
Started by ablyx, April 02, 2013, 09:31:31 AM

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Hi guys,

I've actually been lurking ard hd for quite some time... On and off for about 3 years or so I guess. Thanks for the tips for improving my tetris sprint, but I kinda prefer using freestyle rather than a 6-3 gap. My best time for sprint is 39.58s, but i really suck at battle haha. I now starting to play KOS more often. My user there is crescal, but im still a noob


Hi and welcome. There seem to be some technical problems with the server, I'm not receiving new thread notifications. Please bear with me!


Oh, so you're crescal! Welcome to HD (and KoS, though I'm still a newbie there, so I'm not sure if it's my place to welcome you...)! What other Tetris games do you play?

Also, whoah, your Sprint is really close to mine! We should totally play some games on Nullpo or something.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


I sort of created 2 new threads cos i didnt see that it has to go thru a moderator first. really sorry about that.

I used to play tetris battle on fb, but I got sick of the das (or srs, im not really sure of the difference) after getting used to nullpomino. I might start to play cultris soon i guess.. but i really suck at battle. my pps will prolly suck like shit. im doing an avg of 2.40pps i guess; that 39.58s was a fluke lol.

wtf am i talking about to even give myself an avg pps. I am the most inconsistent person in the world.


Haha, I haven't subbed 40 since that one time either; my good games are around 42-43, but there's no way I play that fast in multiplayer. In fact, I play much, much slower in multiplayer.

Also, a small explanation: DAS is Delayed AutoShift, and denotes how long you've got to hold left or right before your piece begins automatically moving in that direction without you having to tap the key multiple times. SRS is Standard Rotation System, aka it's the rotation system used in official games.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Quote from: StS
SRS is Standard Rotation System
isn't it called SUPER rotation system, because of some ridiculous kicks it has? XD

and hi crescal! goonerJimmy here


Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


hello hello!

so glad to be making new friends here. I always tend to mix them up w all the acronyms. What DAS do you use on nullpo? Im currently at 5 lol. I wldnt mind playing you on nullpo but you have to teach me how first. I've never been online on nullpo.. Idk how to.


Quote from: ablyx
hello hello!

so glad to be making new friends here. I always tend to mix them up w all the acronyms. What DAS do you use on nullpo? Im currently at 5 lol. I wldnt mind playing you on nullpo but you have to teach me how first. I've never been online on nullpo.. Idk how to.

it should be netplay, click on the nullpo server not the harddrop one, and yeah
its called super rotation system, probably standard too cause of ttc tryna make it standard across all of its games.
6/0 is my das on nullpo, though i could play 5/0
(we talking null league or 7.5?)

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: MarioThePhenom
it should be netplay, click on the nullpo server not the harddrop one, and yeah
its called super rotation system, probably standard too cause of ttc tryna make it standard across all of its games.
6/0 is my das on nullpo, though i could play 5/0
(we talking null league or 7.5?)

lower das means faster time right? Im using 7.5 for nullpo, should I dl the null league? or should i just start on a new platform like cultris instead


Welcome to HD! Ideally, you should try everything. Each game has its own skills to practice. There are five main multiplayer platforms, where most members of HD play: Tetris Friends, Tetris Online Poland, Blockbox(usually coordinated with shoutbox), Cultris 2 and Nullpomino.
NP League is slightly abridged version that has a bit different feel and {not sure about that} servers compatible with 7.5, so most people download and play both.
If you will concentrate on Nullpo, your skills will be more compatible with other games, but don't hesitate to try new platforms if you have hit a speed barrier, for example. That helps a lot.

DAS means the number of frames waiting before auto-moving piece to wall, so lower is faster (plus a faster time in sprint) and always a better option if you don't make misdrops with these settings. I use 6/0, but if misdrops happen, I switch to 8/0 (that's very safe).


Quote from: Extruderx
Welcome to HD! Ideally, you should try everything. Each game has its own skills to practice. There are five main multiplayer platforms, where most members of HD play: Tetris Friends, Tetris Online Poland, Blockbox(usually coordinated with shoutbox), Cultris 2 and Nullpomino.
NP League is slightly abridged version that has a bit different feel and {not sure about that} servers compatible with 7.5, so most people download and play both.
If you will concentrate on Nullpo, your skills will be more compatible with other games, but don't hesitate to try new platforms if you have hit a speed barrier, for example. That helps a lot.

DAS means the number of frames waiting before auto-moving piece to wall, so lower is faster (plus a faster time in sprint) and always a better option if you don't make misdrops with these settings. I use 6/0, but if misdrops happen, I switch to 8/0 (that's very safe).

I actually started out w Tetris Friends, but i didnt like it cos it was hard to change the DAS. myndzi told me no one really plays blockbox anymore lol so I guess i wont bother w that. so I guess I'll try Cultris 2 soon


Quote from: Extruderx
(plus a faster time in sprint)
if i play 6 aswell, though i have a faster time
if i go down to 4 das or even 5, chances are i wont get a faster time, theres also no point to plat using fast das if you cant handle it
basically what im getting at is play with the das youre comfortable at cause faster das=/= faster times

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: MarioThePhenom
if i play 6 aswell, though i have a faster time
if i go down to 4 das or even 5, chances are i wont get a faster time, theres also no point to plat using fast das if you cant handle it
basically what im getting at is play with the das youre comfortable at cause faster das=/= faster times

I believe he assumed constant comfortability for all das. Then I guess lower is faster. But yea, I doubt i'll actually bother playing w a new das. I found it hard to change to cultris 2 cos i couldnt find a comfortable setting...