How did you get your name?

Started by Magnanimous, January 08, 2010, 11:11:22 PM

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Quote from: Master
Master comes ....from Pokemon xD i used to play the game when i was a kid and i wanted to be a pokemon master   .... ( i still play pokemon X )
if you guys want to add me .. ( 1907-8911-2162)

Wow you play pokemon and tetris becoming more asian? Lol, how is pokemon gen VI? my parents wont even let me get anymore games DX
Tetris Friends: FireTstar_ (on most)

NullpoMino, Tetris Online Poland, and Cultris II: Inferno (on sometimes)

Short Term Goals: Sub 35, piece preview

Long Term Goals: Sub 30, APM and LPM 50+, learn perfect clears, master T-Spins, 0 finesse errors (consistentl


it comes from concatentation

string userName = "Vien" + "Vong";


My friend(TheSuperiorTaste) and I made up these stupid names because we messed around in the cooking classes in high school. I really like spicy food so....there's that. He needed to come up with a name, so TheSuperiorTaste sounded fitting(he's always a step ahead of me, except he doesn't play tetris). Basically I would down peppers before each smash bros match and see how well(badly) I played with my mouth on fire, and that was kind of where that came from. Tasty and Spicy was also a cool(and when I say cool I mean really really intentionally lame) team name in smash bros tournaments.


Okay My Nickname CharChar is Not in any relation with Pokemon, I was called charchar at home or just char cause it is just short for my real name which you most know is charity  like give to charity haha i was searching through the web to see what the pokemon name was spelled and found my nickname on this site called Urban Dictionary, made me feel better about myself and convince me to play on my first acct more often.

Urban Dictionary


There is already a thread like this that exists
Tetris Friends: FireTstar_ (on most)

NullpoMino, Tetris Online Poland, and Cultris II: Inferno (on sometimes)

Short Term Goals: Sub 35, piece preview

Long Term Goals: Sub 30, APM and LPM 50+, learn perfect clears, master T-Spins, 0 finesse errors (consistentl


Please use the advance search bar in the future before making new threads so we don't have duplicate threads.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


When I was a kid, the janitor in my school used to call me agizzle because my name was Alex but people called me AJ (Alex Jr.) Then I just added fizzle123.
"The truth lies in darkness" -Zed the Master of Shadows


Quote from: FireTstar
There is already a thread like this that exists

Sorry I am too lazy to go that far back in history of threads i can't find to know what has been said


Quote from: charchar_XD
Sorry I am too lazy to go that far back in history of threads i can't find to know what has been said

This is why there's an advanced search form. Please use it in the future, I've merged a few of your threads already.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef
This is why there's an advanced search form. Please use it in the future, I've merged a few of your threads already.

why worry if it's duplicate? Why not let it start for those that were not on this site 5 yrs ago to even know that the forum exist? cause i didn't know there was one from 2010 which is kinda silly to let it hang there and not let others start the topic as well 4 yrs later ? we get new members why not let a subject start up and let the past be the past? I think it would be nice to let others write what they want and not be bugged about it being written already. Like hello 2010 forum who reads it now? new person joins and it is 2014 ? writes it but in their own perspective for the people now to look at. Let subjects start again if needed it is nice to get people talking again even though it relates cause honestly i can't write a forum cause it has been written a different way in the past so yeah i don't plan on writing if i don't know what to write.


Quote from: charchar_XD
why worry if it's duplicate? Why not let it start for those that were not on this site 5 yrs ago to even know that the forum exist? cause i didn't know there was one from 2010 which is kinda silly to let it hang there and not let others start the topic as well 4 yrs later ? we get new members why not let a subject start up and let the past be the past? I think it would be nice to let others write what they want and not be bugged about it being written already. Like hello 2010 forum who reads it now? new person joins and it is 2014 ? writes it but in their own perspective for the people now to look at. Let subjects start again if needed it is nice to get people talking again even though it relates cause honestly i can't write a forum cause it has been written a different way in the past so yeah i don't plan on writing if i don't know what to write.

Duplicate threads make the forums messy. That's really all that is.
For instance we've had this one topic brought up so many times and people have made 3-4 threads of it, it's obnoxious. It's easier to have all of the discussion done in the one thread that pertains to it.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: Paul676
classic ohshitstef. I definitely thought it was that for like 2 years.

that's my first impression of the name too.

and secondly i thought it was

O hits stef
(an O falling down from the sky)


Quote from: farter
that's my first impression of the name too.

and secondly i thought it was

O hits stef
(an O falling down from the sky)

i get that a lot

i should've made my sn
or something

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: charchar_XD
Like hello 2010 forum who reads it now? new person joins and it is 2014 ? writes it but in their own perspective for the people now to look at. Let subjects start again if needed it is nice to get people talking again even though it relates cause honestly i can't write a forum cause it has been written a different way in the past so yeah i don't plan on writing if i don't know what to write.

This makes no sense at all. If you're trying to make a point, at least write in sentences instead of jumbling a bunch of incoherent phrases together.


Quote from: FireTstar
Hello! This is suppose to be a fun thread!

How did you came up with your Tetrisfriends username?

I will start...

I'm FireTstar_

Fire meaning blazing aka fast (at least i hope to be really fast)
Star meaning really good like pro (hopefully i become pro in the near future)
T meaning Tetris
Why the _ ? I already created an account called FireTstar and there cant be two so the _ makes it more special

*P.S heres a funny one, my friend kkkbundy aka prone on HD is called that because it combines the kkk (ku klux klan) and bundy (ted bundy who is a serial killer)

*I got permission from kkkbundy if anyone wants to chew me out for that*

You forgot to mention that you totally got your name from this guy: