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Messages - Tenel1

Tetris / Tetris Friends:Rubies
August 20, 2011, 02:55:33 PM
Everyone loves rubies but there so hard to get.For example:Ive been playing tetris friends for mabye about a year but, every Single day on the daily spin ive never gotten the five rubies from it. Well of course I now theres  ways , 2 very frustating ways.

1.WEll ...FIRST THERES...paying         :down

2.WAIT!  ...then theres surveys    

           The hard part is... finding them.  ...2... hours... serching    
it so hard finding offers  cant find quizzes no free offers

This is why its so hard getting rubies if you find any good offers please pm me about them
Arena / Team 2v2
August 20, 2011, 02:15:55 PM
Quote from: myndzi
I'm going to describe a couple ideas I've had for Nullpomino here, and I'd like you guys to vote on which one most interests you.

Normal would just be current team vs, which in my opinion isn't very interesting at all.

Tank is a mode that I implemented in Nullpomino, but is currently disabled and has no setting to enable it. The basic premise is that garbage is sent to all members of a team by default, but players can elect to be the ones that receive garbage by pressing a key. When you are your team's "tank", your teammates receive no garbage, but you get it all undivided (?). If you die, garbage goes back to split among your teammates.

Team cancel is a slightly different idea, and is currently unimplemented (but shouldn't be too hard to implement). The idea is that when you send attacks, you also clear from your teammates' garbage meters. This idea is more about implicit teamwork and cooperation than explicit action like Tank.

Either of these last two would require a separate Nullpo download and a different server to play it on; I can provide the files and host the server as well as make sure the code works, etc.

I'll be honest with you; unless there's major interest in a normal 2v2 tournament, I'm disinclined to run it myself - but I'm quite interested in the other two. Keep that in mind when you vote

Both tank and team council sound cool
Tetris / Tetris friends: badges and tokens
August 20, 2011, 01:44:04 PM
A good way to get tokens in tetris friends is getting badges . Badges take a while to get and so do tokens  but you have to admit everyone needs'em. The thing I dont understand is why there not so easy to get when buying and collecting .

Badges: Price 100 earn 100 Expired badges Price:1000 earn 100  
(oh come ooooonnnn)  

Tokens:Games: earn 5-15 tokens

it takes a long time to get a decent amount of tokens and for badges you have to pay the same price you earn and for an old mission it takes 1000 tokens an you earn 100 token.

       The other thing that sucks is that they stopped giving out weekly missions only the featured ones wich arent free. If anyone finds out about why they did pm me.

Im really intrested in getting badges and earning tokens i have 20 badges and im close  to getting close to 7000 tokens

On tetris friends iam Blockade 15 if anyone ones to add me as a friend[attachmentid=239] [attachmentid=240]
General / I retire from Tetris indefinetly
August 20, 2011, 01:08:52 PM
Quote from: Blink
Sorry to hear sirjeevs, hopefully you can sort things out.  Make it up to her somehow, good luck man.

i feel bad for you have you tried talking to her
Tetris / Rotational asymmetry: which way do you lean?
August 20, 2011, 12:59:38 PM
Quote from: Alexsweden
how does
"I use one rotation button, am right-handed, and tend to rotate both ways equally"?
make any sense?

Why not double rotate all the time then?

I also only rotate right . mostly because i play tetris friends on the computer  and u use up key to turn right so i only use that
Strategy/Help / Getting fast in tetris in Tetris
August 20, 2011, 12:33:02 PM
Everyone Knows in Tetris that the best players have strategys . One of them is one of them is playing very fast  over whelm your oponnent with tricks and moves like tetrises t-spins and so on but what makes them great is that you can combine them to add up lines in battle by going faster and faster.
          Ive developed A way to get really fast. and that should really help you in tetris in defend and attacking with lines. Here are some steps below

1. understand keyboard controls such as spining and controling terminos

2.practice fast tetris games like:

   Battle 6p
   Battle 2                p

3.keep practicing you will develop skills and get faster and faster

4.Test out all your new fast action skills in the arena

Hope you liked it  
Tetris / Tetris Friends club
August 20, 2011, 11:39:04 AM

       I have just came up with a great idea for people who play Tetris friends . A tetris friends club where people  I can plan and host arena rooms for great players who want to battle and practice skills. You can also share ideas and tips on tetris in the club .
       For those who are interested to know more about this and like the idea pm me with your answers