Tetris fanfiction - a serial in 8 parts - part 0: introduction

Started by oofw, July 04, 2013, 03:50:33 AM

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what is it ? what does it mean ?

what IS tetris ?

what is it , really ?

. . .

hey folks , woof here at 104.3 hd radio !

our question of the day ? what does tetris mean to y o u ?

.   .   .

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-62s-PviAMG0/Tgz7vIvSAVI/AAAAAAAACTs/vP-NGdJZujc/s1600/rei%20ayanami.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--]\\\

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

what is tetris ?

let me tell you a story ...

his name was Wolf

his real name ?  no one knew for sure

rumor had it he was abandoned from birth ,

just left alone in the woods somewhere ...

raised by wolves , you see ?

thus the name ~

other people claimed

that disillusioned by life , he ran off, cut himself off one day ,

went to the woods , lovely ,

dark ,

and deep ...

where are you going ? they asked

where i can be free, he answered.


in the woods

like a wolf

that lives in the woods

a lone wolf

living in the woods

where it is free

where it runs around freely , wolflike ,

does things like howl at the moon

in the woods

things that wolves do...

thus the name ~

no ,

you ignorant fools ,

still others would say

it was something

lost in childhood

something he treasured

a pet dog's name perhaps ?

or a toy ?

or even a sled ?

(a strange name for a sled i know

but you remember how we were at that age) ...

lone wolf


like the sound that dogs make

wolf wolf


a soft exhalation


wooolf ...

you're all retards ,

still others would argue

everybody knows that wolf is just a nickname ,

nothing more , nothing less

the arguments would go on for hours

bitter feuds would develop

the people who thought his name came from being raised by wolves

the people who thought his name came from being a 'lone wolf' as they say

the people who thought his n ame came from a sled ... ? or seomthing ? (dont really get this one)

and still more factions , smaller parties , and even individuals ,

'lone wolves' in a way , who had their own idea

of how 'Wolf' got his name...

i heard (a young man at the back said)

it was cause he was nearly killed once

by a wolf when he was a child

lost in the wilderness and alone

but he summoned up something within himself

something rare and mysterious

and while still a mere child

he fought the wolf

he slayed it dead with his bare hands ...

rediculous ! they cried. just rediculous ! that's the most rediculous story of all !

no one took notice as the young man slinked off

out of the tavern and into the night

the sky was clear

only in the distance a single cloud loomed

like a sullen enormity overwhelming the heavens ,

encroaching the hopeful fields of stars with a vast faceless meaninglessness

soon he had passed out of the glow of the village lights

and when he was well into the surrounding farmlands he pulled off his hood

in the moonlight he was lanky and pale

yet in his hands there seemed to emenate a mysterious energy ,

his fingers strangely muscular compared to the rest of his arm ...

a scar ran down his cheek , the wound reminiscent of the scratch of an animal's claw

where was he going ?

where are we all going ?

into the night

(to be continued . . .)

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/96644-934add473136b2d8a7886dcf69a2c14a7e005b6c.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/96644-934add473136b2d8a7886dcf69a2c14a7e005b6c.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]



id call it the poets freedom, to interpret and letting interpret into his work
Intendant, you have a voice that makes me wanna play tetris!
- yotipo, approved by Mucho


Quote from: Destiny
Uhhh...how does that relate to what tetris is? o.o

this is only the introduction , a "trailer/teaser" of sorts i guess you could say , or as i like to think it : a kind of prose poem , like the kind you find in the start of fantasy epics like lord of the rings... well ! all will become clear this weekend don't worry shirley !


We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I think woof gets high before he posts... just sayin'

(so confused)


Quote from: ohitsstef
this belongs in BWH
Isn't it okay to post some of these stuff on the General forum...? It said anyone could "talk about anything here" beneath General so I thought anyone's creation like a poem is allowed to be shared here for some feedback or thoughts.



Tetris fanfiction - a serial in 8 parts - part 0: introduction - oofw
Performed by Zatygxc
Music: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Psychadelik_Pedestrian/ - Raindrops Nocturnia
[spoiler] [img]http://harddrop.com/f


Quote from: Zatygxc

Tetris fanfiction - a serial in 8 parts - part 0: introduction - oofw
Performed by Zatygxc
Music: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Psychadelik_Pedestrian/ - Raindrops Nocturnia

yeah this belongs in BWH


Quote from: Zatygxc

Tetris fanfiction - a serial in 8 parts - part 0: introduction - oofw
Performed by Zatygxc
Music: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Psychadelik_Pedestrian/ - Raindrops Nocturnia

lmao nice, it goes perfectly with the op. I love it  


Quote from: Zatygxc

Tetris fanfiction - a serial in 8 parts - part 0: introduction - oofw
Performed by Zatygxc
Music: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Psychadelik_Pedestrian/ - Raindrops Nocturnia

oh my god i love you so much holy crap i am freaking swooning right now !

edit: just wanted to add this reading is as good as or better than most audiobooks i've heard (small sample size but still..) Rating: 9.3 / 10


Quote from: Zatygxc

Tetris fanfiction - a serial in 8 parts - part 0: introduction - oofw
Performed by Zatygxc
Music: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Psychadelik_Pedestrian/ - Raindrops Nocturnia

That was beautiful. :')


sorry if anyone was looking forward to this...
i tried writing something but i really h ated how it turned out , i might just scrap this project for now. i posted a part of it on my blog for those interestded

again sorry i feel i let you guys down *sniff*

edit: also Zatygxc made just a simply wonderful reading ... anyone who hasnt heard it yet should definitly listen to it. Thanks.


Aww, you now have a blog like jkwon. Are you from Canada?


Quote from: Integration
Aww, you now have a blog like jkwon. Are you from Canada?

yep , i'm from a small town in canada.