A NullpoMino Mod

Started by Integration, June 03, 2014, 11:57:54 AM

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I've made a NullpoMino Mod which comes with 4 new modes (Ultra+, Cheese, Marath0n, Pentris) and some additional options to change how previews are displayed. I've made it for NullpoMino League Edition to be on the safe side (I can't break multiplayer since League multiplayer seems to be as good as dead). Note that this Modification is not maintained. Don't suggest anything; I won't make a new version.


Here's a standalone version: download me and unzip

If you want to integrate that Mod into your NullpoMino League Edition , then download the following file and follow the instruction:
  • in the main League Edition folder, rename NullpoMino.jar to NullpoMino2.jar; also rename the folder bin to bin2
  • download the attached NullpoMino.jar and place it in your main League Edition folder
  • go to the folder config/list, open mode.lst and modefolder.lst with a text editor and add the following lines:

modefolder.lst (add these lines below #:POPULAR MODES LINE RACE)

edit: slightly updated NullpoMino.jar (makes Pentris randomizer available in other modes)

Preview Options

You find these options under Game Tuning:
  • Max Previews (0 to 6): determines the size of the next piece queue
  • Previews Offset (centered, on top, x pixels): for moving the next piece queue down by some pixels
  • Deformed Preview (not deformed, x frames): previews are deformed to O pieces until you need more than x frames to drop a piece
  • Hide 1st Preview (not hidden, x frames): the next piece is hidden until you need more than x frames to drop a piece (only makes sense if you play with at least 2 previews)
  • Hide Matrix (gray, not hidden, x frames): the complete matrix (except garbage lines) is invisible until you need more than x frames to drop a piece
  • Hide Current (hide ghost, not hidden, x frames): the active piece is hidden until you need more than x frames to drop a piece
The last 4 settings are there for training purpose. For example you can set Hide Current to 180 frames (3 seconds), which forces you to pay attention to the next piece queue.


All modes allow the player to select the randomizer (a randomizer determines the piece sequence) and to enable/disable the use of Hold. There are some other options e.g. the scoring system. Each option tuple has an own leaderboard. If you play with T-Spin scoring system, then the SRS kick table will be used. Otherwise, the kick system works similar to Cultris 2 but with a slighty changed kick order: down, left&down, right&down, left, right. All modes use a lock delay which is only reset when a new piece spawns (and is consumed each time the piece would normally lock).

  • Bag: exactly one of each kind within the first 7 pieces, and so on
  • Bag+: at least one of each kind within the first 8 pieces, and so on
  • 2Bag+: at least 3 of each kind within the first 24 pieces, and so on
  • Dory: memoryless randomizer (totally random)
  • Olaf: pretty random, slightly reduces the chances of floods (getting one kind multiple times in a row) and droughts (missing one kind for a long time)

Score as many points as possible before you top out. The randomizer becomes more and more evil by handing out pieces consisting of 5 squares (Pentominoes). There're 10 levels in total. You rank up every 18 lines (at least if you start in level 1). In level 1 you get 9 Trominoes, 27 Tetrominoes and 9 Pentominoes. In each further level, the number of Pentominoes is increased by 3 and the number of Trominoes and Tetrominoes is decreased by 1 respectively 3 ( this means no Trominoes and Tetrominoes in level 10).

Option: Starting Level
Points: Single 10, Double 30, Triple 90, Tetris 240, Pentris 600
Multiplier from level 1 to 10: 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.9, 2.2, 2.5, 2.9, 3.4, 4.0


Similar to classic Marathon (score as many points as possible before you top out). Level increases every 10 lines and with it the gravity.

Options: Starting Level, Repeat Rate (ARR), Scoring system
Points Classic: Single 10, Double 30, Triple 90, Tetris 240, Tetriz 280, B2B +40
Points T-Spin: Zero Mini 100, Zero 200, Mini 300, Single 500, Double 800, Triple 1200; normal clears: Single 100, Double 300, Triple 500, Tetris 800, B2B x 1.5, Bravo +1800
(a Tetriz is a Tetris where the Tetris column is not on the wall)
Multiplier from level 1 to 10: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9
Multiplier from level 11 to 20: 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.9, 3.2, 3.5, 3.9, 4.4, 5.0


Similar to Dig Race (downstack a certain number of lines as fast as possible). The difference is that garbage lines are reinserted until you reach the goal (which can be 100 lines or whatever).

Options: Lines, Garbage type


Similar to Ultra (score as many points as possible within a given time). The difference is that you can also select to receive garbage lines from time to time. There's a 20 % chance that 2 consecutive garbage lines have their hole in the same column (same goes for Cheese mode Normal garbage type). You can also select a very fast insertion speed and try to survive the flood of garbage as long as possible (similar to Cultris 2 Grande Finale). Or try to do as many back-to-back Tetrises as possible (similar to Cultris 2 James Clewett's)

Options: Duration, Garbage every x seconds, Scoring system
Points Classic: Single 10, Double 30, Triple 90, Tetris 240, Tetriz 280, B2B +40
Points T-Spin: Zero Mini 150, Zero 300, Mini 400, Single 700, Double 1100, Triple 1480; normal clears: Single 100, Double 300, Triple 500, Tetris 800, B2B x 1.5, Bravo +2400, Combo +50*counter

High Scores

edit: Since nobody posted scores for Ultra+, let's try to collect scores for the Cheese mode

Cheese, 100 lines, messy garbage, Bag randomizer, Hold on
1. qmk          1:31.10  255  .  167.9
2. Alexandra    1:34.80  258  .  163.3
3. jkwon23      1:40.35  331  .  197.9  https://youtu.be/IylRIE4HRnU
4. onepunman    1:49.93  304  .  165.9  https://youtu.be/0rmt8Q8W2cg

Cheese, 100 lines, messy garbage, Olaf randomizer, Hold off
1. Integration  4:30.46  563  .  124.9  2 previews

There are too many combinations possible to list a complete highscore board. However, I want to collect scores for certain suitable combinations:

Ultra+, 5 minutes, garbage every 5 seconds, Olaf, Hold off, scoring Classic
   Player     Score    PPM

Ultra+, 10 minutes, garbage every 1.7 seconds, Olaf, Hold off, scoring Time
   Player     Time     PPM

Ultra+, 20 minutes, no garbage, Olaf, Hold off, scoring Tetris
   Player     Lines    PPM

Ultra+, 5 minutes, garbage every 5 seconds, Bag, Hold on, scoring T-Spin
   Player     Score    PPM

Ultra+, 10 minutes, garbage every 1 second, Bag, Hold on, scoring Time
   Player     Time     PPM


You can change GeneralOptions->NextPieces to Top or Side(Small). I recommend to use the attached background image (NullpoLeagueModJAR.zip) in this case. It is possible to play these modes with switching background images. To achieve this you have to copy back1.png, back2.png and so on from NullpoMino 7.5 (and rename 7.5's back0.png to back20.png) over to League Edition's Res/Graphics folder. I have also activated the sounds levelup.wav, lock.wav, harddrop.wav, softdrop.wav, change.wav, countdown.wav, garbage.wav which can be also copied over from 7.5's Res/SE folder. Background music should also work, but you would have to change some options in Config/Setting/Slick.cfg (e.g. option.bgm=true)

Not related: Nullpo1Key - another NullpoMino Mod I once made (pseudo 1-key finesse)


I was wondering about that cheese mode when I saw your original AI video! Very cool.


I can't play it for about a month, but damn, looks like you put a lot of effort into it. Nice going. Great to see there's still a little of the good things going on .
Eager to try it when I have the chance  


nice game modes!
softdrop doesn't work?
and no SFX for pentris :x


can you post screenshots?
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


its fantastic!!!  thank you so much


Is there a way I could apply these added game types and/or block skins into the Mac OS X version of NullpoMino?


I really like the 100lines cheese!

I wish integration made some more downstacking mods so I could make more records :S
please ~ ~


Hi there,
I have a question is it posible to make a mod, that supports 99 players, like Tetris 99 from switch?
this would be really awesom, if that is possible