem want to experience it, here you go:

Introductions / Webby
July 01, 2009, 09:49:24 AM
I always keep on coming back. I guess i'm too much of a gamer that likes everything to stay focussed on tetris alone, but i always get back to it

BTW. I was still reading TC every once in a while until i noticed it was gone yesterday.

And even though i play more 40 lines / casual i'm still proud on this one:

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]
Introductions / Webby
July 01, 2009, 08:33:57 AM

To keep it brief, my workday ended, so i'm going home while picking up Guitar Hero Metallica with Guitar. Let's mix that with trying to improve my tetrisfriends sprint time.

I'm not an addict ...