Tetris ultimate (next gen)

Started by waizqt, June 04, 2014, 03:05:53 PM

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Hey all,

I've been keeping up with the thread and want to clarify and comment on some of the things here.

First and foremost, Release dates: 11/11 - 3DS All others - TBA. Don't worry, they are coming, we're just making sure that they're the best that they can be.
Platforms: 3DS, Xbox One, PS4, PC, and PS Vita.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Conclusion: Microtransactions confirmed. lol j/k, I HOPE (looking at you, Ubisoft)[/quote]
Nope! No microtransactions available. Tetris Ultimate should be an even playing field for gamers and P2W isn't our style.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Proper profiles with stats, or even a matchmaking experience would be cool.[/quote]
Ask and you shall receive. We're tracking your every move in game to give you everything there is to know about how you're performing in comparison to other players.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Will Ubisoft be able to patch or update the game if it happens to have any issues or imbalance?  or is it going to be a single untouchable release on all platforms?[/quote]
Patches and updates will be possible post-launch and will not be a single untouchable release. We'll be paying very close attention to the community's feedback throughout the games life cycle.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--] 03:25
So looks like piece continuity still does not exist. It's frustrating to see that especially in a mode to determine the fastest player, (Hypothetically saying) one player "could" have a harder set of pieces. (Even though it should be very minimal with a 7 piece bag). The common argument against me is that some one could copy my moves but in a race, why would you want to follow the leader? This isn't mario kart, there is no bonus for that.

1> All Clears are not programmed
6> WHAT IS LEVEL UP? I'm glad there's an indicator for it but what does it do? Why is level up based on lines cleared?
5> Just as an idea but why can't this tournament be an online or even local mode in the game? (Also include spectator mode!) Smash Bros. Wii had something similar to this and I loved it.
- Ubisoft, give us better notices of these events! I'd love to go out and say hi again~
- There is an option to turn identical sets to "on" so that you get your piece continuity.  
- All Clears are programmed however it has to be a pure All Clear to have it trigger. It can't the result of a powerup as shown in the video of Battle Ultimate mode. (Buzzsaw clears 3 random lines of your well)
- Level Up increases how quickly your tetriminos fall.
- Powerups in Battle Ultimate are not effected by the user Level of the player who activates it. They're standard behaviors throughout the match.
- Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, but all live event tournaments that we've done have been done with Local MP VS. If you're asking for Battle Ultimate to be a local and online mode in the game, we have that too!
- We want to! Don't worry, those won't be the last  

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--] I do think more should be done to try to help some of the players that might be interested in tackling the game at a higher level actually do so. If there were some sort of post-game tips based on common stacking mistakes they made or a Lesson mode or something to acquaint players with more than just the utter basics ("pieces go left/right, rotate, make lines, OK HAVE FUN" is not exactly the most comprehensive guidance), I think that could potentially help a lot. Right now, players are forced to sort of jump in the deep end -- they have to learn in trial by fire, or search up the hardcore player forums/wikis. Not everyone is going to go outside of the game to get this info, and they'll likely find themselves overloaded with information if they do.[/quote]
Anyone interested in doing some content????  

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--] The game seemed 'finished' to typical Tetris/Ubisoft standards in August. [/quote]
Heh, if you thought that then... Can't wait for you to see the really real game now!

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]

We're going to have an official Q&A prior to each launch, make sure to keep the questions coming so that we can keep answering them for you!


 This is sounding really good so far. Thank you!


Quote from: ItsCeeCeeWe're tracking your every move in game to give you everything there is to know about how you're performing in comparison to other players.
Can you expand on this?

cc: officegunner
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


Why do I get the feeling that I'm forced to download uPlay for the PC version?

Also, Kalahari.com has shown that they have Tetris Ultimate.  Some online stores are showing it already, and BT Games has it listed in their upcoming releases.  Good to know that the 3DS version of TU will be covered.

As I've played almost 200 hours of Tetris Axis (199 hours 11 minutes) I may need a new version to play with, so Tetris Ultimate it is.
Seeking improvement on Tetris, but taking it one mino at a time.



Will 1 title receive more patch support than the rest? Freedom of the PC, and 'easier' time patching on the 3DS may fragment the Xbone and PS4 versions. What is the plan, if any, to keep all the titles in sync, if there will be bug/patch support in the future? DLCs, expansions, or just straight patches to each version?

Mod-support in the future at all for the PC version? Even just customizing stuff on the client side...?

Steam or uPlay? I mean, there's tons of Ubisoft games on Steam already, why not add TU to that list?

Really excited to hear there's going to be good stat tracking/profile displays. That's promising!

Mind sharing any examples of what has changed in TU august to TU November/3DS launch?

Any details about spectating other matches (and it not sucking like Tetris Friends)?

Thanks for reaching out to Hard Drop/Tetris community, its great.

EDIT: Any integration or features that may assist with streaming TU/keeping players aware of popular streams/events going on?

Social Media: Any other way to contact you, or TU-related individuals on questions/updates?


What's this "championship mode" we keep hearing about? How is it different from the regular multiplayer?

Will players be able to face each other online "live"? Part of the press release mentions what seems like asynchronous play, so I was wondering if you could clear that up.

Do you know what kind of crossplay will be available. (For example, Xbox1 + PC, PS4+Vita, etc.).


It sounds like we actually have an opportunity here to influence how this game is being developed... even at such a late stage. I really hope people take the time to post things here rather than just moaning about what is missing after the game is released.

My questions:

- Is there anything, us a hardcore tetris community, could do to assist you guys? We are probably just as/more invested in your game being a success than you are.

- Is there any scope to get one/some of us involved in the final testing phase? There are a lot of people here who've made their own tetris games or spent many years playing tetris. If there is anything critical missing then they would find it fast. I imagine some things would be very easy to fix....

- What garbage system is being used? Something I've always liked the idea of for a tetris game is Change on attack garbage (every time you send a new attack the garbage hole which appears is randomly selected). This is fairly standard BUT I'd also like to see back to back bonuses causing the same thing. So if you send someone two tetris in a row they will always end up with at least two garbage holes regardless of how they choose to accept the attack. This drasticly increases the skill needed to return garbage and would result in fairer games I feel. It also really rewards players for using back to back and probably opens up new setups/strategies as being powerful.

- Is there any chance at having lines sent divided up between the players receiving them? Currently in large rooms (tetris friends / tetris battle) it is a
very good strategy to stack for large attacks (complex setups/combos) right at the start because you can usually send enough lines to totally wipe out at least one or two other players unless someone specifically targets you to prevent this. With the random targeter there is usually quite a good chance that you won't receive a great deal of garbage for long enough to build a giant attack. This results in several things:
  • Intermediate players find combos the most rewarding way to play and consistently use them. This results in them either dying very quickly or winning very convincingly. Usually nothing in between. All other areas of their play suffer and they get crushed by other players if their initial attack fails (not as used to playing the mid/late game).
  • People in 6 player rooms often die straight away, regardless of skill due to receiving so many lines of garbage. This can be frustrating for better players who will then tend to stick to 2player rooms, and demoralising for beginners who just assume everyone is a billion times better than them.
  • It isn't always possible to counter the strategy unless the target goes onto the right person early on.
  • Creates a huge divide between the people using this strategy and those who don't at the low/mid skill level (read: most people).
Now all of this can be fixed fairly easily by changing the garbage to be divided up between all players rather than all being randomly dumped onto one person. This also stops perfect clear sniping, where you stack for a perfect clear and then do nothing until you can instantly kill someone. I understand you guys might think this makes the game less fun, but it would balance out the power of combos/setups nicely for worse players without really affecting the high end players which is nice I think. Even having HALF the garbage distributed and the other half sent to one player would be a huge step forward. This would also result in making people more skillful! You'd be dealing with the mid game faster and having to downstack through more smaller attacks rather than get lucky/or survive a massive initial barrage before you start getting to play properly.


@raven In one of the recent gameplay videos, they played a 4-way game. The target cycled around, changing players with each send event. I think this is definitely an improvement over "target each player for x seconds," since it's more difficult to exploit.


Are all spins recognized or just t-spins?

Can you disable getting an S or Z as the first piece in sprint mode?

Will the 3ds game be available to download in the online store at midnight?


Quote from: Ravendarksky
It sounds like we actually have an opportunity here to influence how this game is being developed... even at such a late stage. I really hope people take the time to post things here rather than just moaning about what is missing after the game is released.

My questions:

- Is there anything, us a hardcore tetris community, could do to assist you guys? We are probably just as/more invested in your game being a success than you are.

We've actually tapped into some of the talent on HardDrop who have played it here in the office and given really valuable feedback. Who they are, they can't say and I can't say, but we sat them in front of it with the goal of "break our game" in which they did.


Why is this being released on Remembrance Day?  It's not as bad as that Call of Duty game doing it, but I still think it's disrespectful.  Assuming Nintendo puts it on the eShop at 9 pacific it's going to get released at the 11th hour for everyone on central time.

Why is this not being released for Wii U?  Tetris and Nintendo have always gone together, so if there's any one game Ubisoft should be releasing for Wii U it's Tetris Ultimate.  The 3DS already has Axis, and I honestly don't know how well Tetris Ultimate will compete with it at twice the price and half the local multiplayer, even if it manages to be a bit higher in quality.


Maybe that's why it's slated to release on the 13th in euroland.


Quote from: ItsCeeCee
Quote from: Ravendarksky
It sounds like we actually have an opportunity here to influence how this game is being developed... even at such a late stage. I really hope people take the time to post things here rather than just moaning about what is missing after the game is released.

My questions:

- Is there anything, us a hardcore tetris community, could do to assist you guys? We are probably just as/more invested in your game being a success than you are.

We've actually tapped into some of the talent on HardDrop who have played it here in the office and given really valuable feedback. Who they are, they can't say and I can't say, but we sat them in front of it with the goal of "break our game" in which they did.

This is fantastic news! I'd trust any of the higher profile tetris nerds here to provide all the feedback (and better) that I myself would probably give =D.

I'm very hyped for your game... can't wait! *crosses fingers for cross platform compatibility, but realises it is probably not an option as people in thread have already said*.


Quote from: caffeine
@raven In one of the recent gameplay videos, they played a 4-way game. The target cycled around, changing players with each send event. I think this is definitely an improvement over "target each player for x seconds," since it's more difficult to exploit.

For large scale games of 4+ players, there needs to be a change of rules on how garbage is dispersed. It should be set in a knockout style.

For example: a 4 player game
Players A, B, C, and D

Players will be randomized in a order. Let's say it somehow landed on A > B > C > D
Player A damage will only affect Player B
Player B damage will only affect Player C
Player C damage will only affect Player D
Player D damage will only affect Player A

If a player tops out, the damage will be sent to the next player in line.
So if Player B Tops out:
Player A damage will only affect Player C
Player C damage will only affect Player D
Player D damage will only affect Player A

Then let's say Player D Tops out:
Player A damage will only affect Player C
Player C damage will only affect Player A

This completely removes the issue of someone receiving multiple amounts of garbage from the same people.