Most Skill Based Game

Started by Panda, March 19, 2013, 08:09:42 PM

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Grah now I want to try this game, but I waste way too much time at my pc as it is.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Quote from: apm10
Take a look at the bottom are of the video, there is something which resembles a ring. That is called a 'random ring', which randomizes the notes every time you play the map. Most of the o2jam players play with the random ring on to make the game even more fun. So, he is actually sight reading the notes in that map.

Ok so on the verge of cardiac arrest I quickly googled information on this random ring and caught my breath as I realized the Random Ring's true effect is to simply switch each column of notes to another location, rather than creating an entirely new song-list. Of course, this is still incredibly impressive considering the 5,040 possible permutations to consider. The much lacking aspect of unpredictability and improvisation has just been fully validated, in which the player's opponent is essentially the randomizing AI.

And thus, O2Jam is suddenly a potential winner once again!


Quote from: StS

Grah now I want to try this game, but I waste way too much time at my pc as it is.

As if not realise that its obviously sight read.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: Panda
Ok so on the verge of cardiac arrest I quickly googled information on this random ring and caught my breath as I realized the Random Ring's true effect is to simply switch each column of notes to another location, rather than creating an entirely new song-list. Of course, this is still incredibly impressive considering the 5,040 possible permutations to consider. The much lacking aspect of unpredictability and improvisation has just been fully validated, in which the player's opponent is essentially the randomizing AI.
And thus, O2Jam is suddenly a potential winner once again!

This is to keep the notes still fun to play. Randomising every notes creates tons of random jackhammers which are not as fun to play. Even panic ring create lots of mini jackhammer which is why it isnt so popular.  Randomising each column  still essentially creates a new  map to play as there is no way to predict any pattern that might have arised, you got to  sight read still.


I would say GO is a really skill based game.


I am going to nominate fighting games.

To achieve top level in competitive play is very difficult, and a lot of it is based on mind games.

Tennis is quite difficult as far as real life games/sports go.


Quote from: HawkOfGP
I am going to nominate fighting games.

To achieve top level in competitive play is very difficult, and a lot of it is based on mind games.

Tennis is quite difficult as far as real life games/sports go.


Quote from: Panda
Wow, what a fantastic game! Yes I recall Strafe Jumping from Quake games and the like, and it has a somewhat similar shooting mechanism to the Unreal Tournament series.

While I still believe Gunz is an overall more skill-based game due to the extremely precise timing and keys-per-second synchronization, Warsow is definitely superior in terms of weapon versatility, map awareness, player foresight, and sheer accuracy of aim. Strafe jump is certainly impressive as well, but bows down to the Forbidden Step in Gunz
Here is another gameplay footage of Gunz, which shows its own version of Strafe Jump in the form of Flash Step and Wall Climb

haha, i used to play this game so much a long time ago  


Quote from: simonlc
I'd have to go with Warsow (free game It's similar to Quake 3, but you have to be much faster in reaction, finesse, and thinking.

For those that don't know much about Quake, Warsow has 8 weapons, and you start with only one, which is quite weak on it's own. Players bind each weapon to an individual key. The thing that sets Warsow apart though is the movement. In Quake, and also Warsow there is such a thing called strafe jumping. Some people might call it bunny hopping, but that's slightly different. Mastering this and other movement aspects takes immense training, and play time. It has even given me RSI. There is an extremely active race community that competes for best times on maps at Unfortunately their site is down at the moment so you can't browns their stats, but many world record run videos are available at

Duel, or 1v1 is the main multiplayer competition, and takes years to be able to even touch some of the medium skill players. Here's an example of a match played by two of the top players in North America. This was a very good game by Lo and makes it seem like the other player is a noob.

This actually looks a lot like CPMA mod for quake 3 which was the go-to for most competitive quake3a players. In fact, that map is a CPMA map. Also the racing is much like the quake3 mod defrag.

I will have to check this out since it's so similar and perhaps it'll have some good comp!

Although my movement was pretty expert at my peak  I could never get anywhere near as good as most people: | The Soul Sacrifice Companion


Quote from: Okizeme
This actually looks a lot like CPMA mod for quake 3 which was the go-to for most competitive quake3a players. In fact, that map is a CPMA map. Also the racing is much like the quake3 mod defrag.

I will have to check this out since it's so similar and perhaps it'll have some good comp!

Although my movement was pretty expert at my peak  I could never get anywhere near as good as most people:

The CPMA mod was the mod used by The CPL, though they still played VQ3 (vanilla Quake 3). It was basically just extra features, but it also had a mode called CPM which is probably what you mean by similar to Warsow. CPM has always had a smaller niche than VQ3, all the big tournaments were VQ3. Though as I'm sure you know there was some top tier players that also played CPM, like czm, and Vo0. Most people have moved from VQ3 to Quake Live, which has a CPMish mode called PQL. Though most of the CPM players still play the original mod, and have nightly CTF pickups.

Warsow's inspiration was indeed the CPMA mod, and originally wanted to be the next esports game. They tried for a few years, and then decided to change directions into more of just a fun arena shooter. The map in my video is an original Warsow map, it may have been ported to Quake, but it was made for Warsow.

I've always loved watching DeFraG videos, my favorite ones are the ones made by KOS featuring w3sp. Here's the second one:

Also if you want to see some great CPM action, there's another fairly recent movie by KOS, which is easily one of the best frag movies made to date.

If you do try Warsow Race, I'm sure you'll have fun, most of the maps are from DeFraG, but since the movement is different, there's many more possibilities, making it very fun.


Quote from: simonlc

Also if you want to see some great CPM action, there's another fairly recent movie by KOS, which is easily one of the best frag movies made to date.

If you do try Warsow Race, I'm sure you'll have fun, most of the maps are from DeFraG, but since the movement is different, there's many more possibilities, making it very fun.

I will try it for sure. That video was really good. Thanks! | The Soul Sacrifice Companion


The hardest game I have ever played in relation to the time the game took to finish it, was definitely Ikaruga. It takes only 25 minutes till the end but it took me over 100 hours to master it. One of the most fascinating games I ever played, because of the combosystem, polarityswitching, the speed, the music, the graphics and the ingenious architecture throughout the whole game. Brings back good memories ^^


skill based =?= experience based

i'd consider a game on which players' score (maybe not called so) differs as much as possible just in their FIRST (or first few) play. (assuming most of the players are interested in it and haven't practiced any game with similar mechanism)

one might be minecraft-like sandbox games, which requires creativity, though it looks a little far from the word "skill".

and those of a collection of various small games with simple rules and just requiring fast reflection, not a few in apple app store.
a girl of my friends played it on her ipad in her free time but get low scores over and over again, and she told me to try. and i broke most of her records within 1 to 3 tries. general gaming experience may be helping, but much more "general" than experience of a specific game.


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Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)