The "Why Is Nothing Happening Anymore" tournament!

Started by Distance, June 04, 2013, 01:30:41 PM

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If everyone keeps dropping how will the holes be filled in?


im gonna try and get people to reconsider.  and seeing as Distance and Maii seem to be MIA i think i'm just gonna go ahead and seize control muahaha.  no seriously people stop dropping out give me a week to try and turn this thing around.

I think having one team member as a 'captain' will help to expedite the scheduling.  what i want is for each team to pick a player and that player is going to us me as a medium for scheduling.  i will send some pms and would like for everyone to respond as soon as possible.  once i get confirmation on 'control' i'll start to implement the rules as previously laid out.

to help simplify the scheduling i want for each team to construct a schedule for the next 7 days.  for each player i want you to pick hour long blocks of time in which you will be available to play.  i ask that you please put these blocks into Eastern Time Zone which is where i currently live and would help me sort through the 'hopefully' numerous pms i hope to receive.  if it is to difficult for you to put the times in Eastern Time Zone then please specify which timezone you are living in and i will sort it out.


so assuming Katatoniapeth is team captain for PMP he would send me a PM and it would look something like this


Thurday 5pm-11pm
Friday 12am-2pm, 6pm-11pm
Sunday 11am-11pm
Monday 5pm-6pm
Wednesday 11pm-12am

This would be all the available hour blocks in which PMP can play i would like for everyone to try and keep them as hour long blocks so that we can account for problems and to keep this as clean as possible.  i will then us your schedule and the schedule of the team which you are paired with to schedule a game.  if neither team has an hour long block in which we can schedule both teams i will work with the teams to try and reach and agreement or at that point make what appears to be the fairest decision.

Lastly for tonight at least lol

I've personally sent out pms to at least one member of each team and am hoping for a response from everybody.  if you look at the current brackets many games have already been played and we were running a somewhat successful tourney to this point.  i think what we really need is a little bit of leadership.  i hope that those who've decided to drop out will reconsider and those still in will make a bit more of an effort to see this thing threw.  please pm me with suggestions and concerns.  Thanks to everyone who's read and responded and those who i know will.  


Quote from: Profane
im gonna try and get people to reconsider.  and seeing as Distance and Maii seem to be MIA i think i'm just gonna go ahead and seize control muahaha.  no seriously people stop dropping out give me a week to try and turn this thing around.

I think having one team member as a 'captain' will help to expedite the scheduling.  what i want is for each team to pick a player and that player is going to us me as a medium for scheduling.  i will send some pms and would like for everyone to respond as soon as possible.  once i get confirmation on 'control' i'll start to implement the rules as previously laid out.

to help simplify the scheduling i want for each team to construct a schedule for the next 7 days.  for each player i want you to pick hour long blocks of time in which you will be available to play.  i ask that you please put these blocks into Eastern Time Zone which is where i currently live and would help me sort through the 'hopefully' numerous pms i hope to receive.  if it is to difficult for you to put the times in Eastern Time Zone then please specify which timezone you are living in and i will sort it out.


so assuming Katatoniapeth is team captain for PMP he would send me a PM and it would look something like this


Thurday 5pm-11pm
Friday 12am-2pm, 6pm-11pm
Sunday 11am-11pm
Monday 5pm-6pm
Wednesday 11pm-12am

This would be all the available hour blocks in which PMP can play i would like for everyone to try and keep them as hour long blocks so that we can account for problems and to keep this as clean as possible.  i will then us your schedule and the schedule of the team which you are paired with to schedule a game.  if neither team has an hour long block in which we can schedule both teams i will work with the teams to try and reach and agreement or at that point make what appears to be the fairest decision.

Lastly for tonight at least lol
I've personally sent out pms to at least one member of each team and am hoping for a response from everybody.  if you look at the current brackets many games have already been played and we were running a somewhat successful tourney to this point.  i think what we really need is a little bit of leadership.  i hope that those who've decided to drop out will reconsider and those still in will make a bit more of an effort to see this thing threw.  please pm me with suggestions and concerns.  Thanks to everyone who's read and responded and those who i know will.

you're so cute
make your own thread

so we know who is in charge now

We do not forgive. We do not forget.



Quote from: Profane
im gonna try and get people to reconsider.  and seeing as Distance and Maii seem to be MIA i think i'm just gonna go ahead and seize control muahaha.  no seriously people stop dropping out give me a week to try and turn this thing around.

I think having one team member as a 'captain' will help to expedite the scheduling.  what i want is for each team to pick a player and that player is going to us me as a medium for scheduling.  i will send some pms and would like for everyone to respond as soon as possible.  once i get confirmation on 'control' i'll start to implement the rules as previously laid out.

to help simplify the scheduling i want for each team to construct a schedule for the next 7 days.  for each player i want you to pick hour long blocks of time in which you will be available to play.  i ask that you please put these blocks into Eastern Time Zone which is where i currently live and would help me sort through the 'hopefully' numerous pms i hope to receive.  if it is to difficult for you to put the times in Eastern Time Zone then please specify which timezone you are living in and i will sort it out.


so assuming Katatoniapeth is team captain for PMP he would send me a PM and it would look something like this


Thurday 5pm-11pm
Friday 12am-2pm, 6pm-11pm
Sunday 11am-11pm
Monday 5pm-6pm
Wednesday 11pm-12am

This would be all the available hour blocks in which PMP can play i would like for everyone to try and keep them as hour long blocks so that we can account for problems and to keep this as clean as possible.  i will then us your schedule and the schedule of the team which you are paired with to schedule a game.  if neither team has an hour long block in which we can schedule both teams i will work with the teams to try and reach and agreement or at that point make what appears to be the fairest decision.

Lastly for tonight at least lol
I've personally sent out pms to at least one member of each team and am hoping for a response from everybody.  if you look at the current brackets many games have already been played and we were running a somewhat successful tourney to this point.  i think what we really need is a little bit of leadership.  i hope that those who've decided to drop out will reconsider and those still in will make a bit more of an effort to see this thing threw.  please pm me with suggestions and concerns.  Thanks to everyone who's read and responded and those who i know will.
srry i didnt see this before, but yeah great
quite clear whos leader for our team  
                          Z E N A S I S