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Messages - el_ja

Strategy/Help / DAS settings from TOJ to TF
November 05, 2010, 07:06:33 PM
Hello everybody
Maybe someone knows what DAS and ARR settings I can use in TF so that the gameplay is as much as possible as it is in TOJ.
Right now in TOJ I have:
-DAS/Sensitivity 1
-Soft drop speed 2
-Line Clear Speed 1
-Lock Delay 1

Also how did you put those settings in TF again  

Thanks a lot
Tetris / TOJ English Patch!
October 29, 2010, 06:37:35 PM
Thank you!
Tetris / Expert HD Mode (Tetris Friends)
September 08, 2010, 10:12:14 AM
Quote from: meow
with the english patch, you can play toj easily

give it a shot to see what other games have to offer. toj has been on the decline recently as a lot of options have been restricted unless you pay, but the game is still very polished.
Well yeah, I have TOJ with the english patch, and I understand a few of the options now (though I'm still shown as female and I'm male   )
What I'm referring to, is about the chatting part. I'm not greatest talker of all time, but I do like to comment now and then about the game with the other players.
Sadly can't do it in TOJ because I don't understand anything, but I do like it more the sounds and everything.
Tetris / Expert HD Mode (Tetris Friends)
September 07, 2010, 07:47:03 AM
I'm not even a good tetris player, but I liked tf way more back when there wasn't any lag. Now I just can't stand it, but I got nothing else to play.
If I could just understand one character in TOJ, I would play that all the time.
Hopefully with the petition they get back on working on the game.
well lol, have to change that.
I'm male  

Although I don't speak to anyone there so I guess it doesn't mater very much.
I started on toj since tf is kinda crappy these days, and I was wondering.
What do the smilies next to the player mean in-game.
I see there's a green and orange smilie and a blue one (like a robotic face).

I saw that blue is beginner, green is 1v1 and orange general when first selecting multiplayer but it's not the same as the smilies in-game.

When I play I get and orange one with level 28, but there are level 50 with green and with orange.
So what's the difference.