History Repeats Itself

Started by ohitsstef, August 22, 2012, 07:39:33 AM

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Quote from: DAS44
In lieu of saying "consistent moderation" (the idea does not lack merit, it's the basis for successful communities I take part in) let's think of the best steps we can to move towards that.

StS made a good point earlier, namely that more active and competent moderators should be appointed.

I believe this expansion of moderators would benefit HD by 1) Clearing the perception of a "tyranny" with only one moderator calling the shots, 2) Obligate moderators to consult with each other and potentially result in more balanced, consistent actions, and last but not least 3) Save Myndzi from topping out in frustration.


Quote from: ohitsstef
for anyone who doesn't know the story
someone asked who sheena was and they didn't like her because she was rude
then another person popped in and called sheena the "female corrosive" while myndzi was there and he did nothing.

For this to require action, two things would have to be true:
1) It would have to be an insult or personal attack
2) It would have to be false

For 1, it would require me to essentially declare that Corrosive, the person, is an insult. I won't do that.
For 2, in the context in which it was said, it was true to the extent that it was meant.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
Also how does calling oneself an "emo bitch" result in a warning?

Language and surrounding context.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
But seriously where is the modding for this thread? all of the irrelevant replies should be deleted or users should get warned for not staying on topic

The topic is the subject of conversation.
See: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/topic

This thread is not off topic, it's just not what you wanted. Also everything that Rosti said. And after that, I don't object to off-topic discussion in its own right, only when it's disruptive, unproductive, or otherwise against the rules. And furthermore, after that this thread needed to be had. And then lastly, not a democracy. I'm doing everything I can to be fair and objective, and that's the best I can offer. If you want this thread to shift course so much, maybe instead of taking shots at my moderation actions, you could... I don't know, contribute to the thread as you claim you intended it to be.

Not once in your opening post did you address the purported topic you are currently complaining about. On Something Awful, an OP who posts a thread that asks everybody else to contribute but doesn't themselves contribute is ridiculed, probated, or banned. I guess I'm just a nice guy.


2 in panda's list means we can't have quick moderation. Sometimes mods need to make quick decisions.
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: myndzi
For this to require action, two things would have to be true:
1) It would have to be an insult or personal attack
2) It would have to be false

For 1, it would require me to essentially declare that Corrosive, the person, is an insult. I won't do that.
For 2, in the context in which it was said, it was true to the extent that it was meant.
Language and surrounding context.
The topic is the subject of conversation.
See: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/topic

It wasn't directed towards you, it was attacking me. I did get offended, the only reason why it was left at that was because I'm banned from the sb, but I'm pretty sure if I wasn't and fought back towards them that I would be the one who got banned and not them.

Also you told us "not to be a dick" isn't that not allowed then if I can't call myself a "little emo bitch"?
You could of used a different term and so could of I, but we didn't and I get the warning?


Quote from: myndzi
For this to require action, two things would have to be true:
1) It would have to be an insult or personal attack
2) It would have to be false

For 1, it would require me to essentially declare that Corrosive, the person, is an insult. I won't do that.
For 2, in the context in which it was said, it was true to the extent that it was meant.

The topic is the subject of conversation.
See: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/topic

This thread is not off topic, it's just not what you wanted. Also everything that Rosti said. And after that, I don't object to off-topic discussion in its own right, only when it's disruptive, unproductive, or otherwise against the rules. And furthermore, after that this thread needed to be had. And then lastly, not a democracy. I'm doing everything I can to be fair and objective, and that's the best I can offer. If you want this thread to shift course so much, maybe instead of taking shots at my moderation actions, you could... I don't know, contribute to the thread as you claim you intended it to be.

Not once in your opening post did you address the purported topic you are currently complaining about. On Something Awful, an OP who posts a thread that asks everybody else to contribute but doesn't themselves contribute is ridiculed, probated, or banned. I guess I'm just a nice guy.

To you it's not offensive to be classified in the same category as Corrosive, but maybe it would've been if it was directed towards you. Either way, in your posting guidelines it says specifically do not attack members. Whether or not you found it to be offensive, the user who said it wasn't saying it out of kindness. How is being called "rude" not an insult? Sheena would've said something but she was not banned from the sb.

ex: If someone on the sb said that x was a douche. It's not true and maybe some people can twist it to say that being called a douche isn't offensive.. but in the end it's still offensive.

This thread is open to users to discuss what they want for Harddrop in the future, not what they found in my opening as offensive or wrong. Of course there will always be people who disagree with others, that's just how life is, however my question was straight forward and at the beginning of the thread. Right at the top. Which afterwards I stated my opinions.

And by answering my question I stated my opinion of which I thought HD did not need oppressive modding. Then other people added on that consistent modding would be nice. Does the OP need to pull a Rosti in order to get a straight answer?

But I will expand my answer and say that I agree with what Panda posted ahead of me - the modding crew does need to be bigger and more active. This will relieve stress on you, since you're the only active mod that I've seen on, as well as help the modding crew come to quicker solution on what to do with inappropriate actions taking place on the site.

I think that it's nice of you're taking things into your own hands when the original administrator does not care for the site anymore. However fair and consistent modding would be nice. You wrote the rules and pinned them in the forums so be consistent.

Finally, since I've noticed that Blink doesn't care for the site as much as you do (Myndzi) I think it'd be appropriate for him to hand the torch over to you once and for all so you can make changes for the site without having to wait on him.

Good enough?

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: sheenie
It wasn't directed towards you, it was attacking me. I did get offended, the only reason why it was left at that was because I'm banned from the sb, but I'm pretty sure if I wasn't and fought back towards them that I would be the one who got banned and not them.

Probably, but not for the reason you seem to think. It's more likely that you would get in a fight with them and refuse to cease at request. I can't help you if you get offended at being compared to someone who you act comparably to.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
Also you told us "not to be a dick" isn't that not allowed then if I can't call myself a "little emo bitch"?
You could of used a different term and so could of I, but we didn't and I get the warning?

As has been discussed in this thread, swearing specifically has not been disallowed on the forums. The shoutbox has more stringent requirements because it is more public-facing. You will note that the shoutbox still has a swear filter and the forums do not.


Quote from: myndzi
Probably, but not for the reason you seem to think. It's more likely that you would get in a fight with them and refuse to cease at request. I can't help you if you get offended at being compared to someone who you act comparably to.

I honestly don't feel like I'm a female Corrosive, BUT it doesn't matter right? Because you're a mod and only what you think of me is right? Even if I felt like i was being attacked, it's justified because you agree with them.

Well then I can simply can SirJei a douche and I'm def not attacking because it's true. Oh wait I'm not a mod. Let me warn myself to save you trouble, SHEENIE YOU BEEN WARNED!


Quote from: ohitsstef
To you it's not offensive to be classified in the same category as Corrosive, but maybe it would've been if it was directed towards you. Either way, in your posting guidelines it says specifically do not attack members.

What part of 'treating it as an attack would be the same as declaring a member of the forums is inherently an insult' did you not understand? You're grasping at everything you can to try and decry me but you're not contributing any actual content to the thread, least of all the kind of content you claim it is supposed to be about.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]How is being called "rude" not an insult?[/quote]
When it's true.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]This thread is open to users to discuss what they want for Harddrop in the future, not what they found in my opening as offensive or wrong. Of course there will always be people who disagree with others, that's just how life is, however my question was straight forward and at the beginning of the thread. Right at the top. Which afterwards I stated my opinions. [/quote]

None of which answered the question of "what do you want for Harddrop in the future"?

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]But I will expand my answer and say that I agree with what Panda posted ahead of me - the modding crew does need to be bigger and more active. This will relieve stress on you, since you're the only active mod that I've seen on, as well as help the modding crew come to quicker solution on what to do with inappropriate actions taking place on the site. [/quote]
Funny, I recently tried to do just that. You don't have much of a high horse to get on with this topic.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
I think that it's nice of you're taking things into your own hands when the original administrator does not care for the site anymore. However fair and consistent modding would be nice. You wrote the rules and pinned them in the forums so be consistent.

As stated before many times, it is impossible to be "consistent". Every situation is unique and there are always differences to latch onto. Were you in my place, I could pick over your every word and action and find things and claim they aren't consistent and you weren't fair and wahhh moderator abuse and police state and so forth. It's easy to throw stones when you don't have to actually think about any of the situations in question.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
Finally, since I've noticed that Blink doesn't care for the site as much as you do (Myndzi) I think it'd be appropriate for him to hand the torch over to you once and for all so you can make changes for the site without having to wait on him.

You can paint a skunk white and it'll still be a skunk. Your posts have been quite clear about your stance even if you're unwilling to admit it, and throwing a bone with a one sentence aside at the end of your post that goes completely against the tone and nature of your other, far longer posts, is far from proof otherwise. I'm done playing this game. Your complaints have been noted.