Ecstasy of Order now available for free on Hulu

Started by mobuco, December 04, 2012, 08:11:42 AM

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According to the message I get when I try to load it, "doesn't work in all countries" = "doesn't work outside the USA" :\



I wonder why they subtitled Alexey. He was one of the few persons I could understand perfectly. Is this racism?  

Can you completely watch Thor's perfect game (max out, starting level 19, reached level 30=00) somewhere?


Quote from: Integration
Can you completely watch Thor's perfect game (max out, starting level 19, reached level 30=00) somewhere?

The DVD has Thor's full game in the extras.


Why isn't it on Youtube? I mean it must have been 1 and a half year ago. Is it because of Ecstasy of Order?


Quote from: Integration
Why isn't it on Youtube? I mean it must have been 1 and a half year ago. Is it because of Ecstasy of Order?

It was on vimeo, but I think you are right that they took it off because of the movie.