40L Help

Started by Piemanray314, March 10, 2019, 12:45:57 PM

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So I've been playing Tetris for some months now, and I think I'm pretty decent at Tetris. One thing that I can't beat usually however is my 40L. Whenever I start a good run (about 3 ~ 3.5 PPS start) I usually end up messing up later due to bad stacking or sometimes misdrops.

So I was wondering if there is a program or strategies to help with stacking methods, as well as closings. Also, I sometimes do really good but the closings take up to 5 seconds (This is bad because my record is 33 seconds, and in that 33 second run the closing dropped by PPS by 0.5).

I don't know if I am not thinking fast enough or anything like that, but I think it's stacking that I need help with. My KPP is about 3.3 and PPS average 2.8. DAS is 50ms (or 3 on NullpoMino), and I use right well Tetris & finesse.

Help would gladly be appreciated and thanks in advance!


Quote from: Piemanray314
So I've been playing Tetris for some months now, and I think I'm pretty decent at Tetris. One thing that I can't beat usually however is my 40L. Whenever I start a good run (about 3 ~ 3.5 PPS start) I usually end up messing up later due to bad stacking or sometimes misdrops.

So I was wondering if there is a program or strategies to help with stacking methods, as well as closings. Also, I sometimes do really good but the closings take up to 5 seconds (This is bad because my record is 33 seconds, and in that 33 second run the closing dropped by PPS by 0.5).

I don't know if I am not thinking fast enough or anything like that, but I think it's stacking that I need help with. My KPP is about 3.3 and PPS average 2.8. DAS is 50ms (or 3 on NullpoMino), and I use right well Tetris & finesse.

Help would gladly be appreciated and thanks in advance!

3(50) das is insanely fast, most fast players use 5(83), some 4(66).

Your problem is that you are fast at stacking tetrises, but slow at stacking singles.

I suggest not stacking tetrises and just clearing singles only for a few 40L. Put in about 20 minutes into this everyday for a week. This will help with your end game. Then in your real games, when you notice you have 5-10 lines left, go into "singles" mode. Hopefully your singles mode will be only a bit slower than your real speed.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Yeah the low DAS may explain some of the misdropping. Another thing to keep in mind is that it's expected to start off faster than your average speed, since you can mentally prepare ahead of the game by seeing the next pieces.


If you play for months and your sprint pb is 33 seconds, you are doing pretty fine. I play at a similar speed to you(my pb is 34 seconds) and I also play with 3(50) DAS, I think it's fine if you are used to it. 3.3 KPP is high in my opinion, you probably utilize a lot of hold. Try disabling it for about a week and then you will no longer hold much.

The main thing about having low KPP is DAS preservation, if you wanna be good at it you need to know which pieces can be used to preserve DAS. Look at any sprint by Eriri/Rideru0 and try to analyze it, you will see that he generally tries to stack in 3 wide gaps. You should try to stack 3x4 rectangles, pay attention to those combinations:

3 pieces on DAS, ends the formation preserving DAS

3 pieces on DAS, does not end formation preserving DAS

2 pieces on DAS, ends the formation preserving DAS

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7822/46638811364_9a4c4384ca_o.png\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--]\\\

This is for the right side wall, of course. Otherwise things are mirrored.
There's more to low KPP than that, but that's the basic. You should avoid double rotating the pieces, this is especially relevant for the T piece. Best sprints to watch in order to learn newer shapes are Eriri/Rideru0 and Z2sam.