Anyone want to translate TOJ to english?

Started by Wojtek, December 31, 2009, 06:21:38 PM

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If anyone want to help with translation or want to comment on translation before they are used, please write down your google wave account, so we will add you to our translation wave.
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I have a problem packing/unpacking.
Consider the screenshots below.

Translation first picture: Means something like "This program could not be started because the program configuration is faulty. Reinstalling the program may help solve the problem."

I'm on Windows XP SP3 x86, with .NET Framework 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0 installed.
Just tried a fresh install of the game, removing everything but the launcher and letting it download all patches again. But the problem remains. Am I doing something wrong?

Other than that, I think it's great that you guys are actually translating this game. It's actually the multiplayer tetris I enjoy the most but I have not been able to get friends to join because of the japanese registration and language in the game. Maybe this will get more english players.  


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There we go, knew I was missing something. Thanks.


how do you think final thing should be distributed. i see following options:
1. zip with modiffied files (current way): hard to use / small download size
2. patched sje.jhh files: quite easy to use / big download
3. zip with whole patched game: very easy to use / big download
4. some kind of patch installer: rather esay to use / small download / require extra programming
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If coding a patch installer is easy, then go with that.

Otherwise, 3 would definitely be the easiest... I'm sure a lot of people would rather just deal with a 400-500 MB download than bother with patching their client. (But we should still offer 1 for the more tech-savvy people.)
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Patch installer would be better in my opinion. Most people who will use it probably already have toj.
It would be nice if it patched it , and we had the option to revert changes too.


What is a language patch installer? Does the patch translates Japanese into English?

Patch installers may not directly translate with other languages. For example, "Next" in German is "Nächster", but the actual translation is "Weiter", and "Weiter" fits on the Next Queue (the word "Weiter" above the Tetrimino on the Next Queue").

What is a language patch installer? Does the patch translates Japanese into English?

Patch installers may not directly translate with other languages.

- "Next" in German is "Nächster", but the actual translation is "Weiter", and "Weiter" fits on the Next Queue (the word "Weiter" or "Weit." above the Tetrimino on the Next Queue").
- "Next" in Italian is "Successivo" or "Prossimo", but the actual translation is "Avanti" and "Avanti" fits on the Next Queue (the word "Avanti" or "Avan." above the Tetrimino on the Next Queue").


They're talking about how the patch can be installed. The patcher/installation program will only patch to English because no one has translated it to a language other than English. I hope you can understand that.


holdnext: i'm not sure you understand the amount of work that goes into changing TOJ into english. it's taking months and is still in process. changing it to another language would take just as long.

i'd go with patch installer as well - if it's not too much work to code
if not then i'd say zip the whole patched game :s though..would it be possible to download it straight english? and skip the japanese d/l? cause then new ppl don't have to d/l it twice to get it english..[this is what i think this option is :x]
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