How did you get into Tetris?

Started by Arias, August 30, 2010, 08:06:03 PM

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I remember I had some fake handheld Tetris game in my youth, so I guess that was the biggest influence on me since I played it quite a lot. So pretty much I've been playing Tetris for my whole life, very casually but still.


Been playing the entire 2 years of my life. Kinda wish it wasn't so addicting...


My cousin introduced it to me first about two years ago on Tetrisfriends--the site was so different back then o.o--. She was playing it and I was so into it when watching her play. I guess you can she was the most influential figure for me for shaping me into what I am now tetris-wise since I started playing eventually. I've surpassed her a while ago  
ポã,±ãƒŸãƒŽã§ã™~ ^u^

but i'm not japanese lol


On/Off for nearly 20 years. One of my earliest childhood memories is playing tetris in co-op mode on the Japanese NES with my dad.


After browsing this thread, I'm surprised how many people started as recent as they did. Anywho I've yet to share my story.

My highschool issued laptops with lots of blocks, so a lot of my friends would play random flash games they could find. One of them was nblox and it was hosted on a website that was never blocked. In junior year, my ex-gf went on a forum that had an nblox high score system, so since I thought I was decent, I went ahead and beat the #1 person--thus I became addicted. I eventually strived to get 1 million on nblox.

Somewhere along the line I heard about Facebook's Tetris Friends which included Marathon, Ultra, and Sprint. I made a rivalry with a friend from a nearby highschool and we raced to get under 1 minute on Sprint. Bear in mind the DAS on FB TF was horrid so I tapped for each cell I wanted the block to go to leading to some awkward habits.

Next, I got into Tetris Online Japan from a How-To guide on HardDrop. I thought it was the epitome of all things Tetris, so I played it to death, and tried to make my stats graph bigger, since I thought if I had a big graph, I was a good player. I was always impressed by anyone over 40APM at the time.

I learned about Nullpomino from encouraging words in a thread on HD, so I gave it a try and disliked it initially. Setting it up was strange, and there were many options I was unfamiliar with despite researching. So I stuck with TOJ for the most part until it shut down. In my first semester at my community college (which I dropped out of), I played a lot more Nullpo since it was the only game that was even close to how much TOJ meant to me. And ZeroT showed me how to set my DAS, the fewest words that advanced my gameplay the farthest.

A few months after dropping the Engineering course, I began to archive my Sprint scores:
Every Sprint video is a new score ranging from when I got 51.10s, to my recent 31.55s.

I also have a blog I very rarely post on that kept track of some of my progress

In the past few months, I learned finesse which has helped me improve even more.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]

Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)


I have been playing for about 6-7 years.

And I stink.
Register on my forum and pm me to be a mod.

040 Lines: 1:44.45

020 Lines: 49.01 Most people here can do 40L quicker than I can do 20L.

100 Lines: 5:16.25

I have a forum goal: to be quoted in a signature...

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Quote from: PurpleCoin
I have been playing for about 6-7 years.
And I stink.

That's it, your shovel has now been confiscated and you are prohibited from entering within 150 feet of a Survival room.


I played since NES days but only discovered more recently that Tetris is still a thing that people take seriously.


Quote from: breadfish
Tetris is still a thing that people take seriously.

Probably because it is indeed worthy of such serious approach. Tetris is much more sophisticated and conceptual than most people care to consider or appreciate.


Quote from: Panda
Probably because it is indeed worthy of such serious approach. Tetris is much more sophisticated and conceptual than most people care to consider or appreciate.

Yeah. It's like after SNES I didn't hear anything about it for a while and I thought it died except for widget apps. Then I saw a video about Lockjaw and got back into it.


Friend influenced me to play TB, my tetris teacher made me continue playing.


Quote from: PurpleCoin
I have been playing for about 6-7 years.

Wait a second.

PurpleCoin, you previously stated you are currently ten years old. For that, I was very impressed by your proportionate achievements and even voted POTM for you. But now, you claim to have played for 6-7 years, thus implying you started Tetris at the latest possible age of around 4.

You cannot possibly be insinuating that you started an intellectually stimulating game like Tetris at the age of 4, that you were actually intellectual capable at the time of effectively utilizing the mental skills required to even play Tetris at all and basic stack.

Nobody will condemn you. Your reputation as a forum member will be preserved. But please take this opportunity to come forth with full honestly. Are you truly ten years old? Or did you truly play for 6-7 years? I understand your desperate desire to achieve POTM, but trust me there are more efficient and worthwhile paths to follow instead.


his profile says 23, and i first picked up a game of tetris when i was about 4 years old, on the gameboy, though i played it for a few seconds it wasnt that hard of a concept to grasp. i only played it for a few seconds,  i think i dropped about 3 blocks before getting bored actually, so you have a point there panda

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


When i was 6 i played it on the NES with my cousin in Vietnam, but never thought about tetris when i came back to Germany.. Back then too stupid to play it properly... i always wondered how people didnt go over top before the insane speed lvls... But i remember how i could press u u d d l r l r b a to get a tetris    
Started last year in march ... via facebook..cough... played some month until that fb lvl 100 lost interest since facebook opponents are.... not helping me to grow..and i realized how its not realtimeopponents so it wasnt fun anymore.. want to start again though

Edit: starting my post with Vietnam made me feel like my dad and his warstories


Quote from: swagsushi
When i was 6 i played it on the NES with my cousin in Vietnam, but never thought about tetris when i came back to Germany.. Back then too stupid to play it properly... i always wondered how people didnt go over top before the insane speed lvls... But i remember how i could press u u d d l r l r b a to get a tetris    
Started last year in march ... via facebook..cough... played some month until that fb lvl 100 lost interest since facebook opponents are.... not helping me to grow..and i realized how its not realtimeopponents so it wasnt fun anymore.. want to start again though

Edit: starting my post with Vietnam made me feel like my dad and his warstories

Swagsushi, first and foremost:

Nice name.

Secondly, welcome to HD! Apparently you created this account last year but judging how you have no history of past threads, I assume you never formally introduced yourself to the HD community.

Which I highly suggest you do right now! We all would love to get to know you, and hope you contribute on our forums and develop as a Tetris player.

And develop you shall, because this is a pretty high-tier community always willing to help out. First off, CALL UP TETRIS BATTLE AND BREAK UP RIGHT NOW. I want you to meet some new ladies: Nullpomino (nullpo), Tetris of Poland (TOP), and Cultris II (C2). While there are certainly even more Tetris clients out there, these three are easily the most popular and very entertaining.

Here are the download links for them:

Nullpomino =

Tetris of Poland =

Cultris II aka The Best Game On Earth =

Just in case the link for Cultris II didn't go through for some reason, here it is again:

And one more time:

Hint: You should kinda sorta download Cultris II.

Anyyyyhow, looking forward to your official introduction man! Welcome to HD