Mania modes with SRS-like rotation and no entry delay (small NullpoMino mod)

Started by Okey_Dokey, June 25, 2017, 02:41:32 PM

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This thread is about a slightly modded NullpoMino version where I wanted to try out an SRS-like rotation system I had described some times before. This rotation system never executes the SRS upward kicks; the downwards and sidewards kicks will work in the same situations as usual. Additionally, the rotation system checks an "alternate rotation" which usually is still possible when a piece touches the stack.

You have to select one of the two "Speed Mania (2) SRS" modes and choose Classic*_SRS as rotation system. Those 2 modes are similar to the modes T.A. Death from TGM2 respectively Shirase from TGM3. However, the entry delayed is removed (no need of prerotations because of the roation system). Instead, you get some additional initial lock delay. This extra time is only applicable when a piece spawns. If a piece falls down a row (step reset), the lock delay isn't expanded beyond the usual point.

To prevent unintended harddrops, I have also inserted a small interval where harddrop keypresses are ignored, if they happen shortly after the automatic locking of a piece (by gravity). And like in guideline games, the harddrop locks a piece instantly whereas the softdrop doesn't. I also tried to decrease the speed differences between levels (not as big jumps as in Death and Shirase) and I loosened the default level 500 torikan time constraints. All in all, the modes together with the rotation system should be more intuitive for guideline players and have roughly the same speed as the two corresponding TGM modes. Probably, they are a bit easier than Death respectively Shirase, but still very challenging - even for the best players.

The 2 mechanics explained more in details:

The SRS-like rotation system works as follows:
1. If the normal rotation (without kicks) is feasible, then use this rotation.
2. Otherwise, check the SRS kicks in the same order as usual. If the first found feasible kick doesn't kick upwards, then use it.
3. Otherwise (no feasible kick or first feasible kick in upwards direction), check the "alternate rotation" (without kicks). If it is not feasible, then don't rotate the piece at all.

Feasible means, that the piece doesn't collide with the stack after rotation (and possibly kick). The pieces spawn in North orientation (flat-side down for L,J,T pieces) and S, Z, I pieces have 2 vertical orientations as usual. When I speak about "alternate rotations", I mean the rotation you get when moving the North orientation  one row down (Sega rotation system did this too, except for the I piece). In alternate rotations, pieces can be rotated from North orientation to a vertical orientation without the need of upward kicks. The SRS upward kicks are never executed in that rotation system.

The additional initial lock delay works as follows:
1. If a piece spawns, start with a negative counter (instead of 0, representing the additional time)
2. For each passed frame, increase the counter by 1
3. If a piece falls down a row (also can happen after rotation) and the counter is positive, then set the counter to 0 (if counter is still negative, then nothing happens).
4. Once the counter reaches a certain value (normal lock delay), then the piece locks.

Here's the speed curve depending on the current level. I use "init" as short for "additional initial lock delay", and "lock" as short for "normal lock delay":

Speed Mania 1 SRS:
Level | 000 | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 |
Lock  |  31 |  27 |  24 |  22 |  20 |  18 |  17 |  16 |  16 |  16 |
Init  |  15 |  13 |  11 |   9 |   7 |   5 |   4 |   3 |   3 |   3 |

Speed Mania 2 SRS:
Level | 000 | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 | 1100 | 1200 | big |
Lock  |  19 |  18 |  17 |  16 |  15 |  15 |  14 |  13 |  13 |  12 |   11 |   10 |    9 |  14 |
Init  |   8 |   7 |   6 |   5 |   5 |   4 |   4 |   4 |   3 |   3 |    3 |    3 |    2 |   4 |

From level 700 onwards, Speed Mania SRS uses the same values as Death whereas entry delay is transferred to initial delay. From level 1200 onwards Spead Mania 2 SRS uses the same values as Shirase whereas entry delay is transferred to inital delay. DAS and line clear delay also change in the first levels, but this is rather unimportant.


I really like this. Although it's much more challenging at a given lock delay, it feels more consistent and reliable than regular, wacky SRS.