
Started by poopmo, November 01, 2014, 06:48:47 AM

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I for one hate it. I'd rather not play a smurf but in some games like TOP it has become virtually impossible. Why do I hate it? Cuz it makes forming rivalries impossible. When someone beats me, I want to know who beat me so I can get back at them next time. On TOP however the average length of an account seems to be 100 games before it disappears and a new one pops up. Making it impossible to form these rivalries.

To me this really prevents the game from ever having a solid community and even makes me want to play less. If u support a game and love it... u make an account and stick with it. I get that sometimes people get a little tired of competing and want to smurf, but on TOP its really becoming ridiculous and snowballing out of control. Besides ZeroT I havent played a legit name in weeks. All these smurfs seem to be so serious about tetris, want it to be an esport but are then too scared to compete even on the most basic level... grow some balls u pussies!

I can't be the only one frustrated by this. Whats ur opinion on smurfing? Should it be allowed or not? Is it even an issue?  etc.

DISCUSS (before Vince and Jkwon ruin Tetris Ultimate with a 1000 smurfs)


They should at least tell you who they are if you ask.
☠ ZeroT


I never understood why people use smurfs. Probably because the amount of drama related with competitive tetris is at a scale of mexican soap operas.


Smurfing is the best thing that has happened to Tetris since the Lightning Bolt.


Good luck. People have been doing it since long before TOP. I think there's only one real way to (kind of) stop it. First, you have to have a game that costs money. Second, you have to lock that screenname to the game product key.

Quote from: eevor
I never understood why people use smurfs. Probably because the amount of drama related with competitive tetris is at a scale of mexican soap operas.

Really? I always thought it was because people don't want to risk their precious Tetris Reputation™. After all, isn't it better to alienate yourself through anonymous play than to risk having people perceive your real identity as performing at gasp less than that of tournament-level readiness?


I alternate between 3 accounts on TOP. I do this because I like the statistic feedback I can get from this page It shows the average speed and attack the last 24 hours. I usually want the stats for my current session so if I had played any games earlier that day or yesterday within the 24 hour window that would destroy my average and not give me the information that I'm looking for. I deal with this by using a different account when I want accurate stats. I know I can also reset my ingame statistics using a command but that also resets some other statistics that I do not want to reset.
I would say thats a legit reason to smurf  
I will tell people if they ask me in game, but so far that has only happened once.

I understand why people have problems with smurfing. I had that too, but once I stopped caring the problems were gone.


I think having a alternate account for stat or other reasons is okay, but I feel that if you are gonna be 1v1ing someone you know, and is well known, you should play on your main account, or at least identify yourself. Its a matter of respect. As a player, we like to know how we fair versus different opponents, and like bada said, rivalries form and you can become more motivated to get better if you know who you lost to, and where they stand. In 6player rooms, who cares, but 1on1 is different.
☠ ZeroT


I'm with you bada.  It seems like people care way too much about stats these days.


I personally despise (intentional) smurfing...seems like a cowardly act to me.

*Blitz's reasoning for such a thing seems legitimate to me but I dare say majority of smurfs aren't using their multiple accounts for such reasons.

-   Jono
Fear and respect... the supreme energy that is Psycho Power!


I like playing on an anonymous, randomly generated account name. With TOP at least, there is a rating system that (kind of) works, so surely playing people with a certain rating is good enough?

There is a difference between posing as a newbie and just creating a new account...

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


stats aint shit but tspins and tricks
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Quote from: XaeL
I like playing on an anonymous, randomly generated account name. With TOP at least, there is a rating system that (kind of) works, so surely playing people with a certain rating is good enough?

There is a difference between posing as a newbie and just creating a new account...

Well my point is more against smurfing cuz its antisocial and doesn't contribute to a community or is even destructive to it. Imagine the TOP5 players on TF never playing on a main account but always on a different randomly generated name. I know I wouldnt stick around for that... When I see someone like ajanba or HAHAHA, I stay on longer, watch their games, try to play against them...  If they'd just play a different name every time I simply wouldn't bother anymore. Same for you. Have you ever tried thinking that maybe people would like to play Xael and would stick around and try to play you again next time they see you on? Id like to play you, you've been trolling these forums for years but honestly in my 8 years of tetris I've only seen you play once. I think this is just such a basic insight, but most players dont seem to get the importance of it.

And Blitz... you shouldn't be playing video games at all, go do some math... If the means TOP provides to track your stats aren't enough i.e. a webpage that allows you to track ur last ten games, a reset command so you can reset all your stats and watch the same graph form over and over again. But yet you choose to make a new account with a different name because that one average number is off since you played a game of tetris 10 hour ago. Something is just wrong with you. And even then: why does it have to be a different name? Why not make one alternate account, call it AutismBlitz and reset those stats every time you start a new session?

I love TOP, it's an amazing game but the community is just a joke. Especially when you're in the 70-90apm range and try to look for some peers. About 80% of people I play I never heard off and will disappear within a week and it really frustrates me.


Quote from: XaeL
I like playing on an anonymous, randomly generated account name. With TOP at least, there is a rating system that (kind of) works, so surely playing people with a certain rating is good enough?

There is a difference between posing as a newbie and just creating a new account...

Still sucks. I'd much rather know that I played vs XaeL than vs black_pirate_with_huge_b00bs.
What do you get by playing on such accounts?


Quote from: eevor

What do you get by playing on such accounts?
You get information about your opponent without them having information about you. It's vanity, basically.


yeah it's not good to have multiple accounts ... :\