
Started by noelnadal, April 21, 2016, 01:45:43 PM

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Hi !

Sorry if this looks too much like an advertising. Actually, it is an advert, but since some may be interested by it, and since it is for everyone's benefit, I hope that you will allow this.

Basically, I have been playing Tetris Battle® on Facebook for almost five years (2P and 6P modes). I like this game very much, but I realized one major problem (I am not talking about lags, lol) : you do not play against true opponents, but you play against saved games. This allows a better fluidity, but your opponent does not react to what you are doing, and therefore it is much easier to win. The application lets you invite people for 2P battles, but many people decline invitations or simply do not answer, and one might search for a long time before finding a true opponent.

Since I am currently studying computer science, I thought it would be interesting to let people meet at a given time and then make live battles easily, and thus program something that is related to this. I know that there are already several groups on Facebook that propose this, that's why I went further.

I would like to present you my last project : Tetris-Battles.com. The URL is very similar to the official one (tetrisbattle.com), but it is not official at all. The main functionality is that it is possible to hold some events, so that we could make some kind of Tetris Battle® tournaments, and this, regularly. It believe it will be really fun to compete one against each other, and try not only to be a Tetris God, but the best of them.

I launched the website last Saturday. It is still a beta release. As you can see, the design is not done yet. As I am not really gifted for this kind of things, I asked someone else to do it and I hope this will be done soon. Anyway, this is not the most important part, and the plate-form is supposed to work correctly.

Last Sunday the first Beta Event ever was held with me and two friends that agreed to be beta-testers (I thank them again). The results are available on the website. Now, I am glad to invite you to Beta Event 1, which will be held on Saturday, April 30th, at 14:00 (UTC+2). If you can't be there, see the list of upcoming events, whatever your timezone is you will be able to participate.

Since this website is at its very beginning, I would like to ask you to spread this news to your friends that play Tetris Battle® on Facebook, so that as many players as possible are aware of that website. I would be very grateful if you could do this.

If you are interested, not that you must first make an account on the website, through the registration form. Then, for every event you want to take part in, log in 15 minutes before the beginning time and go to the list of upcoming events to register. Be careful, registration closes 5 minutes before the indicated starting time!

I also advice you to read the tutorial ("Getting started"), to avoid delays when the event starts.

Here are some screens of what you may see during an event.

http://bit.ly/1rpUysL (upcoming matches)
http://bit.ly/1MLg18V (submitting results)
http://bit.ly/1SUBQPk (ranking after pools)
http://bit.ly/1SwJJ0w (final table)

Please tell me if there are any questions, or any bugs on the website that I didn't find.
Thank you for reading all this, and I hope this will have a lot of success!

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]http://www.tetris-battles.com[/div]


I realized there was a bug in the registration form. Sorry for that, now it is fixed. :/


I decided to let everyone create their own unofficial events, as it will not be easy to gather everyone at the same moment, especially at the beginning, since there are not that much members for now.
To do this, just log in and follow instructions.  


Interesting, I joined, but won't join any tourneys this month since kinda busy with things .

I have many friends on facebook from the Philippines etc who loves to play TB, but I see that would be a problem for the most of us if we have to stream the match, my laptop would lag like shit... and those 50+ friends I have from Asia who still plays tetris, they play for the most on internet shops.

Would be fun with some tetris battle tournament though  
But I see it's hard to find the people. Hope that will change!?!



basically, if two players for whom screen sharing is impossible play one against each other during a tournament, then none of them does screen sharing. Of course, referees will not be able to do their job, but up to now only one person selected that option. Hence, I believe this will not happen too often.  

Basically it is hard to find people, because there are not many ways advertising freely for it. And I don't want to pay for ads until the design is finished.   But still, some people registered and I hope some tournaments will be held this month.


As you can see, the website now has a real design. I hope you like it.