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Messages - hova

Introductions / I try to be the very best...
June 29, 2009, 05:52:05 PM
whats going on here. weirdness  
General / Please don't be like Tetrisconcept
June 29, 2009, 05:32:05 PM
Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Sorry, but you're talking crap there. TTC was respected? By whom? There were entire threads devoted to what they should do to change their games, and how shitty they were.
We liked Arika because their games are awesome. And it's not their fault that foreigners can't play their games - it goes back to TTC again who only let them have the licence in Japan. It'd be stupid to hate Arika because someone else wouldn't let them release their awesome games elsewhere. Arika could not easily got the licence for non-Japanese releases, because Blue Planet Software has it, and they're not going to give it up for anything less than a small fortune.

TetrisConcept seemed to be where most of the emulation scene happened, and where most of the clones came up. Some clones, such as KGM, were made by TC people, and others like Texmaster had TetrisConcept additions. All the Blockbox marathon modes were created based on TGM games and using the help of TC members. It was a TC member who bought TAP to have it emulated.

There was a thread titled "Fuck Arika". There were plenty of links to clones, except for TGM_NDS because we were explicitly asked not to by the game's creator. The only way originally to get Texmaster, greatest TGM clone ever, was via TC.
Arika can release if they want to. Through XBLA, PSN, WiiWare and easily on PC. yes "only in japan" but still buyable through loopholes.
and too bad all your clones where miserable. remember lockjaw, lol.
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]hurr durr troll durrr ban hurrrr durr durp troll durp hurr durr.[/quote]
i see alot has changed from Tetrisconcept...
General / Please don't be like Tetrisconcept
June 29, 2009, 05:03:17 PM
Quote from: jujube
well i wasn't even sure because he was being really vague
which parts of the guideline don't you like?
hmmm.... the 2 things i hate the most are infinite-spin and that a T-Spin gives you more points than a Tetris. How about they call the game just T-Spin then? T-Spin DS sounds nice.

Quote from: TetrisdAiSuki
If you really play TGM on DS daily and played over 100 hours I see no reason why you would't join TC.
well, i did join TC (when it was running) but i didn't like the people there. It seemed to me that they wheren't so sure of their own rules. "This is forbidden but that is allowed" is bullshit.
For example it's not allowed to post a link to NDS_TGM or any homebrew TGM clone because Arika doesn't like them. But why then, are links to youtube videos allowed that Arika tries to pull because copyright infraction?
Also they just seemed like major asskissers of Arika and TTC anyway.
People should not respect these companys unless they change their business practices.
Introductions / I try to be the very best...
June 29, 2009, 04:51:22 PM
Quote from: jujube
good to have you here hova. please read the forum guideline regarding discussion of emulators and roms.
oh i did. i did even before i posted it. but thanks for mentioning... i guess...  
General / Please don't be like Tetrisconcept
June 29, 2009, 04:19:34 PM
Quote from: clincher
I think he meant what Tetris game not what game in general  
i like tetris overall, what i meant was i don't like how TTC tries to force their stupid guidlines onto tetris. I think they are hurting Tetris more than helping it to become a real E-Sport
General / Please don't be like Tetrisconcept
June 29, 2009, 04:12:53 PM
Quote from: jujube
1. what was your favorite game?
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]2. where did you hear Arika doesn't want foreigners playing their games? keep in mind they're only licensed to publish games in the Japanese market, and they've never taken action against anyone playing TGM on an arcade machine outside of Japan.[/quote]
Yes, because people buy the machine. And Arika could easily get a license for western releases, if not they could choose a publisher in the west to do it for them (like Atlus and XSEED do it all the time).
General / Please don't be like Tetrisconcept
June 29, 2009, 04:07:38 PM
Quote from: TetrisdAiSuki
Are you still playing TGM on DS?
everday, i can make it to 1020 now everytime i want. I wish Arika would release TGM on PSN, that would be awesome.
Introductions / I try to be the very best...
June 29, 2009, 04:00:03 PM
hi, i forgot how i came into TGM but it had something to do with a mix of Tetris DS and superhuman youtube videos. Anyway i was registered at Tetris concept but i never posted there because the people there somehow made me feel alienated. seemed like it was run by a few people who compliment eachother only. they also made it sound like they had connections to the Tetris company. anyway, i could never get to run TGM3. So hi, i guess...
General / Please don't be like Tetrisconcept
June 29, 2009, 03:53:45 PM
It sucked so hard, i hated how they respected The Tetris Company (which tries to kill my favorite videogame of all time) and Arika Inc. (which tries to keep foreigners from playing their games).
Don't buy into their shameful business practices of C&D letters, intimidation and (to some degree) racism.
Arena / A survey on Tetris clans/teams
June 29, 2009, 03:45:44 PM
i voted for no, Teams usually end up in circlejerks and circlejerking tends to jealousy, which ends up in another basement dweler to steal another basement dwelers website. That's why Tetrisconcept sucked (except the wiki).