
Started by Aaron, October 02, 2013, 11:06:10 PM

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Quote from: CorrosiveLemme get this straight, there has been ZERO improvements on TF, on the main page it is still in "Beta" version and HAS BEEN for the past 4 YEARS or so?
Quote from: CorrosiveThe crown thing was my favorite feature and it hasn't worked for nearly a year now.
It was removed because it wasn't profitable. Sadly, Tetris is a business.
Quote from: CorrosiveYET, we are STILL embracing/rewarding the Tetris Company and hosting competitions on that CRAP browser game when it is has always been laggy and never competition worthy.
It is crap. But tournaments on other games rarely pass the twenty player mark. Also, it is the simplest game for a massive tournament because it requires significantly less setup for newer players.
Quote from: CorrosiveNullpomino is the only legit client game
Sort of dead, but better than before.
Quote from: Corrosiveand Blockbox is the only legit browser game.
Quote from: CorrosiveElite players depend on fan-created games it has always been that way and clearly always will be.
Elite players depend on fan-created games because official games are a business. Fan-made games offer many modes and customizable features at no price.
Quote from: CorrosiveAnd I am sorry but garbage-cancelling makes these 1v1 games way too DAMN long and stressful.
Send more lines then, noob.
Quote from: CorrosiveSo glad I haven't played seriously in over a year.
We are too.
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Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


Quote from: AaronIt is crap. But tournaments on other games rarely pass the twenty player mark.
Infact, official HD tournaments on Cultris 2 or Tetris Online Poland would easily pass the 64 players mark. Anyhow, I wouldn't pay too much attention to the number of players. It's about having fun. Half of the participants will be disappointed by TTO3 afterwards, because they will be crushed in the first round or because they are bored by the slow progression of the tournament or because they hate to play on a laggy client.

On Cultris 2, we have 1 day team events roughly one time a month. Those tourneys are really fun. Nearly no waiting time plus very close matches (stronger players are paired with the weaker players, example).


that last quote though

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....