
Started by jkwon23, July 13, 2013, 03:10:54 PM

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I'm going to be posting here to talk about stuff.
I'll really miss you, guys~~~


Jkwon, oh Jkwon.
Something like 3 years ago I met you on Tetris Friends, you were barely sub 60 and I even occasionally beat you, we joined Harddrop at around the same time. Two years later I had the pleasure of playing you again, but you'd gotten far too good for me. It's a shame Tetris will never see the extent of your potential, although it's awesomeness is well known.

Good night sweet prince, no tears only dreams now.


I'll miss you Jkwon. Wished we could've gotten to know each other :'[


[spoiler] [img]http://harddrop.com/f


I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.


Quote from: Destiny
I'll miss you Jkwon. Wished we could've gotten to know each other :'[

Same, never gotten the opportunity to chat, you seem cool, and from what I understand also an insanely good player, take care, and good luck to ya.  


you told me you used opera turbo and game booster to combat tf lag.

you convinced me you were a 20-year-old black guy and pestered me to play HD ladder matches.

you lost to me bad on blockbox.

you became so goddamn pro and then you threw it all away you miserable bastard.
