How did you get into Tetris?

Started by Arias, August 30, 2010, 08:06:03 PM

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I started playing tetris last semester because I was doing a project in gen psych about how video games affect the brain.. ended up doing a little research on the tetris affect. Started procrastinating on said project and  found Tetris Friends.. and here I am.. still a newb. lol


Quote from: salami_pastrami
I started playing tetris last semester because I was doing a project in gen psych about how video games affect the brain.. ended up doing a little research on the tetris affect.

Please don't talk about research like that without sharing it, makes me want to run in circles until I crash into something.

Also, are some people immune to the tetris effect or typically resultant unusual behavior? I pride myself in being completely normal.

PS. You can use spoiler tags like this to cram an entire book into a post if you like.
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


it seems the most comon way pple get into tetris is by being challenged, well thats my way to,my reason is because my brother said i couldnt be better then him at it, now he refuses to play me:P

after realising how good i was compared to the average TF players i went on to finding other games like nullpo BB TOJ(canceled) texmaster

and here we are now

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: MarioThePhenom
it seems the most comon way pple get into tetris is by being challenged, well thats my way to,my reason is because my brother said i couldnt be better then him at it, now he refuses to play me:P

after realising how good i was compared to the average TF players i went on to finding other games like nullpo BB TOJ(canceled) texmaster

and here we are now

the only reason I want to get better is to beat my friend! lol


I am another who got started with tetris on the TI-83, I played it all the time throughout high school. I can honestly say it reduced my high school marks by at least 5% because it diverted so much time away from paying attention. I only ever got caught twice, once in english class (haha) and once by my favourite teacher who ended up thinking it was awesome.

I find it really interesting how some skills do not transfer over from one tetris medium to another. When playing with only two thumbs on the calculator I could spin in either direction with perfect efficiency but when I started playing on the computer with many fingers I still have trouble making a counter clockwise turn instead of three clockwise ones.


Quote from: DarthDuck
Please don't talk about research like that without sharing it, makes me want to run in circles until I crash into something.

Also, are some people immune to the tetris effect or typically resultant unusual behavior? I pride myself in being completely normal.

PS. You can use spoiler tags like this to cram an entire book into a post if you like.

haha just google it. That's what I did. It's pretty much just about how tetris gets your mind going and can make you a better thinker..


The arcade downtown in the town wherein I grew up had an original Tetris machine. My father and I would play it religiously.

I was rubbish at it. Still am. Still love it, though.


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Sisu9:28i think i just found my original microsoft tetris floppy disk :o
Sisu9:28now i must find a floppy drive to read it :/
myndzi9:32last time i moved i threw out all my floppies
myndzi9:32i had a whole box of em dating back to 96ish
Sisu9:34i thot i lost this. twas under old hardware. has to be from...
Sisu9:34copyright 1990
myndzi9:35when i say 96, i mean that that's when i used them
myndzi9:35i'm not counting the age of the software disks hehe
Sisu9:35mhm. js
Sisu9:35i was stoked to get this
Sisu9:35so i cood beat my grampa
Sisu9:36on a visit i saw he had tetris on his pc
Sisu9:37i had a go, thinkin i was hot **** cuz i had gameboy ykno
Sisu9:37coodnt beat the old coots score
myndzi9:37ha ha
myndzi9:37my dad got tetris for our tandy way back
myndzi9:38he told me that the next preview was cheating
myndzi9:38so i never played with it, but he did
Sisu9:38my cousin told me later he watched him play
myndzi9:38and i still beat his scores
Sisu9:38he was abusing the pause function. bastard
Sisu9:39so thats how i got hooked hardcore. trying to beat my cheating bastard gramps
Sisu9:43he's 80 now. i stil havnt had the chance to knock his d*** in the dirt :x



Nice. I think I played this as a kid.


I play all sorts of simple games and it just so happens that I liked Tetris more than any other game. Managed to drag a few people into the dark side of Tetris too. 8D


A classmate showed us tf 3 years ago. None of them plays tetorisu now but me  
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][spoiler]
Funky Ruskie[/div][div align=\\\"center\\\"] [/div][/spoiler]


I first play tetris when I was a kid (Gameboy, about 2002-2003) then stopped soon after. I didn't play tetris till now, when my friends re-introduced me to this game, except in a multiplayer format named: Tetris Battle. After that I also started in Tetris Friends, currently increasing in rank until now, practicing hard to be one.


found the website tetrisfriends by accident  


The first time I played tetris was probably when I was 7 or 8, the school had a win95-computer with Tetris (it was part of the Windows Entertainment Pack, along with other games like PipeDream and Chip's Challenge).

I also remember battling my music teacher in it, sharing the keyboard of course. I'd like to think I won most of the time, can't really remember

And then I probably didn't play for a couple of years...