Anyone want to translate TOJ to english?

Started by Wojtek, December 31, 2009, 06:21:38 PM

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I was playing with TOJ content archives (SJE.JHH files) recently. While extracting images (and other media) is quite simple and you can just use generic tools to do it (FileStripper for example), injecting own content (of different file length) was quite challenging, because content index is encrypted. Seems they put lot of effort to keep users from messing with it, lol. Figuring out this encryption took me a while, but i learned few things in progress so i am quite happy.

At first I was playing with data itself. With little guessing I was able to recover some bytes from keystream with known (or rather guessed in this case) plain text attack, it was quite learning experience (my first tries with cryptanalysis, lol). It think with more time I would be able to break encryption fully with only this method, but it was too much work so went to other approach, downloaded some disassembler and reverse engineered encryption code from inside of application, it turned out to be much simpler way.

Anyway, soon I will publish SJE.JHH format details and encryption details (btw seems they also use this encryption for some kinds of content, text files for example), and I will write some content packer/unpacker for easy content replacement.

While this will allow for any kind of modding, I think best way to use it is to make English translation of the game. To make this happen Japanese language skills and graphics skills (most of text is in image files, so replacing it require some retouching skills) are needed. So I wonder if anyone want to work on full English translation. As I said i will provide all tools myself, but we need somebody to translate text and to edit graphic files.
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I'm not any good with graphics, but I know my little brother hienwa is.  Also I can ask the Japanese players for all the translations, so I think I would be interested in this project.


I posted file format details on wiki:

Tool is comming soon, but not now, because I'm very busy.
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wow, very nice. Wont the auto-updater just overwrite our changes tho?

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


if this works out it'd be the perfect client for me! i'm excited!
i would love to help out with the graphics if you still need it~
my little sister is very good with that kind of stuff [animation major]
n i'm alright [graphics design minor]
but if i have any problems i can always bug her :3
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]


Just figured encyption for text content (its actually same encryption but with diffrent pass phrase) and wow, seems some serious modding will be possible. Consult this file I just decrypted: . Seems it will be possible to edit upgrade levels, delays, das, and i think we will be able to see/edit source code for ai (lua files refered here) and maybe even something else.
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[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Seems it will be possible to edit upgrade levels, delays, das[/quote]
You will be considered a God, thats excellent news!
I wish I could help =/
It's all about the love


Just wanted to say that I appreciate Wojtek's efforts and I'm really hoping to see TOJ translated!


While translating images will have to wait until i will automate whole packing/unpacking process (there are hundrets of files there), here is something you can start with: .

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
wow, very nice. Wont the auto-updater just overwrite our changes tho?[/quote]
i think updater will only replace resources that are updated. and even if not, we can jest reinject our content after each update.
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Quote from: Wojtek
While translating images will have to wait until i will automate whole packing/unpacking process (there are hundrets of files there), here is something you can start with: .

7+1 bag is an extra L piece in the bag?!?!

(yes one of the characters there has a 7+1 piece bag, with that 1 piece being l)


yes, there are many strange/unused things there.

BTW is translation project will success, i will add registration to launcher for full English experience. I think i should also do something to prevent launcher breaking when they change server address.
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Okay I 'translated' (google translate with own edits) some of the easy stuff. There's still a lot left to go. My changes may not be correct.

I created a new wiki page so it's easy to see changes.


Quote from: meow
Okay I 'translated' (google translate with own edits) some of the easy stuff. There's still a lot left to go. My changes may not be correct.

I created a new wiki page so it's easy to see changes.

Hope you don't mind. I edited and almost finished translating the rest of that page using Google Translate. I did not make too many changes to the literal translation (if any). There are a couple of words and phrases that did not make sense so I did not put the exact translation.


seems somebody (google translate?) added spaces to \n and %s etc, be careful with those, this are important sequences and you need to left it untouched. And please don't put there stuff that makes no sense.
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I see quite a lot of problems with google translate there, I'll go in and help make some changes.

Edit: Ended up not doing much haha, just made some grammar fixes here and there as well as made some of the more engrish sounding ones less engrish sounding.

I suggest we only make changes to Meow's link for now. Let's leave the source page clean for whoever that can actually do translation work to come by. XD