Tetris streams

Started by jkwon23, August 17, 2014, 07:14:17 AM

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You can share your stream channel in this thread. Your stream channel has to stream mostly tetris, because this is a tetris community. This statement varies upon the streamer's tetris skill, and the quality of the stream. The quality of a stream is determined by interactivity between viewers and the channel's streamer, the relevancy of what the channel's streamer says, relevancy of the medium (not playing 5 different games at the same time), and the person's relative skill level to his opponents, or the general viewers, who take most of the viewing population.

In the early stage, the general viewers will have a higher standard because they come from, in this case, a tetris community. As the stream gets more popular, the standard might either be kept to the tetris community, or lowered by a boom of casual viewers that greatly exceeds the number of spectators from harddrop, a tetris community. If the viewing count persists for 2 weeks or more, harddrop membership count will increase, and competition will increase as a result.

For tetris, a lot of good tetris players seem to come from non-english speaking countries Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. An earnest effort will have to be made to bridge the language and communication gap by tapping into some of the communities. Japan consists of a twitter community, and China/taiwan has a community on BAIDU, and koreans hang out around cultris and nullpomino. Although the Korean tetris community seems to flounder, some players are still hard to ignore. Player dahye has a sprint time of 21.80 with only one rotation and has, on average, 90+ Attack (or output) per minute and 100+ Lines per minute.

I stream just for fun on my stream channel without any commentary.