Weird things you encounter on your runs

Started by ohitsstef, October 17, 2012, 06:32:38 PM

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I swallowed a fly on my run. I swear.


That happened tonight. T_T

What weird thing have you done/encountered on your run??

coughs xael

We do not forgive. We do not forget.



Also another time I ran, this lady was standing at the stop sign with her dog on a leash - leash in hand... and when I ran by her, she whispered, "Faster! Faster!!"

Yeah that creeped the f out of me

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


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Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


Funny you make this thread....

Today with my cross country team, we went out for a routine easy run of 45-50 minutes. Five minutes in, we hear an incessant honking about twenty metres down the road. The source? A person working on a the construction of a house carelessly driving his bulldozer around while listening to music. Needless to say, he couldn't hear the honks and backed into the van, leaving quite the mark on the front. The driver was pissed (understandably), and the guy in the dozer didn't really seem to care. The driver was screaming for the guy to call his insurance company, while the worked nonchalantly sat back on his dozer to continue his work. I'm not sure what's more peculiar, the fact that we saw something like that happen, or that the worked seemed to not care for the fact that he just damaged somebody else's vehicle. Anyhow, our team looped around another street to avoid having to pass closely to the conflict.

As if that wasn't strange enough, one of our weaker runners was experiencing stomach problems and said he couldn't run or he'd poop his pants. So as we went into the ravine...

After that taking a path back towards our school, a couple guys noticed a fox running to cover under a cedar tree. Not commonly seen on the streets of the area, we paused to watch it a bit. Surprisingly, the fox was not aggressive AT ALL, although we were only standing about two or three metres away from it, leading a few of us to believe that it was rabid.

Upon our return to school, we were told the news that one of our team's female runners had been sent to the hospital. I arrived a bit later, so I'm still not sure what happened, but in short, she fell and/or bit down hard and somehow opened up a gaping hole below the lower lip. Yikes.

I suppose that these incidences occurred as a result of having a completely normal season so far. Not much time to ponder these incidences though, as the biggest race of the season (and maybe my life) will be taking place next week.
In ARS we trust.


I have seen roadrunners and coyotes on bike trails and once I accidentally drank a bee.  


Quote from: Sisu
I have seen roadrunners and coyotes on bike trails and once I accidentally drank a bee.  


I saw a bunny today and contemplated on catching it for rabbit stew.. yum.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I almost ran over a squirrel a few months ago because there are a lot of squirrels where I live.

I was scared because when I was younger I stepped on a mouse and it's freaky.


Quote from: ohitsstef
coughs xael
I run at a place called "the bay run"

There are always 3x as many walkers as runners.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


a lot of homeless, always interesting convos
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