Stuff it up your S

Started by StevieSmiley, February 12, 2016, 05:36:37 PM

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I came across a piece situation that can set up various T-spins basically by stuffing either a Z or S down a 2 wide well. I've not seen anything in the wiki about it other than a brief example to set up a C spin. I wont make claims of effectiveness though because I've not personally experimented with it. and am still amateur in comparison to many here. I simply call it "Stuff it up your S

This first example shows a c-spin. It just happened to be the first example I made being the first time i used the fumen


the next few will attempt to show the reason for why i call it that.


this one sets up for multiple spins ( probably not best example, but it shows the idea.


same with this one, but differently.



The technique in the first (and second) fumen is desribed on the Triple-Double-Attack (C-Spin) wiki article. It's pretty useful because easy to stack and the T-Spin Double gets rid of the T-Spin Triple overhang. The only problem is that the T-Spin Triple won't be back to back; there are some games where the back to back bonus would send 2 or 3 additional lines (TOP, TB).

I think the technique in the third fumen appears too occasionally to be useful.

I think you are right that the technique in the fourth fumen isn't described on the wiki. The wiki seems to mention only T-Spin Double techniques where you don't give up the back to back bonus (making a hole with a horizontal or vertical S or Z placement, cleaning up the hole with a T-Spin, e.g. Antifate TSD, Blink SZ Prop, Cut Copy, Donating, Kaidan).

A bit related: I sometimes do this non-b2b T-Spin


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]A bit related: I sometimes do this non-b2b T-Spin

I had forgotten to mention that I had experimented with 3w filling but just havn't work it through. That's a great example.


Jkwon, you really stuffed it up your s right there.


Quote from: caffeine
Jkwon, you really stuffed it up your s right there.

Never seen anyone actually do air setups mid game. seems to take up too much foresight when a combo is staring you in the face.  


I've added it to the wiki.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.