Tetris Tournament Online II Discussion & Match Reports

Started by Blink, July 27, 2012, 09:52:14 PM

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Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


"Put some stank on those blocks."


Quote from: MarioThePhenom
a referee? probably not...lol what would you need to ref in a tetris game? if your opp is hacking, screen shot it:p

Haha well, I guess there wouldn't really be much in terms of rulings to make but I was curious how wins/losses would be be "officially" recorded. As in, self reported or otherwise.


Last time there was a thread for score reporting. It'd probably be a good idea to keep screenshots in case there is a dispute on the final score. Anyhow, there should be more detailed instructions when the first round of matches draw near.
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>




Quote from: ambitiousr
Haha well, I guess there wouldn't really be much in terms of rulings to make but I was curious how wins/losses would be be "officially" recorded. As in, self reported or otherwise.
im pretty sure you just take a screen shot as back up like kitaru said, but from my previous experiences in tourneys, normally the score is never questioned, and the loser doesnt try and say he actually won

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Correction: Prizes are not provided by Tetris Online but rather Blue Planet Software. Very sorry about the mistake!
