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Messages - madjacksanchez

General / Unbelievable...truly unbelievable scores....
September 13, 2009, 02:57:23 PM
Sorry for being a whiner.  You say they're legit.  They're legit.  

Fair enough.

My apologies.
General / Unbelievable...truly unbelievable scores....
September 13, 2009, 02:19:32 PM
I wasn't talking about a 0:52 Sprint.  I can see that.  I'm talking about a 0:27 Sprint.  Absolutely ridiculous.  

I have stood next to thousands of Tetris players in my lifetime.  I have seen some really good ones, and some really bad ones, but some of these replays that I am seeing are ludicrous.  

There is a 43:00 Survival Mode replay in which someone plays blind for over a half
General / Unbelievable...truly unbelievable scores....
September 13, 2009, 01:36:01 PM
I'm looking at some of the replays on, and I'm frankly offended that some of these people have high scores given their obvious use of assistance software.  

Being really really good is one thing, but not ever making one mistake and getting nothing but Tetrises throughout the whole game is simply not possible without the use of a computer aid, and NO ONE can move as fast as some of these high scores indicate.  

I hate competing with software instead of people.  

For the hell do you have a 100% win ratio of 6P Battle on rank 20?  You NEVER have an off game?  Just completely unrealistic.
Introductions / Mad Jack Sanchez
September 12, 2009, 10:28:10 PM
Brand new to the forums.  

My real name is John.  I live in Las Vegas, Nevada, and I work in the professional world while being the administrator for a family unfriendly comedy site that I won't advertise here.

I have been playing Tetris for a couple of decades now, and I'm reasonably good at it.  Didn't play for years, but getting back in the hang of things in Tetris Friends amongst some other versions.  

My Facebook friends HATE me if they compete with me on the Tetris Friends Facebook app.  

Cool to see this many people with enough devotion to the game to actually talk about it in public.  lol

...and at least one person willing to spend money to register a domain name and set up a forum through which everyone can communicate.
Strategy/Help / Tetris Controls
September 08, 2009, 10:32:55 PM
I just use the default settings.  

I didn't play for almost ten years until a few weeks ago....and the skills are progressively getting better.