Pizzapizza banned for no reason?

Started by WillyTris, April 28, 2015, 09:28:38 PM

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Do you think pizzapizza should be unbanned?

"Yes, He's a great inspiration for us!"
5 (38.5%)
"I think he's been great and all but i'm in doubt."
0 (0%)
"No, Hasn't he been rude before? (That's what i recall)"
8 (61.5%)

Total Members Voted: 30


So pizzapizza himself told me that he was banned for absolutely no reason, Or well, not that he knows of, I don't recall him doing anything bad like swearing or vandalism, And he's a pretty good player who has great inspiration, His gameplay is very amazing and seeing him improve even more is awesome, Why did the moderators ban him? I don't know either, To quote from the chatbox:
(The Shoutbox from Hard Drop)
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--] [WillyTris (That's me)] Somebody on the chat? I want to ask something.
[WillyTris] No one?
[mrsahrnsby] i am
[WillyTris] Can i talk about banned users?
[mrsahrnsby] if you wish
[WillyTris] pizzapizza (One of my friends here) Was banned, I asked on facebook why, and he said that he was banned for no reason, isn't that bad moderation?
[mrsahrnsby] did you remember to wish him happy birthday?
[WillyTris] Yes, I did, On facebook.
[mrsahrnsby] hail pizza
[mrsahrnsby] answer your question, i wasn't around when he was banned
[mrsahrnsby] but i'm sure the mods had their reasons. maybe reasons that pizza doesn't want to divulge.
[WillyTris] Should i make a forum post regarding this?
[mrsahrnsby] absolutely
[WillyTris] Going to make one right away then, Thanks for answering! =D
[mrsahrnsby] np![/quote]
Now i'm here, After that i asked pizzapizza if he knew anything that he might have been told.
On Facebook (Cut):
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Me: That's Ridiculous! If you want to  ban someone, You need a proper reason, Doing that is bad moderation.
Drew: exactly my thought
Me: Are there any reasons you don't want to divulge about? (Questions, ect)
Drew: idk
Me: You don't know about anything they might have told [to] you?
Drew: id dont remember ["id" should be "i"]
Drew: i wish
Drew: :/
And no i didn't make that up, That's exactly what i was told, With brackets to point out mistakes.
I'll be honest, Banning for no reason is bad moderation and i don't like it when a page is badly moderated, I vote* to unban him, But if you don't have an opinion you can press the "I have no opinion on this topic" button.
For moderators: Do you have a reason for why you banned him? If so, Could you tell me? Please, A ban for no reason is very unfair for the community, he's a tetris lover, not a vandal, Thank you for taking your time into reading this, I patiently await a reply. (Please reply as soon as possible if you can)
This post in a nutshell: Unfair ban made to user for no known reason, Would you unban him?
*You can't vote on your own post, clever!


Quote from: WillyTrisThis post in a nutshell: Unfair ban made to user for no known reason
Well, no.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


Note: I am not a moderator.
Also note: I was not an active member when he was banned
Simultaneously note: Hail pizza


Quote from: Aaron
Quote from: WillyTrisThis post in a nutshell: Unfair ban made to user for no known reason
Well, no.
Do you have a reason? If so, Can you tell me? That's all i want to know, Also my information was limited so i based the post around the information that i could get. (Don't ban me for that, please...)


Quote from: WillyTris
Quote from: Aaron
Quote from: WillyTrisThis post in a nutshell: Unfair ban made to user for no known reason
Well, no.
Do you have a reason? If so, Can you tell me? That's all i want to know, Also my information was limited so i based the post around the information that i could get. (Don't ban me for that, please...)
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


I'm not sure I like the way you're speaking of the moderators with such little evidence to go on. The screenshot of your conversation with him shows me nothing more than his own avoidance tactics. In fact, I'm not so sure you're not pizzapizza, himself (hail). I vote to permaban WillyTris. We don't negotiate with tetrorrists.


Quote from: mrsahrnsbyWe don't negotiate with tetrorrists.
Hear, hear!


Ah pizzapizza...his contagiously jolly vibe will be dearly missed  
"Practice Makes Perfect Never Give Up Pizza Power!"


Quote from: mrsahrnsby
I'm not sure I like the way you're speaking of the moderators with such little evidence to go on. The screenshot of your conversation with him shows me nothing more than his own avoidance tactics. In fact, I'm not so sure you're not pizzapizza, himself (hail). I vote to permaban WillyTris. We don't negotiate with tetrorrists.
Sorry, I just wanted to know the reason, Going to close the poll now, Uh, How do i close the poll to begin with? And yes, I knew that the post had limited information of my part, Sorry for bothering you.
(*Starts looking around on how to close the poll*)
Quick Edit: Sorry for bothering the moderators as well, I didn't know anything about the ban information, It's a common mistake, You know? I'll try not to do anything without research again.


Since when is monopolising and monotonising the shoutbox against forum rules?
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
Since when is monopolising and monotonising the shoutbox against forum rules?
Googled both words separately, lol.
1. (of an organization or group) obtain exclusive possession or control of (a trade, commodity, or service).
2. have or take the greatest share of.
3. get or keep exclusively to oneself.
1. (of a function or quantity) varying in such a way that it either never decreases or never increases.
2. speaking or uttered with an unchanging pitch or tone.
1. dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.
2. (of a sound or utterance) lacking in variation in tone or pitch.


How can the Hard Drop Moderating team be sure that pizzapizza monopolized and monotonized the shoutbox and forums and deserves a punishment for this  

There is not much activity on the shoutbox and the forums, so if one member is a little bit more active than the others that will be noticeable but that does not necessarily mean this member is intentionally attempting to monopolize or monotonize anything.

The reason why the shoutbox and forums appeared to be monopolized and monotonized could simply be that literally no one else was posting or chatting. If all the 7258 members of Hard Drop was actively using the shoutbox and forums, then pizzapizza could be even more active and still nothing would seem monopolized and monotonized by him.

I think we should unban pizzapizza and ban everyone else for not contributing enough on the shoutbox and the forums


Quote from: Blitz
How can the Hard Drop Moderating team be sure that pizzapizza monopolized and monotonized the shoutbox and forums and deserves a punishment for this  

There is not much activity on the shoutbox and the forums, so if one member is a little bit more active than the others that will be noticeable but that does not necessarily mean this member is intentionally attempting to monopolize or monotonize anything.

The reason why the shoutbox and forums appeared to be monopolized and monotonized could simply be that literally no one else was posting or chatting. If all the 7258 members of Hard Drop was actively using the shoutbox and forums, then pizzapizza could be even more active and still nothing would seem monopolized and monotonized by him.

I think we should unban pizzapizza and ban everyone else for not contributing enough on the shoutbox and the forums
You made me smile with that!  
Also, Seven Thousands Members? I didn't know that hard drop had that many!  
Quick (I nearly type "Quack" there) edit: It is even possible to close the poll somehow? If so, Can someone give me instructions?


Quote from: WillyTrisAnd he's a pretty good player who has great inspiration, His gameplay is very amazing and seeing him improve even more is awesome
He holds down soft drop, doesn't use DAS, and refuses to play NullpoMino because "you can't use the same keys as TF." I don't think any of your words mean what you think they mean.
Quote from: WillyTris*You can't vote on your own post, clever!
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]
Quote from: WillyTrisUh, How do i close the poll to begin with?
Quote from: WillyTrisIt is even possible to close the poll somehow? If so, Can someone give me instructions?
[a href=\\\"]Can't win 'em all, champ.[/url]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]He holds down soft drop, doesn't use DAS, and refuses to play NullpoMino because "you can't use the same keys as TF." I don't think any of your words mean what you think they mean.[/quote] --Aaron
Everyone has their own style, you know? The way he plays with the slow DAS impresses me, I admit that he would be better with fast DAS if he practices with it, But still... Also i think i should stop replying to this lol.
"Can't win 'em all, champ."
Also, That means that you can't close your poll? Oh well...
Also, that picture is funny.