puyopuyo tetris s

Started by cycle, January 12, 2017, 09:15:15 PM

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Yup!  http://harddrop.com/article/article_593/
willycel mentioned the Switch version is going to be region free so NA can play against JP and EU.  

I'm getting the Switch version, yourself?


Quote from: Blink
Yup!  http://harddrop.com/article/article_593/
willycel mentioned the Switch version is going to be region free so NA can play against JP and EU.  

I'm getting the Switch version, yourself?

no idea. i have a ps4 already. (that i haven't touched in a year) i might sell it for the convenience of a switch.

plz change the title to either remove nintendo switch or to puyopuyo tetris s (nintendo switch, ps4) if you can.


The game mode "Puzzle League" is an online rating system. Is there confirmation anywhere of how it'll work switching between the two modes or can you select one specifically to use?


Quote from: BlinkI'm getting the Switch version, yourself?
Dunno. The Switch is a bit expensive for its specs (it's roughly on a level with the PS3). Flexibility is nice but vibrating controller and optic sensors are gimmicks that I don't need but have to pay for. The base price is 330€ in Europe (which converts to 350$), then you've got to get a Pro controller for 70$ and (if I understood correctly) pay for the Online Service if you want to play multiplayer from autumn onwards. Puyo Puyo Tetris itself is 30$ in the download version. The English version will come out around May 31st so still some time to decide. No region lock in both PS4 and Switch version (you can play with Japanese folks) if I am not mistaken but also probably no crossplay.

Quote from: InkofDeathThe game mode "Puzzle League" is an online rating system. Is there confirmation anywhere of how it'll work switching between the two modes or can you select one specifically to use?
Since no Japanese player responded yet, I will try to answer (I don't own PPT though). If I unserstood correctly it's just one rating you have. So if you decide to go for Puyo Puyo or play Switch mode, you'll probably lose rating. Rating is not Elo based and maxes out at 9999 points (which only a few players were able to get).



I guess you can't change the delay (DAS) after which the autorepeat kicks in if you keep pressing the Left or Right. The lineclear delay is also pretty long for my taste but I guess it has to be this way to balance Tetris & Puyo Puyo action. I think it's a bit late for some suggestions (some years late) but I'd still like to see those changes (we should try to lobby for them):
  • IHS / IRS (Initial Hold / Rotation System): if you press down Hold or Rotate during the lineclear delay and you still keep pressing them when the next piece spawns, then it is immediately held or rotated
  • bigger previews in a 3+ player room
Regarding the second point, this is how it looks like.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/g6Y33vq.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/g6Y33vq.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

I can't see the previews at all if I focus on the ghost piece (top of the stack). Firstly, the previews are on top, which means a bigger distance from the ghost piece than usual (on side). Secondly, the previews are downscaled. The first preview is scaled down to about 55 % which means about 30% area which means about 30% luminosity. The other previews are even smaller. I think this is an even more stupid way to display previews than in Tetris Ultimate 3+ player rooms. So much wasted space (also true for puyos). Especially the first preview should be bigger. Hold piece can stay that small because you can memorize it. Here's some photoshopped image how it could look like. I would prefer it like for the 4th player (first preview in original size, next to it second preview and above it third preview both in half size). Actually, I would prefer having only a second preview but in original size rather than having 3 previews with the 2nd and 3rd scaled down, but I guess this would be a too big change.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/CJVVWlO.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/CJVVWlO.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: Okey_DokeyThe lineclear delay is also pretty long for my taste

wtf are u doing here? don´t u have a tgm score to beat u elitist wanker?


Actually, I despise all forms of delays in which you can't really do anything. So, I also despise TGM with its entry delay (delay after each piece locks). Instead of entry delay, it should have used twice as long lock delay when the piece spawns (but not when it falls down a row) and it should have used flatside down spawning directions and 2 vertical states for S & Z which eliminates the need for prerotations. Also, having to use sonicdrop and softdrop consecutively to harddrop a piece is more than stupid.

Also, I am no elitist wanker. I am against a too high skill gap in multiplayer as you can see in these threads. As for lineclear delay, it's a misconception that a long lineclear delay will narrow the speed gap (which is the biggest cause for skill gap, another cause would be super long games or no randomness). Shorter initial autorepeat delay (DAS) doesn't increase the speed gap that much either (if it's too long, people have to use DAS preserving techniques which means having to think at least 2 moves ahead and having to use finesse depending on the current autorepeat direction). On the other hand, a short Auto Repeat Rate (ARR) will increase the speed gap by much (I think guideline games  shouldn't use ARR faster than 1/30 g, that means the piece shouldn't move faster than 1 column per 2 frames at 60 hz frame rate).


Quote from: Okey_Dokey
Also, I am no elitist wanker.

yes u are. can't u just play tetris?

no really what's the point? u act like there are 5 tetris games each year and u can pick and choose. you can´t. there is 1 every 3-5 years.
either the hardcore tetris community embraces them or we will be left with even fewer tetris games apart from casual mobile tetris crap.


Quote from: cycle
Quote from: Okey_Dokey
Also, I am no elitist wanker.

yes u are. can't u just play tetris?

no really what's the point? u act like there are 5 tetris games each year and u can pick and choose. you can´t. there is 1 every 3-5 years.
either the hardcore tetris community embraces them or we will be left with even fewer tetris games apart from casual mobile tetris crap.

cycle, it's okay to critique official games.  I don't see how that makes someone elitist.  Just because they're being released once every few years doesn't mean players should blindly embrace every aspect about them.  Okey was only pointing out some key shortcomings: lack of IHS/IRS and tiny piece previews which are difficult to see in 4-Player mode.  The line clear delay being slow is an opinion she shares with many others as well (I disagree, I enjoy the shift to higher line clear efficiency).

I highly doubt that the Tetris community's feedback are what pushed to the lack of quality multiplayer games today.  TTC hasn't really worked closely with the community since Tetris Friends Expert PLUS mode, and I don't know what community feedback would make them focus on casino/mobile games.  Maybe it's.... money?
In fact, for Tetris Ultimate the lack of key configuration options and IRS/IHS were brought up by community beta testers and were outright ignored at launch.  

Like you, I've been frustrated at the lack of quality multiplayer games but I think you're upset at the wrong people (the Tetris community).  Just because a good official game finally comes around doesn't mean it has no areas of improvement for the next iteration.


Aren't we being a bit hypocritical, cycle? You laid out criticism after criticism on Tetris Ultimate (and rightly so). Now all of a sudden we can't post constructive feedback or else we're elitist? Sounds unfair.


Quote from: caffeine
Aren't we being a bit hypocritical, cycle? You laid out criticism after criticism on Tetris Ultimate (and rightly so). Now all of a sudden we can't post constructive feedback or else we're elitist? Sounds unfair.

tu was technically broken, wasn´t fixed and had pretentious marketing. no one here is posting constructive feedback. even if u emailed the staff at sega directly they wouldn't change anything at this point. it's pointless nitpicking that sends a strong signal.

let me explain what you are doing here:

okeydokey is a respectable member of the harddrop community. right? he just ripped "the new offical tetris game" apart with all sorts of abbreviations that no normal human being understands. ppl here read this and i think at least some of them go: "ah...another tetris game that doesn´t live up to our god (tgm)." others will think...ohh...this guy knows his stuff idk what it means but nope, not gonna buy.

i am sorry if u felt attacked okeydokey. i have 0 problems with u. seriously.
i just failed at sounding funny.

remember when tetris ds came out. it was compared to tgm. and ripped apart. oh the line clear delay. oh infinite rotation. omg no ars. (don't correct me if i am wrong.) let's play tgm instead.

yea i really think, like i said before, that the tgm worshipping is a HUGE problem. which cannot be said enough. i mean who does so anyway?

puyo pop tetris will release worldwide...i hope harddrop promotes it and embraces it and maybe a tournament will be played with that game and not tetris nes again.


Quote from: cycle
remember when tetris ds came out. it was compared to tgm. and ripped apart. oh the line clear delay. oh infinite rotation. omg no ars. (don't correct me if i am wrong.) let's play tgm instead.
Honestly, I don't remember that.

Quote from: cycle
puyo pop tetris will release worldwide...i hope harddrop promotes it and embraces it and maybe a tournament will be played with that game
I agree.

Quote from: cycle
and not tetris nes again.
NEStris, TGM, whatever it is, why not let people enjoy it if it's what they like?


Quote from: caffeine
Quote from: cycle
remember when tetris ds came out. it was compared to tgm. and ripped apart. oh the line clear delay. oh infinite rotation. omg no ars. (don't correct me if i am wrong.) let's play tgm instead.
Honestly, I don't remember that.

Quote from: cycle
puyo pop tetris will release worldwide...i hope harddrop promotes it and embraces it and maybe a tournament will be played with that game
I agree.

Quote from: cycle
and not tetris nes again.
NEStris, TGM, whatever it is, why not let people enjoy it if it's what they like?

1) oh please... tgm was most popular back then.
3) because both tgm and nes tetris are inaccessible and have no mass market appeal. yet they are important in hardcore tetris circles. this is backwards. it keeps the tetris community tiny.


this is maybe slightly off topic but here is an idea that just popped into my mind.

harddrop could be more than tetris. look at the name harddrop. it could be a platform that covers all sorts of puzzle games similar to tetris. dr. mario, puyo puyo, columns, puzzle league, puzzle fighter turbo...maybe even bejeweled.