Hello from a new Tetris fan.

Started by Extruderx, January 07, 2013, 05:45:39 AM

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Hello to the HardDrop community! I started playing Tetris recently, six months ago. I always try to pick up something new, and this time I've chosen simple, but at the same time deep and complex puzzle. It has proven itself to be surprisingly addictive.
My favourite game so far is Cultris 2: it has high speed, good combo system and smooth gameplay at the same time. I've found it around the Internet, because I was seeking a good client oriented at competitive play. Competitions surely make anything better, though I'm not a very fast player and specialized on swiss cheese mode (dig race). I also play Blockbox and Nullpomino League, primarily for sprints and survivor mode, as I rarely happen to find players there in my timezone.

I found HardDrop after some time playing. This has been very useful to me, as I discovered many interesting things like T-spins and how to make them. So I signed up recently to hopefully find something new again.
P. S. I've made a few improvements today which were inspired by this thread. I'll post there soon.



Welcome ^^

It's nice to see someone aiming to be well-rounded rather than just simply fast.


Quote from: qwerty098765
It's nice to see someone aiming to be well-rounded rather than just simply fast.
like meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
welcome fellow addict

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


yeah welcome to HD! you will find some really cool people here, and everyone here is really nice and helpful! dont be afraid to ask quesitons
40 line sprint in Nullpomino: 32.88



Welcome! You mentioned about learning t-spins but I assume you know that t-spins to not offer a bonus in Cultris... But if you try a client called Nulpomino its highly customizable and great for learning new tricks
Drew- Sprint-45.11; 2.2616 PPS


Quote from: dkorn725
I assume you know that t-spins to not offer a bonus in Cultris...
Yes, I do. I use them mainly to cover misdrops and downstack faster. I'm not good to use t-spins for attacking and sending lines in other games, because I simply cannot stack well for t-spin triples yet. That's also one of the reasons I play the games I picked before, as they don't reward t-spin bonuses, and I keep being beaten by advanced users of spins. I don't know the Nullpomino garbage table though - this game possibly has that sort of bonus.

Yep, it's better to be all-rounded, so learning to stack TST is one of my next priorities. Basic Nullpo has too many features - I'd rather like to have dig race and dig challenge mode in League. Is the multiplayer compatible between these games? Because if no, I'll keep playing standard NullpoMino version among others.

Thanks to everyone for meeting.


Hi Belated welcome from a fellow Cultriser.

If you are faster in Cultris, you should really try out 2 previews. I don't think you can do it in Nullpo League but in Nullpo 7.5.


Quote from: Extruderx
stack TST
Why do you wanna learn that?

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Simply 2 be wider. If you think I really don't need that, I will concentrate on something other. I just heard that Nullpomino's table (and some other games) offers bonuses for that, so getting various setups right will give me an advantage. If stacking TST in Nullpo is inefficient, please let me know.

Integration: 2 previews idea is really nice, I've got to try that.


Quote from: Extruderx
Simply 2 be wider. If you think I really don't need that, I will concentrate on something other. I just heard that Nullpomino's table (and some other games) offers bonuses for that, so getting various setups right will give me an advantage. If stacking TST in Nullpo is inefficient, please let me know.
nullpo 7.5 or league edition?
most tetris games send 6 lines for a tst and  7 lines for a B2B tst(tetris battle sends nine for a b2b tst). i wouldn't say to not learn it, cause if you learn it you can learn to use them mid game when you need to or if you see a perfect opportunity for one. but for an actual opening setup, i wouldnt always use it unless you can set it up pretty fast. ( when you say setup, do you mean something like this?)

or something like these?
cause i was talking about the b2b setup which is in that picture.

sorry if i was confusing

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


No, it wasn't. Actually I mean both, but I refer to the wiki link stuff as setups, and the b2b on your fumen as openers after reading this thread (doesn't mean I can't stack the openers again in middle of battle). Firstly I'll learn the ones on the wiki (of course) to use them in midgame, then I'll start learning the B2B openers (like the one on your fumen) to be flexible and initiate the attack without relying on combo openers. I've finally found the table for League, the combos are weakened the most (0-0-1-1-1-2), and TST's send the most garbage in one hit (6 and 7 with B2B), so using the opener could be interesting. I don't know values for basic NP's VS-rule though.


Can you please describe your history as a Russian Tetrist? It seems that Tetris is not very popular in its country of origin. Perhaps you can help us understand why.  


Extruder, it's true that TST's send more raw lines than TSDs, but the problem with TST is that its much more inflexible and less prevalent than a TSD. You don't come across a natural TST opportunity very often, and personally I believe too much time and artificial effort is invested to create a TST, in relation to creating a TSD. Furthermore, the vertical nature of a TST makes it more dangerous than the safer horizontal nature of a TSD. And the TSD method makes it easier to abort/convert to other techniques such as Tetris or combos, great flexibility. These are some of the reasons that virtually every pro prefers to stick with TSD (FST).

But if you are still insistent on learning TST, then do make sure to check out this useful setup by Kevincentius. Unlike the standard BTB TST setup thats obnoxiously high, this one is much more managable and also sends considerably more lines than other popular TST setups. It's by far the most efficient TST opener I've seen, and it should help you a lot in your TST practice.