Does this DT Cannon-like setup have a name?

Started by Okey_Dokey, June 27, 2017, 11:33:06 AM

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Quote from: Okey_Dokey
Also, don't want to make a new threat: Does somebody know the name of this Single-Triple-Double setup? Saw jackh1771/Squirtle stacking this opener in a tournament match against dhuang. I would like to add it to the Mr.T-Spin's TSD Wiki article. Like in Mr.T-Spins' STD, you can always stack the second bag in the same way, no matter which pieces you get (with the exception of the unimportant pieces to the left side). One difference to standard STD is that you can't chain the TSD into the TST. Also instead of the TSD, you can build a TST or an Imperial Cross. And you start with a lot of floating blocks like in Albatross Special.


It's a hachispin! (Named after its creator hachispin.) There's a decent amount of Japanese players who use it - I recorded a video of me playing against Tamihodo263, who uses it just about every time it's possible:

It's interesting that you didn't include the PC followup in the fumen, since AFAIK that's kind of the point of the opener - if you can pull it off and not receive lines (or cancel them) you can always PC:


Note the J/O/I placement on the left, having the I piece residue in column 3 instead of column 1 makes the PC more likely (not really sure how to explain why). If you have early O you are forced to do something like in your fumen and hope for a lucky next bag or just do TST or TSD followup.

Here's a couple of PC variations:


Oh and for funsies, here's a variation that I made up that works with every bag (choose which mirror based on if you have L or J first):


The followup isn't quite as consistent because of the L piece in the 2nd bag doesn't have a good spot, but you can adjust for it by spinning the T once more:


I tried this opener in arena for awhile, but I found the followup was too inconsistent or at least requires too much thought to be consistent, whereas with hachispin you can PC the same way every time.


Quote from: pwn_by_numbersIt's a hachispin! (Named after its creator hachispin.) There's a decent amount of Japanese players who use it -
It's interesting that you didn't include the PC followup in the fumen, since AFAIK that's kind of the point of the opener - if you can pull it off and not receive lines (or cancel them) you can always PC:

Thank you very much. Somehow, I have heard the name of the setup some times before. This deserves an own page because you can go for a PC instead of a TSD in the end. Didn't know that you could consistently make a PC out of it but it makes sense because it requires exactly 3 bags (8 lines, 20 placed pieces, last piece on hold).

Quote from: pwn_by_numbersOh and for funsies, here's a variation that I made up that works with every bag (choose which mirror based on if you have L or J first):


That's also interesting for me because I limit my number of previews. So far, if I got an L or J piece first and wanted to start with a Single-Triple attack, I used a setup which I call Pokemino STD. However, Pokemino STD is inferior because you can't finish the TST with 2 bags whereas it seems you can with that "funsies" setup.



Website · /davdav1233 · davdav1233 · [url=https://jstri


QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: Okey_Dokey
I went through the list of T-Spin methods and didn't find it. Pretty sure it's mentioned on a Japanese site though. If so, what would be the translation? If not, what would be a good name? Hook Cannon?!

I am speaking of a setup that looks like a DT Cannon. Only difference is that a filled cell is missing in the lowest row (like in a STSD compared to a TST). After the first T-Spin Double is cleared, it results in a STSD (Super T-Spin Double). So, 3 T-Spin Doubles in total.

Theoretically, it can be also used as an opener:

And an alternative, crappier opener:


Also, is there a name for when you have an additional line at the bottom of a DT Cannon with the hole in the correct column (thus making an additional T-Spin Double out of the overhang)?


I have seen it on a Japanese site before.

If I'm not wrong, I think it is called Over-future.


Found it:

Strange, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on another website that it is called Over-future.

z2sam told me he wanted to use this technique for this year's Aruni PPT league but ended up not using it.

I also saw it on the DT-cannon page for hard-drop, which says DT-cannon STSD.


Yes, I now remember. I documented this technique before on my guide:

It's called Over-future, but I can't remember the exact source.


Quote from: GalactoidFound it:
Hmm, Triple TSD or 3 consecutive TSDs sounds a little too generic. I like DT Cannon STSD better.

Quote from: Galactoid

It's called Over-future, but I can't remember the exact source.
It's the same source as your last link (as you can see from the graphic style). Over-future. Note that this is an expanded version of Triple TSD / DT Cannon STSD. It results in 4 TSDs whereas the start looks similar to Mini Triple but with an additional filled cell. The technique is cool. By coincidence I used it in a quiz for the Discord 2 days ago (see 3rd frame) but didn't realize that I could stack the 3rd frame from an empty field.

I don't really know how to proceed in the Wiki. On one side, Over-future is a cool setup. On the other side, T-Spin setups with 3 or more T-Spin Doubles are not that suitable for multiplayer (placing a bag with a TSD line clear only will make your stack grow slowly; in multiplayer you should try downstacking instead of upstacking. There's also no good place to add it. DT Cannon STSD is part of the DT Cannon article. Over-future hasn't much in common with DT Cannon and that article is already at maximum length (playfield illustrations must be converted to images for further expandation).


Quote from: Okey_Dokey
I don't really know how to proceed in the Wiki. On one side, Over-future is a cool setup. On the other side, T-Spin setups with 3 or more T-Spin Doubles are not that suitable for multiplayer (placing a bag with a TSD line clear only will make your stack grow slowly; in multiplayer you should try downstacking instead of upstacking. There's also no good place to add it. DT Cannon STSD is part of the DT Cannon article. Over-future hasn't much in common with DT Cannon and that article is already at maximum length (playfield illustrations must be converted to images for further expandation).

Actually I beg to differ a bit.

Although I have not used it in VS yet, I've used it on more than 5 occasions on Ultra runs, and I noticed that the best time to use it is when your field is empty and flat on the left or right side (for 5 blocks), and on the other side, you have already upstacked by maybe 5 or 6 blocks. This actually occurs much more frequently than one thinks.

In such situations, building the Over-future/DT-STSD on the empty side would be quite fast, as the other side is already stacked high, so it is quite convenient to use it.

Additionally, the first TSD comes quite early, which allows you to downstack by 2 blocks, to reduce the worries of over-stacking.

These 2 reasons may actually make it viable for multiplayer, as long as you do not purposely 'force build' it mid-game, without having met the first condition as said above. And also, as long as you are not above 50% of the field to avoid topping out.

It is the same for STSD, mini-triple, Double-Triple, and King Crimson. I normally only build them if there is a 3 or 4-block gap, and when the other side is already built up, so it is convenient and fast to build.


I should also add that it is best not to use Over-future/DT-STSD when the 5-block gap is in the middle, like as a well. This will cause you to have severe trouble stacking on the left or right sometimes.