Challenge: Purely Tetris

Started by Phthalocyaniine, January 03, 2013, 12:33:14 PM

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Caffeine at 64! 8D. Integration, you'll have to step up again now >D.


Ts, ts Caffeine doesn't want to share glory. This must be punished! First punishment is to ridicule his piece placements. That's the situation which caused the downfall:


This would have been better:


No reproach. I could have stepped in the same trap. I know it can be demoralizing when you stack pretty high and there's still no I piece in sight. I would have played slower though. Sometimes mistakes are punished (by misstake), sometimes not. If you had come up with a 75, I would have been demoralized. So you just spurred me. The empire will strike back!


Excellent analysis, Integration. Thank you. I quickly placed that first L without much thought because I saw two more coming and thought I'd only need one at most in my field. However, I underestimated how unprepared my field was to suit the coming S/Zs.


Got 91 tetrises in Nullpo, memoryless, 6 previews. I was using Caff's version of Nullpo (don't know if that affects the replay).

You guys can get 100! My best before that, a couple hours earlier, was 52.


Jujube you're a God damned Tetris genius! I look forward to besting your record (might take a few months though!)


The game ended with a misdrop. Could have been a 100. Nevertheless, congrats.

I am discouraged now. I tend to go for caffeine's 1 preview record first.


Quote from: caffeineJujube you're a God damned Tetris genius! I look forward to besting your record (might take a few months though!)
Quote from: IntegrationI am discouraged now. I tend to go for caffeine's 1 preview record first.
Haha come on you guys, you know if you can get to 50 you can survive much longer. It takes some luck here and there but sooner or later it'll just happen. I played a couple more hours and the best I could do was 54, so if not for this one game I'd be in 3rd place!

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]The game ended with a misdrop. Could have been a 100. Nevertheless, congrats.[/quote]
Yeah, I don't know if I would've gotten out of that situation anyway though. I stood up an I in the 2nd column from the left because I thought it would give me the best shape for the rest of my stack, but then I needed a couple I's to get things safe again, and there wasn't one coming yet iirc.

There was also a time around 100 lines when I closed off my tetris hole and somehow stacked 8 high over it and got the I's I needed to clear it out. That was pretty fortunate.


Quote from: jujubeHaha come on you guys, you know if you can get to 50 you can survive much longer. It takes some luck here and there but sooner or later it'll just happen.
Rather later than sooner. Let's say the chance of getting 50 in a row in a certain try is 1/20 = 5% (that's gernerously estimated). Then the chance of getting 50 twice in a row is (1/20)*(1/20) = 1/400 = 0.25%. This should be pretty equivalent to getting 100. Just wanted to illustrate my reservations of the quoted statement. I know I am a natural born pessimist.


Those numbers seem pretty accurate.

I'm just trying to have fun with it for now and I'm not really concerned with the result. If I hadn't reached this perspective on it I probably would've given up already. Maybe 100 will happen someday, but I'll just consider it a lucky run. I'm starting to feel a sense of accomplishment when I fill the entire well and top out without a single 'I' in my stack, rather than getting frustrated with the randomizer. It seems to happen more often than reaching 50 tetrises, so it's something to keep me going.

Also I've been working on some platforming techniques that have saved me from time to time. Here's one:



Quote from: jujube

Jujube, first off congrats on your 91 achievement! Radically impressive, dude    

But regarding your fumen, while I understand your reasoning in platforming, isn't the placement of the O followed by the J a rather risky and aggressive move? Especially in this mode (infinite Tetris) that requires a strict conservative gameplay?

That said, I personally would've just cleared the S platform with a flat L, and then continued platforming using more appropriate pieces, such as a hook L, line piece, flat upside down J, etc.

But just my opinion! What does a panda know  


Panda, please read what topic you are posting in before you post.

This is a challenge topic where you see how many consecutive Tetrises you can make. Your suggestion clearly shows that you have not even read the opening post properly, because you suggest clearing less than four lines at a time, which ends your streak (i.e. you lose the challenge). What jujube did in that fumen is brilliant!
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Quote from: StS
Panda, please read what topic you are posting in before you post.

This is a challenge topic where you see how many consecutive Tetrises you can make. Your suggestion clearly shows that you have not even read the opening post properly, because you suggest clearing less than four lines at a time, which ends your streak (i.e. you lose the challenge). What jujube did in that fumen is brilliant!


I deserve damnation, no I deserve eternal damnation, no I deserve the god-forbidden Wall Timeout.

This honestly just made my day. My own ignorance is a never-ending source of entertainment.


The 'no soft drop and fix" "no instant drop and fix" "no deep drop" and "no waiting" rules can all be condensed into a single rule.

"NO placing a piece in a spot you could't reach by hard dropping (with lock) from the top row."

That's what you really mean.


Oh but theres always room for repetition and emphasis ^^.
And Panda... shame on you! How dare you not read my thread properly!

To the stocks you go w/ wet salty feet and a goat!


Thanks guys, and don't worry about it Panda, it happens

StS - It could work really well at the right time, if you're keen to the situation and watching for those pieces, but I haven't actually done it outside of practice. It would be great to see someone doing things like that all the time haha.