Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]

Started by Blink, January 22, 2017, 01:29:29 PM

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ElderSloth Vs Deputy
15 - 9

ElderSloth win


Match 7

Ruzu 9
noelou 15


Remember to contact your opponent and schedule a time to play.  If no agreement can be made, or no contact/response, the default time will be used for the match.  If we don't hear from you by the default match time you will receive a forfeit.


Round 1:

Squirtle defeats quicksort 15-10


To this day, I still don't know how to downstack properly
Youtube --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeSjd7DLJJKxJXf4vEzdzA
Shameless self promotion


Quote from: BlinkRemember to contact your opponent and schedule a time to play.  If no agreement can be made, or no contact/response, the default time will be used for the match.  If we don't hear from you by the default match time you will receive a forfeit.
Some remarks to Blink's post (crosspost with gewaltig.net thread):

Deadline for first round winner bracket is this Wednesday (American midnight). 12 matches have still to be played until then (only 13 games have been played by now). I recommend contacting your opponent (HardDrop private message) or trying to hang out in Cultris 2 lobby or HardDrop Discord or shoutbox. If you have tried to contact your opponent but your opponent didn't respond within 1 day, then post in one of the threads, so that we know. If you haven't played your match until Wednesday, then show up at the default match time, which is Wednesday 6 pm PST (that's Thursday 3am in central Europe, Thursday morning in Asia, here's a countdown). If the match wasn't played until deadline and we have no proof that players tried to contact each other, we have to disqualify both players (that means automatic losses for both players in the following rounds; if we didn't disqualify, one of the player would remain in the winner bracket which was just unfair against the other player and future opponents). If 2 players contact each other and settle a time for a match before the deadline, then this match can also be played on Thursday or Friday. In this case post in the HardDrop thread (before the deadline of course) with time and date, so that we have proof and you don't get disqualified unintentionally.


don't you put the challonge link on the first page or somewhere more notable


Mistborn and I will play at 6.30 pm Wednesday PST
☠  crzy242


z2sam recorded Deputy vs elderSloth (featuring a 13 combo).

Quote from: iljaindon't you put the challonge link on the first page or somewhere more notable?
Well, it's in my first post in this thread (first page, scroll down a little).  I agree that it would be nice if Blink would  add a link to the brackets in his first post or tweet it. Most prominently, the bracket is linked in Cultris2's MOTW (Message Of The Week, top of the lobby if you start Cultris 2).


Seto San vs Xelina
15 : 7

Seto San win


It's been about 50 hours now since I sent Shaite a private message, and it is still unread. I can provide screenshots if needed.
And, the default time is 3 AM for me. And I want to be sleeping then.





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