
Started by Intendant, July 08, 2013, 01:22:58 PM

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Hey, i really enjoy watching good people (mostly virulent so far) playing tetris, i like to dream that one day ill be that good  and while doing that, i had some ideas what ppl could stream.
So i made this thread that the non-streamer people can post ideas that they like to see or they find could be interesting to watch.
Note: As a streamer there is of course no must to try this ideas, use this thread if you like to try out new stuff and feel free to use and recreate anything that is posted in here.

King of Stackers( strategy version of tetris) could be funny thing to watch, but u may have to speed it up (like speed chess).

also i really like to watch 1v1(v1v1v1v1) but thats maybe just the saddistic me
Intendant, you have a voice that makes me wanna play tetris!
- yotipo, approved by Mucho


idea 1 : set up the screen so that an anime (ex: evangelion 3.0 you can not redo) is playing at the same time to entertain viewers

idea 2 : view a pro player's game in slow mo and commentate on it


Quote from: oofw
idea 1 : set up the screen so that an anime (ex: evangelion 3.0 you can not redo) is playing at the same time to entertain viewers

idea 2 : view a pro player's game in slow mo and commentate on it
#2 is awesome but #1 not so much. The stream is for Tetris and two things at once is distracting.

I think you mean 2v4 Intendant.  I find mismatched games fun as well.

I just want streams earlier. They're almost always at night.
I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I think you mean 2v4 Intendant.[/quote]
nope i mean a room where every one plays for himself so everyone vs everyone (common in tetrisfriends)
also funny could be uneven teammatches, for example
2xsub30 vs 4x sub60 , something like that, but thats difficult, since you need even teams to make such projects funny :/
Intendant, you have a voice that makes me wanna play tetris!
- yotipo, approved by Mucho


They stream free for all a lot though o.o


Stream movies every Saturday night at 10 PST.
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Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


guess im just never on when they stream  stupid time zones
Intendant, you have a voice that makes me wanna play tetris!
- yotipo, approved by Mucho


I feel that opening up the stream to more members would probably be best. Unlike a single person, this community has people who play in a variety of different time zones. Also getting different people would expand what types of games are being played and variety is always good.

Also commentary is a huge plus. I sometimes see Blink playing, but despite having a face cam, he never speaks.

Lastly, I feel as though the stream should never display single-player Tetris content. Sprints and stuff like that are probably best left for highlight/record videos of the best runs. If there are no players for matches, I wouldn't be opposed to commentary of old matches, or maybe playing other games.

As far as other games go, I would avoid the popular ones like LoL or DotA2 or SC2, people tend to dismiss small streams of these games very quickly.


i have a ton of thoughts on this subject so bear w/ me lol

intendant - first of all, thanks so much for the support! i'm glad you enjoy watching!  also, i think this thread was a great idea! thx for coming up w/ it, not sure why i never thought of it myself!

as for your kos idea, myndzi actually streams kos once in a while, i think larry does too. they're both extremely good at that. i wouldn't stream it myself simply cause i'm terrible at it! ppl would end up just waiting for me to make a move most of the time :x but i suppose i could make a move based off of what ppl on sb think i should do!

as for 1v1[v1v1v1v1] isn't that just ffa? we stream that a few times every week i think? we also do a lot of 2v4 or uneven match ups on cultris quite often when it's difficult to make even teams. we'll probably be streaming more of that soon cause the WINHA tourney seems to be dying :s

oofw - i'm not sure we're allowed to stream videos that are copyrighted :s but the pro player's game idea is interesting and i think parkzer, caffeine or vip would be great for that depending on what vibe you wanna get

DJ_TJ - sorry about that! i'm a late sleeper late riser :c larry, kaibutsu, and blink are both west coasters, and adam's on summer vacay n his home internet's not up for streaming :s a few of the other streamers are more once-in-a-while-streamers. if you would like to watch streams while no one is streaming, they're saved on [the harddrop twitch channel] or what i liked to use: [since it's in reverse chronological order]

Antifate - originally, the stream was open to many more members, but we had some issues with illegal and nonrated 13 content so we had to change up the pw and limit the amount of streamers. if you know anyone who would like to stream, have them pm blink asking whether or not they can. he will only allow people he trusts to stream because of past issues.

commentary is always better yea, but it feels a little awkward talking to yourself in your room :x if you would like to commentate on my particular stream, you can def add me on skype [xoxovirulent], let me know who you are and i can stream our call. i can't say the same about other streamers though cause, well, i'm not them!

i think some people enjoy watching single player streams. if you don't want to watch it you can always turn it off. it also gives the streamer a chance to go back and see what they did right or wrong. i know when i play 40L, i don't finish most of my games and therefore, they are not saved. there's a bit more information in streaming single player games than in replays [sound of kb might tell you how hesitant you were? n i'm sure there's more]

as for nontetris games, i don't stream them, but it's blink's site and he wants to so it's ultimately his choice  i believe it's just him streaming LoL and possibly paradox streaming sc2 on the harddrop stream. parkzer streams other games off his own twitch channel again, you can always just turn the stream off if you don't want to watch it

that's all for now! sry for the novel! gunna be late for work now loll but totally worth it!
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I mentioned this before, but after the redesign (pushed back to winter), the site is going to focus a lot more on streaming.  Players can use their own Twitch channels and add it to the list, so start creating your own channels and improving your streaming skills.  If nobody is streaming on HD's official channel, it will automatically switch to the channel with the most viewers for HD's main page.

Quote from: Aaron
Stream movies every Saturday night at 10 PST.

I thought about doing some movie nights like this but I don't want to get HD into any trouble.

Quote from: Antifate
Also commentary is a huge plus. I sometimes see Blink playing, but despite having a face cam, he never speaks.

Yeah, sorry!  I agree with you, sometimes when I'm streaming I think to myself this is way too quiet.  The main problem is that while I'm playing Tetris I'm too busy focusing so it's difficult commentate at the same time.  I need to work on it.


I'd like to see someone commentate on a match replayed in slowmo.

In high level matches there's just not enough time to discuss everything that's going on, especially in two fields at once. I really like the ability to slow down and pause replays in games like League of Legends. You could even have the players themselves provide commentary on why they made certain decisions, or what they should have done differently.

Ideally you would use a tool like fumen to show variations like in a chess analysis (here I missed a PC, here I decided not to do this TST because of timing, etc).


Larry and I did KoS on stream one time, he was commentating; I'd be down to do it again, maybe on a Skype call or something.

UJS: you're describing features of my dream client  Imagine if you could instant-replay on the spot on stream? Someday maybe I'll get there...