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'''TGM rotation''' is a game play mechanic used in ''[[Tetris The Grand Master]]'' and other Arika tetromino games, derived from [[Sega rotation]]. It is often refered to as ARS (Arika Rotation System), even though some people believe that this name is misleading.
Games using TGM rotation generally use [[IRS#IRS|IRS]], fast [[DAS]], [[lock delay]], and firm [[drop]], and tetrominoes start out with the topmost block on the top row (generally row 20). The "ARS" and "ARS2" modes of ''[[Tetris The Grand Master Ace]]'' use a hybrid of TGM rules and [[Tetris Guideline|Guideline]] rules.
== Basic rotation ==
TGM's basic rotations inherits most of its properties from [[Sega rotation]], which was used in most previous Japanese arcade Tetris games. Some defining characteristics include:
* Having 2 (as opposed to 4) rotation states for S, Z, and I tetrominoes.
* Keeping tetrominoes at an even level while rotating to always allow rotation when the tetromino is on a flat surface (except for the I tetromino - see exceptions below).
* Pointing the initial stance of the T, L, and J tetrominoes downward.
[[Image:Tgm basic ars description.png|left|frame|TGM's basic rotations.]]
<br clear="all">
== Wall kicks ==
TGM pioneered the use of [[wall kick]]s, with simple but effective kick rules. These rules were unchanged until [[Tetris The Grand Master 3 Terror-Instinct|TGM3]], remaining constant across [[Tetris The Grand Master|TGM]], [[Tetris The Absolute The Grand Master 2|TA]], [[Tetris The Absolute The Grand Master 2 PLUS|TAP]], and [[Tetris with Cardcaptor Sakura Eternal Heart|Sakura Tetris]]. Up to 3 locations are tried, in this order, before rotation will fail:
*Basic rotation
*1 space right of basic rotation
*1 space left of basic rotation
In addition to these rules, there are some extra exceptions where certain wall kicks are not allowed:
*The I tetromino will never kick.
*L, J, and T tetrominoes will not rotate in the situations illustrated below if the [[Image:XTet.png|X]] marked block is occupied.
{{pfrow| | | | | | | |X| | }}
{{pfrow| |L|L|L| | |L|L|L| }}
{{pfrow| |L|X| | | |L| | | }}
{{pfrow| | |X| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | | |L| | | |X|L| }}
{{pfrow| |L|L|L| | |L|L|L| }}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | |X| | }}
{{pfrow| |J|J|J| | |J|J|J| }}
{{pfrow| | |X|J| | | | |J| }}
{{pfrow| | |X| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| |J| | | | |J|X| | }}
{{pfrow| |J|J|J| | |J|J|J| }}
{{pfrow| | |X| | | | |X| | }}
{{pfrow| | |I| | | |I|I|I| }}
{{pfrow| |I|I|I| | | |I| | }}
*However, L tetrominoes will rotate clockwise and J tetrominoes counterclockwise in the situations illustrated below if both the [[Image:XTet.png|X]] marked blocks are occupied.
{{pfrow| |X| | | | | | |X| }}
{{pfrow| |L|L|L| | |J|J|J| }}
{{pfrow| |L|X| | | | |X|J| }}
== New wall kicks in TGM3 ==
=== I tetromino's wall kicks ===
In TGM3, the I tetromino can kick walls. There are 3 different types of wall kicks.
{{pfrow|G| |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| |C| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| |Z| | | | | | | }}
Try to rotate
{{pfrow|G| | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|X|Z|C|Z| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| | | | | | | | | }}
Basic rotation fails
{{pfrow|G| | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|Z|Z|C|Z| | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| | | | | | | | | }}
Kick 1 space right
{{pfrow|G|G|Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|C| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|Z| | | | | | | }}
Try to rotate
{{pfrow|G|G| | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|X|X|C|Z| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G| | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G| | | | | | | | }}
Basic rotation fails
{{pfrow|G|G| | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|Z|Z|C|Z| | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G| | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G| | | | | | | | }}
Kick 2 space right
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | |Z|G}}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | |C|G}}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | |Z|G}}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | |Z|G}}
Try to rotate
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | |G}}
{{pfrow| | | | | | |Z|Z|C|X}}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | |G}}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | |G}}
Basic rotation fails
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | |G}}
{{pfrow| | | | | |Z|Z|C|Z|G}}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | |G}}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | |G}}
Kick left
=== I tetromino's floor kicks ===
The I tetromino can kick the floor.
*Like [[hold piece]], floor kick can be performed only once per tetromino.
*This action causes [[lock delay]] reset.
*The tetromino cannot kick the floor in mid-air.
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|Z|Z|C|Z| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|G|G| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|Z|Z|C|Z| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|G|G| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|Z|Z|C|Z| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| |G| | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| |G|G| | | | | | | }}
There are 2 different types of floor kicks.
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|Z|Z|C|Z| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|G|G| | | | | | }}
Try to rotate
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |C| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|X|G| | | | | | }}
Basic rotation fails
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |C| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|G|G| | | | | | }}
Kick 1 space up
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|Z|Z|C|Z| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|G|G| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|G|G| | | | | | }}
Try to rotate
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |C| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|X|G| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|X|G| | | | | | }}
Basic rotation fails
{{pfrow| | |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |C| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|G|G| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|G|G| | | | | | }}
Kick 2 space up
=== T tetromino's floor kicks ===
The T tetromino can escape from a hollow.
*This action can be performed only once per tetromino.
*This action causes [[lock delay]] reset.
{{pfrow|G| | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| |I| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|I|I| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G|I|G|G|G|G|G|G| }}
Try to rotate
{{pfrow|G| | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| |I| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|X|I|X|G|G|G|G|G| }}
Basic rotation fails
{{pfrow|G| | | | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G| |I| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|I|I|I| | | | | | }}
{{pfrow|G|G| |G|G|G|G|G|G| }}
Kick up
== Right side bias ==
In TGM's rotation system, the Tetrominoes rotatate on only one axis resulting in asymmetrical rotations. In this example, the I piece can't rotate on the left side of the stack;
{{pfrow| | |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |Z| | | | | | | }}
{{pfrow| | |X|G|G|G|G|G|G|G}}
{{pfrow| | |x|G|G|G|G|G|G|G}}
{{pfrow| |G|G|G|G|G|G|G|G|G}}
A situation which would work on the right side.
Notice the I has 1 rotation axis;
I piece's rotation axis
This case does not apply to the T tetromino, as it rotates on it's center;
{{width3row| |I| }}
T rotation axis
== Mihara's conspiracy ==
Due to the right side bias with wall kicks, doing this move with a J when there is an empty hole right of the mino that the J is caught on will lead to a hole. It can however be used to the player's advantage by it being used to jump over spikes.
== ACE-ARS and ARS2 ==
ARS was featured as a Xbox live download for ACE.
Ace's rotation is a hybrid of SRS and ARS. Ace features guideline colors and allows 128 rotations and 128 movements. (Rather than true infinity) ACE features the ability to floor kick with any block, but still retains the wall kick rather than floor kick behavior from the original TGM rotation. Normal ARS features Sonic Lock (locking hard drop) and non-locking soft drop. ARS2 had Firm Drop (non-locking hard drop) and soft drop (locking).
*describe ACE's ARS and ARS2
*describe "Mihara's conspiracy"
*mention right bias (Complete)
*add more visual aids?
== References ==
*[ KAN's detailed explanation of TGM3's new I and T floorkicks]
*[ TGM rotations, in Japanese]
[[Category:Rotation Systems]]

Latest revision as of 18:29, 28 August 2017

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